The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 1040: 1039 [Two little suggestions]

   Historically, Roosevelt was really dragged by his three allies and was forced to choose a compromise location. After all, from a geographical point of view, Egypt is located in the middle area of ​​China, the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union, and no one will feel the loss of face and momentum.

  According to Roosevelt's original plan, the four heads of state should attend the Cairo Conference, and he also counted Stalin.

   But Stalin was dead, because the Soviet Union and Japan signed a neutrality pact, and Japan and China were at war. As a result, after the Cairo Conference, Roosevelt had to arrange a Tehran conference to discuss wartime and postwar issues related to the Soviet Union.

Chang Kaishen was very satisfied with the Cairo location. He asked: "Because of the Stilwell issue, Sino-US relations have been deteriorating again and again. If I attend the summit, I will inevitably have disagreements with Roosevelt on certain issues. Sino-US relations become more rigid? If I don't reject Roosevelt, won't I be able to fight for China's interests? Mingcheng thinks how to solve this situation?"

   "Fight for what should be fought. Roosevelt is not a child, he will take care of the overall situation." Zhou Hexuan said.

   Lao Jiang has always been unenthusiastic about participating in the summit meeting of the Allied Powers. Even the United States has set the venue for the meeting in Cairo, but he still does not want to go. This situation made Roosevelt extremely speechless. He could only coax Lao Jiang to be happy like a child. He specially proposed to list China in the "Moscow Declaration", and Lao Jiang was finally happy - in fact, the "Moscow Declaration" was the British, American and Soviet Union countries. The results of the foreign ministers' meeting have nothing to do with China's fart.

  Besides the fear that the relationship between China and the United States will continue to deteriorate, there are two other reasons for Chiang Kai-shek's reluctance to attend the summit.

First, Lao Jiang felt that China was abandoned by the United Kingdom, despised by the United States, and envied by the Soviet Union (old Jiang’s original words). .

  Secondly, Lao Jiang felt that he was not suitable for diplomacy and lacked skilled social skills. He once screwed up in a diplomatic event, so he warned himself: "From now on, we must rarely see European and American personnel, unless it is a last resort, not to be seen, and not to be common. The rest should be hidden and not exposed, and respect for the country. also."

   But no matter how many reasons, Chang Kaishen's reluctance to participate in the international summit has exposed his short-sighted international vision.

   What the heck is a fight without a meeting to divide the spoils?

   Changed to the leader of another country, which one is not excited to go, and can't wait to get more benefits at the meeting. Even if it is an invisible and intangible benefit, even if it is temporarily unavailable, it should be settled on an international document first.

   And Lao Jiang chose to escape reality. If it wasn't for Roosevelt's five or six invitations, there would be no Chinese face at the Cairo Conference.

Hearing what Zhou Hexuan said, Chang Kaishen said that he was very embarrassed: "The most important thing for China is to win the war of resistance against Japan, so I can't offend Britain and the United States too much. But as a leader of China, I can't betray national interests. On issues such as Hong Kong and Kowloon, It must have been impossible to negotiate with Churchill. We can’t fight, and we have to fight, so what should we do? Well, China’s own strength is not strong enough, otherwise why should we look at the faces of other countries.”

   Zhou Hexuan asked: "How many times has President Roosevelt invited?"

   "This is the third time," Chang Kaishen said. "Originally, I was reluctant to go to the meeting, but if I refuse, I'm afraid Roosevelt will be annoyed. That's why I asked Mingcheng to discuss it."

Zhou Hexuan said with a smile: "Why did Roosevelt invite Chinese leaders to meetings again and again? This shows that China's battlefield plays a pivotal role in the entire world war. This is the confidence of China, and this is also the confidence of you, Chairman. Anti-fascism War is inevitable, so the focus of this meeting is how to win China's post-war interests!"

  Chang Kaishen told the truth in front of Zhou Hexuan: "I'm afraid of coming to Versailles again."

   "Even if it is another Versailles, it will be beneficial to China, at least we have won the interests on paper." Zhou Hexuan advised.

  Chang Kaishen added: "I have a bad relationship with Churchill. I'm afraid we can't agree on the Hong Kong and Kowloon issues and the Tibet issue. Is there any good way to do this?"

  It may be because Zhou Hexuan is too famous, or because Zhou Hexuan has written more than 100 papers on international current affairs in recent years, and it has become a reality, so Lao Jiang believes in Zhou Hexuan's international vision, so he can't wait to invite Zhou Hexuan to discuss.

   Zhou Hexuan thought about it and said, "The key lies in the United States."

   "What does the Hong Kong, Kowloon and Tibet issues have to do with the United States?" Chang Kaishen didn't understand at all.

Zhou Hexuan said with a smile: "When the war is over, Britain will inevitably lose its status as the world's number one power, and the United States will become the new hegemon. In order to stabilize its hegemony, the United States will definitely attack Britain, such as forcing Britain to give up certain colonies. Commissioner The Hong Kong, Kowloon and Tibet issues that you are embarrassed about for a long time are actually in the interests of the United States, and the United States is eager for the United Kingdom to make compromises with China. Therefore, as long as you show support for the post-war strategy of the United States, I believe Roosevelt will do everything to help you."

   "Roosevelt will really help me?" Chang Kaishen expressed doubts.

  In Chang Kaishen's diary during the Anti-Japanese War, his attitude towards Britain and the United States was inferior and resentful. He felt abandoned and despised by Britain and the United States, and regarded both Roosevelt and Churchill as **** who looked down on the poor, so he did not believe that Roosevelt would help him at all.

"Yes, Roosevelt is eager for the weakening of British overseas power," Zhou Hexuan said. "When negotiating, your tone must be gentle and your attitude must be tough. You don't have to talk too much nonsense to Churchill, you just need to keep suggesting Roosevelt and China. Will support U.S. interests in Asia and Europe after the war."

   "I understand," Chang Kaishen took out a few more documents, "Mingcheng, look at this again, is there anything else to add?"

   These documents were discussed by Chang Kaishen's chamberlain, and they were about the interests of post-war China. The general content is as follows: Japan should return Northeast China, Taiwan and Penghu to China, ensure the independence of Korea after the war, ensure the independence of Thailand after the war, and ensure the status of overseas Chinese in Southeast Asian countries. There are also some disposal plans for Japan, Sino-US economic cooperation plans, proposals for leasing materials from the United States, and so on.

   Zhou Hexuan smiled and held the globe, pointed to the southeast of China and said, "You can add two more to ensure the independence of Ryukyu and the return of the Diaoyu Islands to China."

  Chang Kaishen didn't take the Ryukyu and Diaoyu Islands seriously at all, he said casually: "It's totally fine. Is there anything else?"

Zhou Hexuan said: "If you want to make good friends with Roosevelt, you can add a few more items. For example, Japan will be taken over by the United States after the war, the United States can legally station troops in Japan, and the military spending of the US military in Japan should be provided by Japan, etc. I believe that Roosevelt will definitely very happy."

   "Yes, these should be added." Chang Kaishen felt suddenly enlightened, and finally he was no longer afraid of being a foil at the international summit.

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