The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 1052: 1051【Socialist Britain】

  London, Docks.

  11-year-old Zhou Chunxi was wearing a floral dress and was led down the gangway by Zhou Hexuan. Suddenly, she broke free and ran forward, shouting happily, "Mom!"

   "Darling," Vivien Leigh put her arms around her daughter, her eyes wet with excitement, she touched the top of her daughter's head and said, "It's so tall that my mother almost didn't recognize it."

   Ornis still looks like a handsome middle-aged guy, but there is a pinch of white hair on his temples. He smiled and said, "I only know my mother, don't you know my grandfather?"

   "Grandpa." Zhou Chunxi threw himself into Ornis' arms again.

   Zhou Hexuan walked over quickly, Vivien Leigh tilted her head and smiled at him. The two quickly hugged, and Vivien Leigh took the initiative to send a kiss, and there were many couples around them who were doing this.

   After years of war that separated countless relatives and friends, now is the time to enjoy the reunion.

   Everyone got into the car, and Zhou Chunxi cuddled in her mother's arms and acted like a spoiled child. Ornis described the basic situation of the United Kingdom: "The government's economy is very bad, not only owes the foreign debt of the United States, but also the national debt of its citizens. The new Prime Minister Attlee is gradually canceling the wartime control, and many military-related industries are going to be sold to Private. If you are interested, you can go and buy a few military factories, or even a tank factory.”

   "Why did I buy that thing?" Zhou Hexuan said with a smile.

  Ornis said: "I bought a tank factory, and I definitely can't use it to produce tanks. But the equipment and workers are there, and I can switch to producing cars at any time, so I plan to buy a few factories."

   The sale of state-owned factories to private individuals was a last resort in the early days of Attlee's administration, and he had to use this method to relieve financial pressure. When the British government recovers, it will immediately launch a series of socialist reforms. In six years, nearly 3,000 companies, factories and mines have been nationalized, and the national welfare policy has been gradually implemented.

   The Second World War directly changed the way of thinking of the British, the social atmosphere turned to the left collectively, and socialist ideas became increasingly popular among the people.

   British people, strongly demand the realization of socialism!

   Let’s take an example first. In the face of the German bombing, the British government twice evacuated the urban population to rural areas. People from the upper class in the city came to the backward countryside and found that the UK was still so poor. Women and children in the urban slums were arranged to live in the homes of the middle and upper class landlords in the countryside. The ignorance of these urban bottom-class refugees about ordinary daily necessities made them own telephones. , the country homeowner of the car was dismayed.

The war made the various classes of the British who have been in contact with each other begin to interact. This is simply a journey of Britain's "Poverty Discovery". During the period, the miserable conditions of the lower working class and peasant class were exposed, which inspired some middle and upper class people to reform the society. expectations.

   In the words of former British Prime Minister Chamberlain: "I never knew this existed, and I am ashamed of my ignorance of the situation of my fellow men. During my lifetime, I will try to help them to have a clean and healthy life."

   Of course, this is only a change in moral values, and more powerful is a change in the political status quo.

   In order to tap the potential of war and continuously improve social welfare, it became a common phenomenon for workers to participate in enterprise management during wartime. After tasting the taste of rights and interests, where is the working class willing to let go? They are desperate for socialist reform, which is precisely in line with Labour's governing philosophy.

  So, just after World War II, the British people couldn't wait to let Churchill go.

  The socialist reform in Britain lasted for twenty or thirty years, until Margaret Thatcher came to power, and the capitalists finally began to fight back. At that time, a large number of state-owned enterprises in the United Kingdom were privatized, social welfare continued to decline, and Mrs. Thatcher turned socialist Britain into capitalist Britain again.

   In the eyes of wartime and postwar Britons, socialism meant that everyone was entitled to reasonably good housing, good health care, equal opportunity and a decent life.

   As a result, the middle and lower classes in the UK frantically sent votes to Attlee. When Attlee won the general election and Churchill stepped down sadly, the whole world was dumbfounded, including the British domestic media, which felt like a dream.

   At the time, the British media described it like this: "An empty taxi stopped and Attlee came out." - just like conjuring a trick.

   The most embarrassing thing was Churchill. He was attending the Potsdam Conference on behalf of the United Kingdom at the time. The prime minister was changed when the conference was open. When the conference was closed, it had become Attlee and Stalin and Truman took a photo together.


The   pharmaceutical factory was bombed twice during the war, and Ornis's house in downtown London was also bombed. Fortunately, their country house was still well preserved.

   As soon as he got back to the villa, Ornis threw out a lot of report data.

   Zhou Hexuan flipped through the key content and found that the "Royal Pharmaceutical Company" had become a giant with sulfonamide and penicillin. Just two series of drugs, sulfonamide and penicillin, have derived more than ten varieties. In the past five years, seven drug companies have been acquired and merged, and there are more than 60 kinds of drugs.

   What's more, there are several radiopharmaceuticals.

  From the discovery of radium by Marie Curie to the present, radioactive elements are like panacea, which can cure all diseases.

  Have a headache? It's okay, there is "thorium" in my headache water, which is guaranteed to solve your headache problem. Stomach ache? It's okay, my pills contain "radium", so it won't hurt if I take a few more pills.

   Even the cosmetics used by women and the toys that children like have also made signs of radioactive elements.

  In the early 1930s, radioactive potions in the United States were eaten to death, but the US government only limited the content of radioactive elements. The radioactive material really makes people smell it, and it has to wait until two atomic bombs explode in Japan.

   Zhou Hexuan sweated wildly: "Don't produce these radioactive drugs."

   "Why? These medicines are very popular." Ornis wondered.

   Zhou Hexuan said: "Radioactive substances are harmful to the human body, and long-term use will eat dead people."

   "You think too much." Ornis laughed.

   Zhou Hexuan didn't explain anymore, anyway, the atomic bomb was about to be thrown into Japan, and it would not be too late to withdraw it at that time - the content of radioactive substances in these medicines is very low.

  Ornis said: "The preparations for the listing of the pharmaceutical company have been completed, but I hope to change the shareholding."

   "Yes, you are in charge of the pharmaceutical factory, you should take more shares." Zhou Hexuan said.

Ornis shook his head and said, "I don't need it. I mean, give Rebecca some equity to be supervised by Vivian before she reaches adulthood. When I die, my 15% equity will also be transferred to Rebecca."

   "No problem." Zhou Hexuan didn't care, Xiaochunxi was his daughter anyway. Even if Ornis wanted to give Vivien Leigh equity, Zhou Hexuan would not object, after all, Ornis's business was enlarged by Ornis.

   After thinking for a while, Zhou Hexuan asked again, "Where's the king?"

  Ornis laughed: "The king doesn't value money, he prefers art, wine and cigarettes."

   Two weeks later, Royal Pharmaceuticals was listed on the London Stock Exchange.

   Zhou Hexuan holds 35% of the shares, Ornis holds 12% of the shares, George VI holds 8% of the shares, Zhou Chunxi holds 10% of the shares (managed by Vivien Leigh), and the remaining 35% of the shares are used for public offering and rewarding employees.

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