1956, early summer.

  Cambridge University, Trinity College.

   Zhou Weilie threw away the chalk, patted the chalk dust in his hands and said, "Okay, this semester's class is over, I wish the students a smooth exam. Class is over!"

  The students left the classroom one after another, but a blonde girl came to the podium with a textbook.

   "Professor, can you tell me about your new 'Zhou Weilie's Program'? I'm very interested in it." The blonde student girl blinked, with a bright smile on her face, and the freckles seemed to come alive.

   Zhou Weilie packed up his lecture notes and said, "You're only in your second year of college now. You'll ask this question after you finish graduate school."

   "Why?" The blonde schoolgirl's tone dragged on, sounding more like a spoiled child.

   Zhou Weilie completely ignored it and said mercilessly: "Because you still don't understand now."

The blonde student girl persevered and said: "Then tell me how you perfected and proved the 'Taniyama-Shimura-Zhou Conjecture', and how did you combine this conjecture with your 'Zhou Weilie's Program'? Let's go to the bar or coffee shop. Talk slowly."

   "Another day." Zhou Weilie walked out of the classroom with the lecture notes.

  The blonde schoolgirl stomped her feet in anger, muttering and cursing: "It's a cold machine, she deserves to be single for a lifetime!"


   Zhou Weilie is of course not single all the time. He got two masters and one doctorate from Cambridge University in four years. At the age of nineteen, Zhou Weilie followed Turing to the University of Manchester as a researcher in the computer laboratory, engaged in the software development of "Manchester One".

   During this period, Zhou Weilie made a girlfriend.

   This relationship ended without a hitch, and Zhou Weilie left Manchester a little depressed and was employed as a mathematics lecturer at Trinity College, Cambridge University. Two years later, due to the extended application of the "Riemann-Roch theorem", Zhou Weilie emerged in the international mathematics community, and therefore became an associate professor at Cambridge University.

  This year is the year of Zhou Weilie's mathematical achievements. He met Taniyama Feng and Shimura Goro at an international mathematics conference. During the chat, he learned that the two had proposed new conjectures about elliptic curves and model formulas. He was very interested in this, and found that the conjecture was flawed during the research process, so he completed and proved the conjecture.

  The mathematical community named it "Taniyama-Shimura-Zhou Conjecture".

  At the same time, Zhou Weilie published "The Preliminary Conception of Connected Number Theory, Algebraic Geometry and Reduction Groups" in the journal "Nature". This was a topic he began to study during his Ph.D. study. At that time, it was just a scattered idea. Combined with the new theoretical results introduced by other mathematicians in recent years, Zhou Weilie finally completed his conjecture.

   Once this paper was published, it directly shook the entire mathematics community and played a pivotal role in the development of mathematics in the future. Its results were called "Zhou Weilie's Program".

   Zhou Weilie was not only promoted to a professor at the University of Cambridge, but also awarded the title of academician of the Royal Academy of Sciences, and was accepted as a member of the Royal Society.

   At this time, Zhou Weilie was only 26 years old.


  When the students of Cambridge University were taking their final exams, Zhou Weilie left the school early for Hong Kong under the pretext of visiting relatives.

   Carrying a suitcase and walking out of the dock, seven or eight rickshaw drivers immediately solicited business and asked earnestly, "Sir, are you taking the car?"

   "Go to Taiping Mountain." Zhou Weilie chose one at random.

  Hong Kong and the United Kingdom seem to be two worlds. There are not only rickshaws running fast, trams crawling like turtles, but also ox carts and donkey carts pulling goods. Many street children running and playing are actually naked, and it seems that the family can't even afford clothes.

  Poor, Hong Kong is very poor, completely irrelevant to the "Pearl of the Orient".

  The coachman asked as he ran, "Where are you going to Taiping Mountain, sir?"

   Zhou Weilie said: "Go to the foot of the mountain and take the cable car."

   "The top of the mountain is so beautiful that most of Hong Kong can see it," the coachman asked with a smile, "Did you come back from studying abroad, sir?"

  Zhou Weilie replied, "Yes."

The coachman said: "That gentleman has a bright future. Anyone who has drunk foreign ink can make a lot of money. My cub is studying in Mr. Zhou's Hope Primary School, and his grades are very good. When he grows up, I will send him to study abroad. By the way, sir Your name?"

   "The last name is Zhou." Zhou Weilie said.

"Oh, and Mr. Zhou's family," the coachman said, "Mr. Zhou is a good man. He runs a school without charging tuition, and specializes in taking care of the poor. My cub can also speak Mandarin, which is standard. More than many people from mainland China can say.”

  In Hong Kong in the 1950s, Mandarin was the common language in society, because most Hong Kong people fled from the mainland. Hong Kong movies are also basically in Mandarin, and the main box office market is Taiwan (they can still be sold to the mainland a few years ago). Cantonese movies did not gradually become mainstream until the early 1970s.

   Zhou Hexuan has moved to Hong Kong for ten years. Apart from setting up mines and factories and smuggling materials to the mainland, the most important thing he does is to set up education.

   Not to mention the establishment of private middle schools and universities, Zhou Hexuan also established more than 30 Hope Primary Schools in Hong Kong. At this time, the number of schools in Hong Kong was limited, and most children could not read. Zhou Hexuan's Hope Primary School became the first choice for poor families.

   Zhou Hexuan mixed with private goods when he was running education, but in any school he founded with money, students must be able to listen and speak Mandarin, and at the end of the term, there will be an oral exam in Mandarin.


  Peace Peak, Zhou Mansion.

   Zhou Weilie rang the doorbell, and the old concierge rubbed his eyes, and suddenly said with joy, "The eldest young master is back!"

   "Hello Uncle Du." Zhou Weilie smiled.

   "Young master is still so polite." The old porter said with a smile.

   Several children in the garden were running and playing. When they saw Zhou Weilie coming, they immediately shouted:


"elder brother!"

  The two oldest are Zhou Hexuan's sons, and Zhou Xuan gave birth to a young daughter last year. As for the one called "Uncle", it is Wanrong's own grandson. Zhou Shuoming got married and had children when he was 18 years old.

   Zhou Shuoming, the second young master of the Zhou family, is not good at studying or doing business. The only advantage is that he is tall and handsome. When this guy was in college, he made the grandniece of Hong Kong's richest man He Dong a big belly.

  After graduating from college, the young master joined the family company on Tuesday, but he screwed up again and again and was so angry that Zhou Hexuan threw him into Hope Primary School as a teacher. But Zhou Shuoming actually found a female teacher in the school. After being found out by his wife, the school was suddenly disturbed.

   After leaving school, Zhou Shuoming soon became an actor again. He became an instant hit and became a big star in Southeast Asia and Taiwan. By the way, he was promoted to a humanoid self-propelled gun in the Hong Kong entertainment industry.

   In just a few years, there have been no less than ten female stars who have had scandals with Zhou Shuoming, and recently they have been madly pursuing the newly popular actress Chen Sisi. Moreover, he seemed to be really serious, repeatedly clamoring for divorce and remarrying, so angry that his wife went directly to her parents' house to file a complaint.

   As for Zhou Yangxu, the third son of the Zhou family, he lives in Japan all the year round and assists his mother Liao Yaquan in managing more than ten companies. This kid seems to still want to go into politics, and is clamoring to join the Japanese, but he gave up after being scolded by Zhou Hexuan during the Spring Festival last year.

   Zhou Lingjun, the eldest lady of the Zhou family, is not worried. She is still single at the age of 27 and has been studying for a doctorate at the Royal Academy of Arts. She is proficient in literature, music, and painting, and looks down on men. She has never been in a serious relationship after graduating with a doctorate.

   Zhou Hexuan doubted whether his daughter was gay, but suddenly brought a boyfriend home this year. That man was only 20 years old, and he had not graduated from university, so he was seven years younger than Zhou Lingjun!

   But I have to say that Zhou Lingjun's little boyfriend is very handsome, not a sissy handsome, but a kind of heroic handsome, just like he came out of the comics.

   Zhou Hexuan finally found out that his daughter is not gay, but a super face control party.

   Zhou Chunxi, the second miss of the Zhou family, settled in the UK. She was Queen Elizabeth's best friend and became a strong woman under the influence of Her Majesty the Queen. When she was still in high school, Zhou Chunxi followed her grandfather Ornis to learn to manage the company. Now she is basically taking care of the Royal Pharmaceutical Company, and Ornis is only responsible for the helm behind the scenes.

  At the beginning of last year, Zhou Chunxi and Queen Elizabeth attended the royal dinner together. The Belgian King Baudouin fell in love with her at first sight and asked Queen Elizabeth to come forward as a matchmaker in person.

   Zhou Chunxi, with an indifferent mentality, tried to date the Belgian king a few times, and it felt pretty good, and has kept correspondence since then. The king is young and handsome, well-spoken, knowledgeable, and cheerful. He is like a first-class diamond king.

  The two exchanged letters for more than a year. Mr. King thought the time was ripe, so he flew to London to propose marriage.

   Zhou Chunxi's reply is: She can agree to get married, but there are three requirements. First, for at least nine months a year, she must live in the UK to manage the company; second, the Belgian royal family must not interfere with her private life; third, the king must not have an affair, and if there is an affair, he will divorce immediately.

   Regarding the second and third requests, His Majesty the King agreed, but the first request made him so embarrassed that he was still considering it.


living room.

   Zhou Hexuan, Xu Zhimo, Ye Lingfeng and Xu Yu are playing mahjong and chatting about the situation of literary creation in Hong Kong while playing cards.

   During the Anti-Japanese War, Xu Zhimo stayed in Shanghai, and the war quickly washed away his innocence and laxity. Together with his friends Shao Xunmei and Xiang Meimei, he was engaged in underground publishing in Shanghai, specializing in printing various patriotic pamphlets during the War of Resistance.

   In this time and space, "On Protracted War" was able to spread rapidly in Shanghai, and it was also due to Xu Zhimo.

   For this reason, Xu Zhimo and Shao Xunmei, two rich sons, smashed all their property into it, and even hired bodyguards to hide in Tibet.

   It was during the days of avoiding Japanese raiders that Xu Zhimo and Lu Xiaoman finally broke up completely. Lu Xiaoman finally came together with Weng Ruiwu, and they both chose to stay in the mainland. And Xu Zhimo came to Hong Kong and remarried with Zhang Youyi in 1950. Now both husband and wife are teachers at the University of Hong Kong. Xu Zhimo teaches literature and Zhang Youyi teaches German.

   As for Ye Lingfeng, he belongs to the old man of the Creation Club. He was a comrade-in-arms of the literary front with Guo Moruo, Yu Dafu and Tian Han. Together with Pan Hannian, he edited "Huanzhou" and was banned, and he edited "Modern Novel" and was arrested. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Ye Lingfeng participated in the editing of "Salvation Daily". After Guangzhou fell, he moved to Hong Kong and stayed in Hong Kong without moving.

   Compared with Xu Zhimo and Ye Lingfeng, Xu Yu's reputation is much weaker. This person graduated from the Philosophy Department of Peking University and went to study at the University of Paris. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, he returned to China immediately, but was trapped in Shanghai. He made a living by selling papers and spent two years raising tolls to travel to Chongqing via Guangdong and Guangxi, where he served as a professor at Central University.

  Xu Yu was known as a "ghost talent" in the literary circles of the Republic of China, and his works were always full of ghosts and ghosts. In 1943, his "Feng Xiaoxiao" was the most concerned. This work is estimated to be the earliest spy novel in China and tells the struggle between three female spies (Nationalist Party, Japanese and American spies).

"Feng Xiaoxiao", which describes the espionage war, is refreshing to readers. It was described at the time: "On the Chongqing River Wheel, almost everyone has a piece of paper...reproducing the grand occasion of Luoyang's expensive paper." Not only that, this novel also gave birth to a new novel in China. Literary school, the "late romantic school".

  After moving to Hong Kong, Xu Yu's creative career entered another peak period. Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, Xu Yu was a leading figure in the Hong Kong literary world!

   "Four!" Zhou Hexuan shot a mahjong.

   Xu Yu said with a smile: "Old Principal, you play this card so tricky, it's not good for me to eat it, and it's not good for me not to eat it."

  When Xu Yu was studying at Peking University, Zhou Hexuan happened to be the principal, so he called Zhou Hexuan the "old principal".

   "Eat, why don't you eat the one delivered to your door?" Ye Lingfeng said with a smile.

   "Don't eat, don't eat, self-reliance, it's more important to draw cards," Xu Yu said with a smile, "We are all people with a bottom line, and we are determined not to eat what we come across."

   Zhou Hexuan said happily: "Xiao Xu's irony skills are good again."

   "Those green backs deserve to be scolded!" Xu Yu said and took out a card, "Nine tubes!"

   "Green Back Culture" was very popular in Hong Kong at this time and almost dominated the Hong Kong literary world. The green of the "green back" is the green of the dollar. The U.S. government specially established the "Asia Foundation" in Hong Kong to subsidize publishing companies and magazines to distribute political literature.

   Countless literati who fled from the mainland to Hong Kong, unable to eat three meals a day and living in embarrassment, so led the dollar to create creations, attacking the mainland and communism became politically correct. Among them, Eileen Chang's "Yangko" and "Love in the Land" were written when she first arrived in Hong Kong when her life was difficult. The quality of the literature was extremely poor, and she only wanted to live on US dollars.

   At this moment, the four people at the poker table are still sticking to the bottom line of literary creation and detest the "green back culture". It has nothing to do with politics, they just think it's disgusting to use dollars to create and tell lies in their own works.

   Take Zhang Ailing's "Yangko" as an example, which is about the "tragic status quo" of the rural areas of New China. This woman has never lived in the rural areas of New China, what can she write? It's all about gibberish.

   Throughout the 1950s, the Hong Kong literary world was in a confrontation between camps, one side was the "greenback group" and the other was the "anti-greenback group".

   "Dad, I'm back," Zhou Weilie pushed in the door, "Hello Uncle Ye, hello Uncle Xu!"



   Zhou Hexuan said in surprise: "What, are you going to the mainland?"

"Yes," Zhou Weilie explained, "China has established a computing technology planning group, with Mr. Hua Luogeng as the group leader, preparing to develop electronic computers belonging to China. Two months ago, I received a secret letter in London, inviting me to join the upcoming Created the Computing Technology Planning Group and the Institute of Computer Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences."

   Zhou Hexuan objected: "You are a mathematician and software engineering expert, what kind of computer are you going to develop?"

   Zhou Weilie took out two rolls of microfilm from his bag and said, "This is the design drawing of the latest generation of computers in the UK, and I have photographed them with microfilm."

   "You're crazy, this is espionage!" Zhou Hexuan exclaimed, "Also, how did you get the design drawings?"

   "Don't worry about this," Zhou Weilie said with a smile, "When I left the UK, I hid the microfilm in a gift from the Queen, and no one in the UK dared to open it and look at it."

   Zhou Hexuan was silent for a moment, then asked, "Have you really decided?"

   "It's decided." Zhou Weilie said with a serious expression.

   "Wait a minute," Zhou Hexuan quickly wrote a letter and warned, "Give the letter to Duke Zhou, remember, only do research, not politics!"

   "Understood." Zhou Weilie put the letter away.

   Zhou Hexuan did not interfere too much with his son's choice. With his role in Hong Kong, he can completely ensure that his son is safe and sound. Zhou Weilie's trip to the north is definitely a key protection target.

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