The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 877: 876【Overseas Chinese Eagle】

   "Run, little Japan's plane is bombing again!"

   "Run into the air-raid shelter, don't look up!"

   "Where's our plane?"

   "Don't panic, don't crowd, line up and enter the tunnel one by one!"


  Chongqing citizens fled frantically. Teams of police were blowing whistles to maintain law and order, and there were constant cries and shouts.

  The Japanese bombing of Chongqing has been going on for more than a year. The army has carried out a strategic bombing of Chongqing with the purpose of destroying important facilities such as factories, airports, roads, bridges, schools, and institutions.

   But just over 20 days before Zhou Hexuan returned to China, the Japanese navy suddenly jumped out to fight for merit and sent planes to indiscriminately bomb the urban area of ​​Chongqing. The Japanese invaders used a lot of incendiary bombs, and the commercial streets in the city center were burned to rubble. A total of 3,991 people were killed, 2,323 people were injured, 4,889 buildings were damaged, and about 200,000 people were made homeless.

  Including churches and embassies in China, all were destroyed in the war, and even the German embassy with the flag of the Nazi party was not spared.

   History says that the May 3 bombing and the May 4 bombing.

   It has been less than a month since the two bombings. From officials to citizens, Chongqing has become a frightened bird. There are many air defense observation points inside and outside the city. Zhou Hexuan and the others flew dozens of planes from the north, and when they were still over Jiangbei, the air defense siren rang out.

   Zhou Hexuan sat on the fighter jet personally driven by Feng Yong, smiled wryly, and shouted, "What should I do?"

   "I'm ready!" Feng Yong replied.

  The Soviet aircraft in the 1930s could not use radio communication. Feng Yong raised his arm and made a gesture, and the pilots in the wingman immediately understood. When the plane arrived over the main city, a pilot suddenly jumped out of the sky. This is to send someone to the ground to report the news.

   In fact, as early as in Xi'an, Zhou Hexuan sent a telegram to the Chongqing Air Defense Command, saying that he would return with a large number of military planes one day. The air defense observers also received the news. It is estimated that they were temporarily panicked and did not remember it, so they were so scared that they raised the alarm directly.

   Jiangxin Island, Guangyang Dam.

   There is a military airport built by Liu Xiang, which has been bombed countless times by Japanese invaders, but it is still being used.

  Since the May 4th bombing, Lao Jiang has summoned high-ranking officials and generals to strengthen air defense, and the construction of military airports in other hidden areas is also under discussion. Some people suggested to build a new secret airport in Jiangbei, and some people suggested that the civilian airport in Jiulongpo should be changed to military use. The final decision has not been made even after much quarrel.

   If the Chinese Air Force has enough strength, Guangyangba Airport is undoubtedly the best choice. This airport was built on Jiangxin Island and guarded the throat of Chongqing. Any Japanese aircraft flying from the east would be intercepted at the first time.

  Unfortunately, there is not much left of the Chinese Air Force.

  There are less than 150 aircraft available in the whole of China, including some old-fashioned trainers, and many of them are deployed in front-line theaters to perform missions.

   Hearing the siren, the pilots on the island quickly dispatched and scrambled to run to the plane - if you run too slowly, you won't be able to grab it, and there will be more people and fewer planes.

   In fact, there are also a lot of planes, and there are many junk goods parked in airports all over the country, all of which Song Meiling bought from abroad at high prices. Those planes, not to mention intercepting Japanese invaders, would burn high incense if they could fly into the sky, and the hard-earned money donated by countless ordinary people went into the pockets of the Song Kong family.

   A Cantonese pilot didn't get the plane, and angrily walked up to a French fighter plane that couldn't take off, kicked the plane and cursed: "Lost your mother, it's hard to make money!"

   "There's another one over there!" the Hubei pilot shouted.

   The Cantonese pilot quickly turned his head to look, and sure enough there was an old British trainer plane, he shouted excitedly: "Wait, I'm here, I'll sit next to you and shoot you!"

  The Hubei pilot has already climbed into the cabin, patted the shell and shouted, "Hurry up, kidnapper, if you slow down, you'll be too risky."

  The two hurriedly drove the plane onto the runway, without showing any fear or cowardice, they just wanted to fight the devil to the death in the sky-although this was an old-fashioned trainer, there was almost no possibility of annihilating the enemy.

   "Stop, stop!"

  The navigator rushed out and waved the flag, shouting: "Mr. mistake, it's my own plane, our new plane is here!"

  More than a dozen fighter jets of various colors gathered on the runway, preparing to form a formation to take off, and immediately stopped when they saw the semaphore. A pilot probed and asked, "Is there really no enemy attack?"

   The navigator said happily, "I just received news from the Air Defense Command. It wasn't an enemy attack. It was Mr. Zhou who came back with the plane!"

  The pilots jumped out of the plane, convinced of this.

   As early as two days ago, in order to cheer up the pilots, it was announced that Zhou Hexuan was about to return to China with a new plane. Not only that, the Soviets will assist 24 heavy bombers next month, and by the way send pilots, bombers, shooters, ground personnel, engineering technicians and other teams.

   The leader of the Soviet Union's aid to China this time was a major named Kulishenko. They not only participated in the battle, but also were responsible for helping China train aviation personnel.

   Historically, the two air force victories in October 1939 were fought by the Kurishenko brigade. A total of more than 160 Japanese aircraft, 1 gasoline depot, 4 ammunition depots, 3 fire trucks, and more than 40 cars were blown up, killing nearly 1,000 enemy people, forcing the Japanese army to retreat more than 500 kilometers from the airport.

   It was from this airport that the Japanese planes that carried out major bombings on Chongqing had flown out from this airport. Kurishenko and his team members avenged their deep revenge for the Chinese people.

  Unfortunately, Major Kurishenko was hit by the Japanese during the battle, and the left-wing engine was scrapped. He successfully returned with a single engine, and the plane began to fall after flying over the Three Gorges. In order to save the plane, Kurishenko gave up the opportunity to parachute and tried his best to force the plane into the river. Due to multiple injuries to his chest and shoulders, he was unable to climb out of the cabin and drowned in the icy river water.

  The plane brought back by Zhou Hexuan began to land, and the pilots spontaneously stood on both sides of the runway. When the first plane landed, cheers erupted in the airport. These planes are too important to China.

   A tall and thin pilot stepped forward and saluted: "Hello, Mr. Zhou, Liang Tiancheng of the Fourth Brigade and all the team members, welcome Mr. Zhou back to China!"

   "Are you Liang Tiancheng?" Zhou Hexuan asked in surprise.

  Liang Tiancheng stood upright and said, "I am Liang Tiancheng!"

   Zhou Hexuan held the opponent's hand and shook it repeatedly: "The Four Heavenly Kings, the Eagle of Overseas Chinese, so strong!"

  Liang Tiancheng was a little embarrassed and said with a smile, "Mr. Zhou, you are overrated."

   Three of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Chinese Air Force have sacrificed, and Liang Tiancheng is the only remaining one. If history is not changed, Liang Tiancheng will also die heroically in half a month, and Chongqing will have no air combat capability for the next four months.

   Zhou Hexuan asked, "How many planes are there in the fourth brigade?"

   Liang Tiancheng said sadly: "Only 15 aircraft are left to take off. Recently, the number of Japanese air raids has increased, and our aircraft has been consumed too much."

   "There are only 15 planes left in Chongqing?" Zhou Hexuan asked in surprise.

  Liang Tiancheng said: "Yes."

   Zhou Hexuan quickly comforted: "It's okay, it's okay, I brought a plane back for everyone."

   Feng Yong smiled beside him: "Not only planes, but also pilots and technicians."

   "Who is this gentleman?" Liang Tiancheng asked.

   Zhou Hexuan introduced: "This is Mr. Feng Yong, the former commander of the Northeast Air Force. He brought back more than 60 pilots this time, as well as a group of technicians in Xi'an, who will arrive in Chongqing next month."

   "That's great!" Liang Tiancheng was overjoyed.

   Suddenly, an airport staff member ran over and said, "Mr. Zhou, Mr. Feng, General Zhou has held a banquet at the Shangqing Temple to wash away the dust for the two gentlemen."

  General Zhou is Zhou Zhirou, the de facto supreme commander of the Chinese Air Force. This gentleman has just been transferred back to Chongqing, and is about to reorganize the Chinese Air Force - if the Chinese Air Force is not reorganized, it will be abolished.

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