The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 881: 880 [Air Force Victory]

  As Chongqing was set as a wartime companion capital, the institutional facilities here are also being upgraded in an all-round way.

  For example, Jiulongpo Baishiyi Airport only started construction at the end of last year. Although some buildings are still unfinished, they have been put into use ahead of schedule, and long-distance routes from Chongqing to Hong Kong, Vietnam and Singapore have been opened.

  If Wang Zhaoming delays his defection for half a year, then he doesn't need to take the trouble of going to Yunnan, he can just fly directly from Baishiyi Airport to Hanoi.

   Early in the morning, Zhou Hexuan and Feng Yong boarded the plane, and before they took off, they heard the sound of air defense sirens over the main city.

   Feng Yong said with a smile: "This time the little Japan is going to suffer!"

   "I hope Air Force athletes will show their courage." Zhou Hexuan nodded.

When   Chang Kaishen first moved to Chongqing, Chongqing's air defenses were fairly good. The Japanese aircraft were repelled several times during the day, and they were forced to change to night bombing. But as the Chinese fighters continued to decrease, the Japanese became more and more daring, and now it has returned to daytime bombing.

   Just when Zhou Hexuan and Feng Yong flew to Guizhou, the little Japanese came again. Forty-five Japanese fighters, covering 28 bombers, flew arrogantly from the east.

   The leaders of the team this time are Watanabe Hatsuki and Kame Yoshiyuki. The former is the leader of the Nanchang air battle, and the latter is the murderer who blew up the Zhongshan ship. Their goal this time is directly at Guangyangba Airport, because the news that Zhou Hexuan brought the plane back to China has been leaked, and the Japanese invaders want to destroy Chongqing's air force again.

   Before the air defense alarm in the main urban area sounded, the air defense observation station on the downstream shore had detected the enemy's trace and immediately sent an emergency message to the military airport. After receiving the alarm, the Chinese Air Force quickly dispatched dozens of fighter jets of various types.

  Hatsuhiko Watanabe was taken aback when he saw the huge Chinese aircraft fleet. He knew that China had bought new planes, but he did not expect such a large number, and the sneak attack plan had been dashed, so he could only bite the bullet.

   Due to the limited runway at the airport, 31 planes have just been successfully launched on the Chinese side, and Japanese bombers have already flown over the airport - it is obvious that Guangyangba Airport should be expanded.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  More than a dozen heavy aerial bombs fell, instantly blowing up two Chinese planes and destroying one of the runways.

   At the same time, the Chinese fighter jets that had already launched into the air also fought against the Japanese fighter jets.

   It was not the two ace cards Dong Mingde and Liang Tiancheng who started the record, nor the pilots Feng Yong brought back from the United States, but Zhou Zhikai, who was not yet 20 years old.

  Zhou Zhikai came from a prestigious family, his father was a judge, and his mother was a rich daughter. He is extremely handsome. His previous dream was to be a movie star. Before finishing middle school, he applied for the aviation school without telling his family. In February last year, he was assigned to the fourth brigade as a trainee pilot.

  Because the number of planes is too small, Zhou Zhikai can only watch every air battle, standing on the ground anxiously to cheer for his teammates. Historically, it would take more than half a year for him to fly a plane into battle. He shot down two enemy planes on his first appearance, and later became the captain of the fourth brigade. He was only 24 years old when he died.

  Although Zhou Hexuan brought back 58 fighter jets this time, Feng Yong brought back more pilots. It stands to reason that trainee pilots like Zhou Zhikai have no chance to participate in the war. But more than half of the 58 fighter jets were Soviet aircraft, and the pilots who returned from the United States had not yet figured out the performance, so Zhou Zhikai, who was familiar with the situation of Soviet aircraft, had a coveted combat opportunity.

   Zhou Zhikai was driving a YT-1, which was gradually eliminated by the Soviet Union. Even if it was not sold to China, it would be retired soon. He seized the gap between Captain Dong Mingde and the Japanese plane, and hit the cockpit of the enemy plane in one fell swoop from the side.

   Before Zhou Zhikai was happy, his plane was also hit in the tail, and there were several bullet holes in the middle of the fuselage.

   "The devil killed by the gun! Fuck!" Zhou Zhikai scolded in his native dialect, preparing to leave the battlefield and make an emergency landing because he felt that his engine had been broken.

  Fortunately, the Japanese devils had no time to control him, Zhou Zhikai successfully landed the plane on the river surface very smoothly, only this thought remained in his heart: next time I must drive the Yi-15, the performance of the YT-1 is too bad!

   It was the person Feng Yong brought back, He Xiaohan, a former law student at Feng Yong University. Although his name is very feminine, he is a grumpy northeastern man. He even fought with Kong Lingwei when he was in the aviation club, beating the second Miss Kong family to the point of crying.

   By the way, after Kong Lingwei was beaten, he wanted to take revenge with a gun and was kicked out of the club by Feng Yong. He returned to China last year and continued to be a dude.

  He Xiaohan was driving a P-26, which was eliminated before the outbreak of the Pacific War and had no resistance in the face of Japanese Zero fighters. But what He Xiaohan is facing is not the Zero fighter, but the A5M4, which is also an aircraft that will be eliminated in 1940.

  When Dong Mingde led his team to entangle with the Japanese fighter jets, He Xiaohan and the temporary team leader climbed and dived towards the enemy bomber group - they couldn't let the other party bomb, and there were still more than 30 Chinese fighter jets on the ground that didn't take off.

  He Xiaohan hit him with a shuttle and hit an enemy bomber very accurately. The Japanese plane was shaky and didn't run away, but wanted to throw all the bombs. As a result, most of them were blown up on the edge of Jiangxin Island, and then He Xiaohan made a shuttle and fell into the river.

When    was rushed into the bomber group by Chinese fighter jets, the Japanese immediately panicked, and the bomber leader Kamui Yoshiyuki hurriedly sent a radio signal to instruct the evacuation.

  Japanese fighter jets wanted to come to the rescue, but they were entangled by Dong Mingde, and several planes on both sides were shot down.

   As more and more Chinese fighter planes took off, the situation quickly turned into a pursuit battle. Dong Mingde had completely killed the red eye, and led someone to chase him out of Kuimen before ordering to return. He killed three of the opponents by himself, and Tianwang Liang Tiancheng also won two perfectly.

   In this air battle, the Chinese Air Force was shot down 6, destroyed 3, killed 4 and injured 2. 17 Japanese planes were shot down, 18 were killed, and 3 were captured.

   Chinese Air Force Victory.

  When the news of the victory spread to the main urban area of ​​Chongqing, all the people in the city were filled with joy. Students and the masses spontaneously organized a condolence team, bringing chickens, ducks and fish to the army, and Lao Jiang also issued a commendation order at the first time.

  Before the Zero fighters were put into the battlefield, the Japanese Air Force was really bad, bullying China purely by virtue of its large numbers of people. As long as the situation is evenly matched, the Chinese Air Force has basically never lost, and there have been several cases of winning with less.

The American aviation magazine "AVIATION" commented in 1941: "Regardless of military and civilian use, Japanese pilots maintain the highest accident rate in the world. During the four-year Sino-Japanese War, the Japanese Air Force could not even defeat the old and insignificant aircraft. Chinese Air Force, Japanese Air Force pilots are obviously inferior to Chinese pilots..."

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