The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 883: 882 [Southwest Associated University]

   Zhou Hexuan entered the city of Kunming in a truck. The truck was borrowed from the airport and contained 2,000 pens and 2,000 notebooks.

   You can't come empty-handed. When Zhou Hexuan got on the plane in Chongqing, he brought the pen and notebook with him.

  Truck drivers rarely enter the city, and they can't find their way. Zhou Hexuan could only get out of the car and catch a passerby and ask, "Hello fellow, how can I get to the general office of the Southwest Associated University?"

   "Over on Chongren Street," the passerby said, pointing forward, "the one in the suit and glasses in front is the teacher from Southwest Associated University, you can let him take you there."

   Zhou Hexuan turned around and saw a middle-aged man in a suit.

  This gentleman is wearing black (Harmony has lost his mind) framed glasses and has a high hairline, hesitating around a cigarette vendor. He repeatedly took out the money several times, but always put the money back in his pocket, made up his mind to leave, but turned back and asked, "Can you sell your cigarettes by the root?"

  The cigarette seller is an old woman with a flat wooden box hanging on her chest, and the box is open with various cigarettes. She replied, "For sale, which one do you want?"

   The middle-aged glasses drooled: "The cheapest, only two."

   "Two forty cents, sir, take them." The old woman handed it over and said.

  A middle-aged man with glasses was like a hungry ghost who saw something to eat. He lit a match at the fastest speed, and stood there and took a big mouthful. In less than 20 seconds, there was only a small piece of the cigarette left. He finally stopped and sighed with the cigarette **** in his hand: "Alas!"

  The old woman who sold cigarettes also sighed: "Poor, pitiful."

   Zhou Hexuan looked a little sad, and when the other party threw away the cigarette butts, he stepped forward and said, "Hello sir, can you take me to the main office of the Southwest Associated University?"

   "Mr. Zhou," the middle-aged man with glasses immediately recognized Zhou Hexuan and shook hands happily, "Hello, hello, my lord Huang Ziqing."

   Huang Ziqing, courtesy name Bifan, Ph.D. from MIT, physical chemist, chemistry educator, and one of the founders of physical chemistry in China.

   Zhou Hexuan had no knowledge of physical chemistry and did not know Huang Ziqing. He asked, "Mr. Huang is a professor at the Southwest Associated University?"

   Huang Ziqing said: "Well, it used to be from Tsinghua University, but now it's called the Southwest Associated University. Mr. Zhou wants to go to the general office? It's very close, I'll take you there."

   Zhou Hexuan was in the passenger seat when he entered the city, and the bodyguards were all in the car. Now that there is another Huang Ziqing, Zhou Hexuan simply sits in the car and opens a pack of cigarettes and hands them over.

   Huang Ziqing's eyes suddenly lit up, he sniffed the cigarette between his nose and mouth, and smiled happily: "American camel cigarette, that's the smell, I really miss it."

   Zhou Hexuan also handed over the remaining half of the bag: "I'm not used to smoking camels from others. If Professor Huang likes it, then I will borrow flowers to offer to Buddha."

  Huang Ziqing laughed and took the cigarette case cheerfully: "Mr. Zhou, you don't have to be afraid of losing face. I don't have any other hobbies, so I like to smoke a few sips. Thank you for your kindness."

   Zhou Hexuan took out a lighter to help Huang Ziqing light it, and asked, "The teachers of the Southwest Associated University are in embarrassment?"

Huang Ziqing said truthfully: "I was still struggling to make a living in Changsha, but it will be difficult after moving to Kunming. Everyone has to bring their families and family, and the salary is only 70%. Anyway, my savings have been exhausted. Brother Daisun (Chen Daisun, The director of the Economics Department of the Southwest Associated University) gave up smoking ruthlessly, but I couldn't. Usually I can only buy local cigarettes to relieve my addiction. Today, I am so greedy, I look like a big smoker, and I lose my face. "

   Zhou Hexuan of course knew that being a teacher at the Southwest Associated University was very difficult, but he didn't expect that in 1939, he began to live in embarrassment. 70% of the salary is voluntary, to save money for the Anti-Japanese War, but this year's prices have risen so fiercely that it is difficult for teachers to support their families through work alone.

  The Southwest Associated University is very powerful, and later generations mentioned all kinds of romance, but the real situation is very bad. Not to mention the contradictions between the three schools. Teachers call for salary increases every year. In order to make extra money, many well-known professors have to write articles for the lace tabloids.

  It’s actually pretty good now, at least the teachers and their families can fill their stomachs. After 1941, it’s even worse, and prices have risen to outer space. In 1943, there were even rumors that the professors of the Southwest Associated University went on a hunger strike to ask for a salary increase. Jiang Menglin was so frightened in Chongqing that he hurriedly called to stop it. The Ministry of Education then added 400 to 700 yuan to each teacher.

  It is pitiful to see that at the beginning of 1943, the salary of teaching assistants at the Southwest Associated University was more than 100 yuan, and the maximum salary of full-time professors was 600 yuan. How could this amount of money be enough? If there were no subsidies, all the teachers would starve to death - the subsidies are often twice as high as the regular salary.

   Up to 1945, the price of goods was even more frightening. In April of that year, the salary and subsidies that the Southwest Associated University needed to pay was as high as more than 40 million yuan...

   Zhou Hexuan and Huang Ziqing chatted for a while, and soon arrived at the head office of the Southwest Associated University.

  The President of the United Nations University Mei Yiqi and the General Manager Shen Lu heard the news and immediately came out to greet them, pulling Zhou Hexuan in to drink tea and chat.

  What is the most dazzling part of Southwest Associated University?

   When the national crisis was at the head, teachers and students abandoned their contradictions and worked together to maintain the school's construction. Originally, everyone agreed that after the merger of the three schools, the principals of the three schools would take turns serving as the president of the United Nations University, but Jiang Menglin and Zhang Boling took the initiative to relinquish their power and went to Chongqing to hold other public positions, allowing Mei Yiqi to manage the Southwest United University with peace of mind.

  Mei Yiqi would later resign as the principal, and Zheng Tianting, who was the general secretary, took great pains to keep him. Because other managers, including Zheng Tianting, came from Peking University, and as soon as Mei Yiqi from Tsinghua University left, the Southwest Associated University became the dominance of Peking University.

   In order to ensure the democracy of school governance and avoid a single word, Zheng Tianting not only persuaded Mei Yiqi to stay, but also implored teachers from Nankai and Yunda to join the school committee.

  The Southwest Associated University has been jointly governed by Tsinghua University, Peking University, Nankai University and Yunnan University since the mid-term. Of course, Yunnan University is of an auxiliary nature. Because the United Nations University and Yunda University are only separated by a road, and Master Yun has insufficient resources, he invited many United Nations University professors to serve as part-time professors. At that time, Yunda was barely a member of the Southwest Associated University, but it was only administratively and financially independent.

   Everyone chatted about the school situation for a while, Mei Yiqi took Zhou Hexuan out of the city in person, and Shen Lu stayed and continued to work.

   The real administrator of the Southwest Associated University is not the president Mei Yiqi, but the general secretary Shen Lu. However, the school is really difficult, Shen Lu will soon quit his job, and the successor is Zheng Tianting.

  By the way, Shen Lu is the cousin-in-law of Qian Zhongshu's wife, Mr. Yang Jiang, and holds a double master's degree from the University of Wisconsin and Columbia.

The truck quickly drove out of the west gate of Kunming, and Mei Yiqi pointed to the distance and said: "When I first came to Kunming, the United Nations University rented the school building of Kunhua Agricultural School for teaching. Although the new school building has been built, some teachers and students still stay in Kunming. Kunhua Agricultural School. The new campus is over there!"

   The site of the Southwest Associated University is located in the later Yunnan Normal University. It is said to be a school building, but it actually looks like a rural house.

  The school building was designed by Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin. The first version of the design was several western-style buildings. Due to financial difficulties, it had to be modified into a three-story brick and wood structure. The third floor soon became the second floor, and when it was completed, it became an earth-walled bungalow. I heard that Lin Huiyin would cry every time he revised a draft.

  The only thing worth affirming is that the school building is well-lit. Without glass, a large hole was directly cut into the earth wall as a window, and then a few wooden bars were used to support the window lattice.

  The roof is made of tin, and it will be replaced with thatch soon - the tin can be sold for money to raise funds.

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