Hiding from the bombing until about three o'clock in the afternoon, teachers and students returned to the school one after another, and Zhou Hexuan also followed over to find a classroom to sit in.

  Although it is almost the end of the term, many teachers still give lectures as usual and don’t care about the final exam at all. Especially in the Chinese department, the teachers of each subject are not very particular about the exam, and just hand in an essay at the end of the term.

   It seems that only Zhu Ziqing is the most strict in the entire Chinese Department. Students are required to take notes in class and take exams seriously at the end of the term.

   Of course, the faculties of science, medicine, law, etc. are still very strict. In a certain freshman group cheating, President Mei personally ordered punishment.

   Today, Zhou Hexuan was listening to Jin Yuelin's lecture on logic. This thing is a compulsory course in the Faculty of Arts, just like the advanced mathematics of the Faculty of Science, it can make students want to die.

  Jin Yuelin is tall and strong, wearing the only jacket in the whole school. If it is winter, he has to wear a trench coat, which is definitely full of style. It's a pity that his hat and glasses ruined the overall image, and the brim of the hat was so low that it covered the entire forehead. The glasses are even more strange. One lens is white and transparent, and the other is black sunglasses. It seems that the opening of the sunglasses will release the seal of the writing wheel.

   This is not a special hobby. Hats and sunglasses are used to block light, because Jin Yuelin has one eye that is afraid of seeing light.

  Jin Yuelin's class has the charm of sitting and talking about the Tao. He never stands to lecture, nor does he look at the students below. He has been sitting on the podium with his head bowed, and will occasionally stand up when he needs to write on the blackboard.

   Zhou Hexuan's entry into the classroom caused a sensation, but the sensation soon stopped because Jin Yuelin had already started class.

Jin Yuelin lowered his head and said in a magnetic baritone, "Today we will talk about the basic concepts and propositions of logical systems. Let's talk about atoms first. Atoms are objects in logical systems, not objects in logic. Objects in logic are inevitable. , the logical system is just using some kind of atom to represent the necessary tool... First, the class. The so-called class here is the ordinary class, such as human, mountain, water, etc. The class has the concept of class, such as Human beings have the concept of being human. Most classes have class members, for example, human beings have Zhang San and Li Si... There are two special classes in the class that do the atomic logic system, one is the zero class, and the other is the whole class. The zero class has no Members, all members are members of the whole class. Generally, '0' represents the zero class, and '1' represents the whole class. Remember the general formula for system cadres mentioned in paragraph 3, Section A, Chapter 1 of this chapter? The five basic propositional functions are as follows..."

   Said, Jin Yuelin suddenly stood up and wrote a general formula on the blackboard with chalk: (彐z)·(a)·a?z=a.

   What the hell?

   Zhou Hexuan was a little confused. He didn't understand logic at all, let alone logical symbols and general formulas.

   What about the good liberal arts, how can it be the same as the advanced mathematics!

  Jin Yuelin drew two intersecting circles, marked a and z respectively, and said, "z represents the zero class. This basic proposition is that the zero class or a is equal to the a class, which means that the zero class is included in any class."

   Well, Zhou Hexuan understands it now, a very simple logical question.

  Maybe people think this thing is useless, because it has been integrated into the basic thinking mode of people. But in the very beginning of logic, it has guiding significance for any science.

A student suddenly raised his hand and said: "Xian Sen, why is Sen's pressure to mention the rough and zero kind of love, how can you force a certain four things to be like the zero kind? Bian Rusuo 'ghost' is like the zero kind, but Water can give away ghosts, right?"

  Jin Yuelin seemed to have been tested by this question. He thought about it and said, "Student Lin Guoda, I ask you a question: Mr. Lin Guoda isperpendiculartotheblackboard, what does this mean?"

   "Uh..." The Cantonese student named Lin Guoda was speechless.

   The dialogue between the teacher and the student is very interesting. Lin Guoda questioned the correctness of the concept of zero class, and used ghosts as an example to doubt whether there is a real class zero concept. And Jin Yuelin asked: Lin Guoda is perpendicular to the blackboard, what does this mean?

Naturally, Lin Guoda cannot be perpendicular to the blackboard, which is similar to the zero-category concept, but from a grammatical and logical point of view, this sentence is not wrong, and there is no way for students to be perpendicular to the blackboard. exist or exist.

   Zhou Hexuan almost laughed, he actually witnessed the famous "Lin Guoda perpendicular to the blackboard" incident.

   But Zhou Hexuan couldn't laugh again, because Lin Guoda would soon drown by swimming.

  This student Lin Guoda likes to ask questions very much, and he always uses the tongue-in-cheek Cantonese Putong to ask some strange questions, often making the classmates laugh.

  Jin Yuelin obviously liked Lin Guoda very much, until one day, he said in class: "Lin Guoda died, unfortunately."

   The get out of class was dismissed without knowing it. Zhou Hexuan walked up to Lin Guoda and warned, "Student Lin, don't swim in the river, that kind of behavior is very dangerous."

  Lin Guoda looked bewildered, and subconsciously agreed: "Ah... ok."

   At this moment, a pig screaming with exhaustion suddenly came from outside. Let the classmates who originally wanted to talk to Zhou Hexuan ran out to watch the fun, but Mr. Zhou was not as attractive as a big fat pig.

   "Clap clap clap!"

   Zhou Hexuan clapped his hands and smiled and said, "Classmates, I bought ten big fat pigs today, and I will eat pork with the teachers at night! Everyone eats with an open stomach, and rice is enough!"

  The students were stunned for a while, then swallowed collectively, and then cheered: "Long live Mr. Zhou! Long live the big fat pig!"

  Jin Yuelin pointed out very seriously: "There is something wrong with the logic of what you said. Long live Mr. Zhou, long live the big fat pig, then Mr. Zhou may be the big fat pig."

   "Hahahaha..." The students laughed.

  Ten big fat pigs were bought by Sun Yongzhen to the school, which immediately caused a sensation in the whole school. At least nearly 100 future academicians came to see the pigs.

  The inner three floors and the outer three floors were crowded with people, and many professors came over with small benches, listening to the sound of pigs slaughtering and doing research with concentration.

  Sun Yongzhen not only brought back ten fat pigs, but also bought several large boxes of cigarettes. Just looking at those cigarette packs, the eyes of smokers who had been out of food for several months turned green, imagining the fairy days of smoking while eating pork.

   "The pig is killed, the pig is killed!"

  The children of the teacher's house ran wild, laughing and fighting in groups, and some children ran to ask their parents, "Mom, is it New Year's Day today?"

   Zhou Hexuan was also laughing, the scene in front of him made him very happy, because the joy of everyone was so real and pure.

  The teachers instructed the students to move all the desks and chairs to the open space. When it was getting dark, some boys appeared with wooden barrels. There is only one dish in the bucket, roasted pork with kidney beans. The remaining pig blood, pig intestines, pig heart and lungs will be given to teachers to take home to improve their meals.

  Because the electricity bill is very expensive, and the power is often cut off, torches are lit in the open space, and there are smiling faces in the fading light.

Mei Yiqi first came out to speak: "Teachers and classmates, Mr. Zhou invited everyone to eat meat today. When you are full, don't forget to study, and don't forget to serve the motherland. Come, let's sing the school song of Southwest Associated University, I get up..."

  The teachers and students sang in unison while looking at the roast pork in the wooden barrel:

   "The Long March of Ten Thousand Miles has resigned from the Palace Que of the Five Dynasties.

   Stopped temporarily, Hengshan and Xiangshui, and parted again.

  Jueyi transplanted the dry matter, and the blood of Li Yuan was sprinkled all over Kyushu.


  A thousand years of shame, and finally when the snow; Zhongxingye, must be outstanding.

  There are three households in one city, and it is difficult to break down a strong pregnancy.

  How difficult it is to worry about the movement of the new country, and I hope that I will be patient with my heart.

   To expel the Japanese captives and restore the capital, return the Yanjie! "

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