The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 895: 894 [Weilie - The genius who failed half of the subjects

  Blind A Bing put away the huqin, turned around with his head held high, and even the bamboo pole in his hand was full of energy.

   Zhou Hexuan looked at the situation downstairs and couldn't help laughing: "Not only has he become more famous, but he is also good at temper. This blind man has become a little floating, and he is very impetuous."

  According to A Bing's previous character, experience and IQ, it is impossible for Lin Guoda to sing a ditty with just a few words. Unless there is a big problem with his emotions, he makes certain actions unconsciously.

   Zhang Leyi shook his head and said, "No, he is still very respectful to me and kind to others."

   Zhou Hexuan asked: "How did he suddenly become famous?"

Zhang Leyi said: "When you first went to Guizhou to visit the young marshal, one day A Bing sang a patriotic ditty on the street, and happened to be noticed by President Jiang who was driving by. At first, President Jiang just found it interesting and said to the attendant: 'The people's hearts are available, and the blind also know how to serve the country during the war of resistance against Japan. How can the Gong Gongs make peace?' President Jiang ordered A Bing to play the best tune. Just last weekend, President Jiang hosted a state banquet to entertain the American embassy and invited A Bing to perform at the banquet. The song "Erquan Reflecting the Moon" shocked the audience. The newspapers have already regarded A Bing as a master of national music and "Erquan Reflection". "Month" is called the national music treasure."

   "So it is." Zhou Hexuan couldn't help laughing, he finally understood why A Bing floated up.

  Blind A Bing has been wandering for ten years, and his perseverance has indeed been precipitated. But he is an ordinary person with a mortal body. He has emotions, sorrows and joys. He suddenly jumped from a lowly musician to a master of national music. He was also praised by the Chinese head of state and foreign envoys, and was praised by the newspapers and media. A bit fake.

   But after all, A Bing has been weathered, and his mood has calmed down. No matter how much he expands, he won't show up in the Zhou family, while Lin Guoda is an outsider who happens to be the object of A Bing's show off.

   In the eyes of normal people, A Bing's pretense just now was funny and childish, but he himself didn't feel anything wrong. He is gradually moving closer to the "celebrity style", such as asking Lin Guoda if he has opium.

   In the past, A Bing hated opium deeply, but he couldn't quit it, so he could only feel ashamed in his heart. But now, he deliberately said his "shame point", and also in a show-off tone, this is probably the so-called "master eccentricity".

   When he was young, A Bing was selfish, playful, and indulged in pleasure; when he was wandering, A Bing was arrogant, cowardly, calm and depressed; now A Bing has become a little conceited, exaggerated, willing to pretend and seems a little naive.

  Perhaps, after a while, Ah Bing will be able to settle down again. People can't always float in the sky. When they are tired, they will return to the ground.

  Lin Guoda was assigned to live on the first floor, next to the bodyguards' bedrooms. Zhou Hexuan gave him some money to buy clothes, took Lin Guoda into the study, and threw a pile of domestic and foreign historical works to him and said, "After reading it within two years, remember to write about your reading experience."

   "Teacher, this is too much." Lin Guoda felt a bit pitted.

   Zhou Hexuan said: "It's up to you, as much as you can see."


   It was almost evening, Zhou Hexuan's wives and children came back together. But it was Meng Xiaodong's special anti-Japanese performance today. Except for Zhang Leyi and Cui Huifu, everyone else in the family went to watch the performance.



   Several little guys came around happily, and Xiao Lingjun jumped directly into Zhou Hexuan's arms. She is ten years old, and her personality is still active. She has to be pressed by Meng Xiaodong every day to complete the practice of musical instruments and painting and calligraphy.

  It is summer vacation now, and the children are all idle at home.

   The next day, around noon, Xiao Lingjun shook his sore wrist and saw that Master was sleeping under the tree, and he suddenly had the idea of ​​a prank. She picked up the brush and crept over, improvising abstract paintings on Master's face.

  The blind man's hearing has always been very sensitive, and A Bing had long heard the footsteps of Xiao Lingjun, but he continued to pretend to be asleep and let the only apprentice in his life make trouble. A Bing has no children, and already treats his apprentice as his own daughter. He spoils Xiao Lingjun even more than Zhou Hexuan.

   "Lingjun, what are you doing!" Meng Xiaodong shouted.

  Xiao Lingjun was so frightened that his hands softened, his writing brush fell off, and he shivered like a mouse seeing a cat. She was not afraid of anyone, just her own mother. She stood there with her head down and didn't dare to move.

  A Bing suddenly woke up and said with a smile, "Madam, Lingjun and I are playing a game."

   Meng Xiaodong did not listen to the explanation, and reprimanded her daughter: "Apologize to Master, then stand under the eaves and think for an hour."

  Xiao Lingjun was so wronged that he wanted to cry, and whispered to A Bing, "I'm sorry, Master, I shouldn't make fun of you."

   "It's okay, it's okay, just go and stand, don't make your wife angry." A Bing quickly coaxed.

Xiao Lingjun automatically stood under the eaves and faced the wall, Zhou Shuoming and Zhou Yangxu gloated and ran around in the garden shouting, "Wow, my sister has been punished to stand again, and my sister has been punished to stand again! "

  Xiao Lingjun turned his head and raised his fist to threaten: "Be careful I beat you!"

  The two little guys were not afraid, they made faces at her in various ways, making Xiao Lingjun furious.

  No matter how noisy it is outside, Weilie is only studying hard in his study. He is studying the third grade of junior high school by himself, and he will be able to enter high school next year - he is only nine years old now.

   In another room, Zhou Hexuan expressed his concerns: "The child is too young, let him go to junior high school for two more years."

   "But it's a waste of time, our son is a genius." Zhang Leyi is extremely proud.

   Zhou Hexuan asked: "Apart from science, how about Weilie's other courses?"

  Zhang Leyi said: "Some are partial to subjects, especially the composition is very bad. The style (vernacular) is reluctant, the classical Chinese is a mess, and Wei Lie seems to have no interest in writing."

   "Then he can pass the exam?" Zhou Hexuan asked.

   Zhang Leyi took out a transcript: "Look at it for yourself, the final grade of this semester."

   Zhou Hexuan spread it out and smiled bitterly. It is really unreliable for a nine-year-old child to be in the second grade of junior high school——

Chinese 62 points, Mathematics 100 points, Physics 100 points, Health 60 points, Chemistry 100 points, Animals and Plants 29 points, History 13 points, Geography 32 points, English 61 points, Citizenship 55 points, Physical education 85 points, Music 50 points, Labor 35 points, 40 points for fine arts.

   The grades in mathematics, physics and chemistry are gratifying, but the Chinese and English are barely passable, and the passing grades in hygiene are estimated to be sponsored by the teacher. All other subjects were red-hot across the board, with 7 out of 14 subjects.

   Well, 85 points in sports is not bad, at least he didn't turn into a nerd who is helpless.

   But what the **** is history?

  Your father is a world-famous historian in the field of history. You will be laughed at with a 13 score in the history test!

   Zhou Hexuan shook his head helplessly: "This summer vacation, I will personally give Wei Lie a history lesson."

   "Dong Dong Dong!"

  Cui Huichi knocked on the door and entered: "Sir, Duanmu Hongliang and Xiao Hong are here."

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