The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 911: 910 [Feng Yuxiang, who has been suspended]

   We often say that during the Republic of China there was no shortage of talents, and there was also no shortage of capable bureaucrats.

  For example, the Department of Agriculture and Forestry, which is about to be upgraded to a ministerial-level unit, whether Chen Jitang or Feng Yuxiang is in charge, will not affect the development of China's agriculture. Because the real person in charge is Qian Tianhe, the director of the Department of Agriculture and Forestry at this time and the future deputy minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

  Qian Tianhe mainly focuses on three points in increasing agricultural production:

   First, promote improved varieties, including those of wheat, rice, cotton, silkworms, and cattle. Take cotton as an example, improved cotton has been extended to 36 counties, and the yield per mu has increased from 18.2 catties in 1937 to 63.4 catties in 1939, and the yield per mu has increased by 250%. Under the auspices of Qian Tianhe, improved wheat varieties have been promoted to 40,000 mu, and "regenerative rice" and "second-ripening rice" have also been trial-planted in rice.

   Second, promote scientific fertilizers. The scientific fertilizers here are not only chemical fertilizers, but also various green manures, such as Yuanping Bacillus compost, Taozi green manure, steamed bone meal and so on. These green manures do not need to rely on an industrial base, but are very effective in increasing crop yields.

   Third, promote the prevention and control of pests and diseases. In the past, farmers rarely used pesticides. Qian Tianhe built many pesticide factories. Although the output of pesticides was very low, it was increasing little by little.

   In addition to these, Qian Tianhe also encouraged wasteland reclamation and development of forestry resources, and even stipulated that private wasteland that is not planted overdue should be directly sold or expropriated by the government.

   There were also agricultural loans and rural cooperatives. These measures had been promoted before the war, but local officials were too overstaffed to implement them. After Qian Tianhe took office in charge of agriculture, he immediately made a drastic move, and brought the central order to quickly open the situation.

As for the construction of water conservancy facilities, from 1938 to 1944, Sichuan Province alone, under the auspices of Qian Tianhe, opened 31 canals (large), built 334 dams, drilled 2,826 ponds, and other small-scale irrigation. Countless projects.

  The Anti-Japanese War was able to be won, and Qian Tianhe made a great contribution, because he made the rice bag bulge.

   This person studied in the United States after graduating from Tsinghua University. He holds a master's degree in agriculture from Cornell University. He returned to China as a professor at the Agricultural College of Jinling University. During the Northern Expedition, Qian Tianhe was an official in the Nanjing government, and he followed Chang Kaishen all the way to this day.

   Therefore, Chen Jitang and Feng Yuxiang are both decorations, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry will definitely be Qian Tianhe in the future. Even when he arrived in Taiwan, Lao Jiang was engaged in land reform and the development of Taiwan's agriculture. Qian Tianhe still made great efforts in it, and participated in the formulation of Taiwan's agricultural policy throughout the process.

   After Feng Yuxiang was appointed as the leader of the scientific chicken promotion team, Qian Tianhe immediately assigned him a deputy. More than two-thirds of the entire team were from Qian Tianhe. Our changing chapter general suddenly found out that he was already placed under the auspices of the Agriculture and Forestry Department before he was ready to do anything.

   Feng Yuxiang was very depressed, but there was nothing he could do. He finally hired an official, but it was false, so he could only pick up his old job - doing publicity.

   In one day, Feng Yuxiang drew 12 cartoons, all of which were chickens and eggs.

   For example, in this cartoon called "God's Egg", four farmers happily lift an egg, which is bigger than a human being. He also wrote a poem: "It's really wonderful to raise chickens scientifically. Earthworms have become chicken feed. The chickens grow fast and give birth to big eggs. Everyone comes to learn how to raise chickens, and the people are no longer hungry. Chicken eggs are nutritious. , eat your fill and kill the devils!"

   "Mingcheng, in the next issue of the pictorial, you can publish all my cartoons." Feng Yuxiang said with a smile.

   Zhou Hexuan couldn't help laughing after reading these comics: "General Feng's paintings are really good, but the number is too many, I can only publish two."

   "Two pictures, just two pictures, whatever," Feng Yuxiang quickly said the key point, "By the way, do you have the manuscript of "Captain China"? Let me see the content of the third issue."

   Zhou Hexuan took out a stack of paintings from the drawer and said with a smile, "Ya Jian please."

  Feng Yuxiang glanced at it and said, "This style of painting is a bit wrong. It is more beautiful and detailed than the previous two issues."

Zhou Hexuan explained: "Drawing comics is too time-consuming. In the future, I will make up the stories, and then let Wanrong draw the stories into comics. I also assigned an assistant to her, and the guns, tanks, etc., are all drawn by the assistant. "

  Feng Yuxiang nodded and said, "This method is good, just like running a factory, what is it called?"

   "Assembly line production." Zhou Hexuan said.

   "Yes, it's the assembly line." After Feng Yuxiang finished speaking, he started to read comics.

   In the third episode of "Captain China", the irrational compatriot died at the beginning. He didn't know how to dodge, but instead caught the bomb and threw it back. While blowing the door open, he was also blown to pieces. In this way, he did not die, but rushed out to kill and was finally burned alive by the Japanese army using a flamethrower.

   Zheng Xiaofei, the protagonist, is more intelligent and witty. The moment the Japanese army threw the bomb, he picked up several Japanese corpses as meat shields. Then he rushed out of the room and slaughtered all the way, rescuing many compatriots who were used as experiments. At the same time, the cartoon also exposed the atrocities of the Japanese army. The Chinese prisoners here were brutally abused, and some were even captured innocent civilians.

  When the Japanese army in the entire laboratory was about to be killed by Zheng Xiaofei, the big villain Dr. Aihara appeared again.

   Dr. Aihara injected himself with a potion, which contained the genes of the fallen dragon from Yingkou. He evolved out of control and turned into a half-human, half-dragon monster, beating Zheng Xiaofei badly. At a critical time, Zheng Xiaofei also transformed into a burst of anger. His whole body was covered with Siberian tiger hair, and he staged a battle between dragons and tigers in the Japanese military laboratory.

   Zheng Xiaofei used his wisdom to win a tragic victory and escaped from the laboratory with injuries. As for Dr. Aihara, who was killed by him, his fingers suddenly trembled slightly, and then he climbed up with difficulty, and the third episode of "Captain China" ended.

   "What about the fourth episode?" Feng Yuxiang asked impatiently.

   Zhou Hexuan spread his hands: "The fourth episode has not been drawn yet, do you want me to reveal the plot to you?"

   Feng Yuxiang hurriedly said: "That's not necessary, I'll wait to see the serialization."

   Zhou Hexuan suddenly asked, "How are the preparations for the Scientific Chicken Raising Promotion Team going?"

   "Forget it, I can't get involved." Feng Yuxiang smiled helplessly.

  Qian Tianhe is so domineering, he doesn't give Feng Yuxiang face at all, and it is useless for Feng Yuxiang to go to Lao Jiang to reason.

   Zhou Hexuan couldn't ask any more questions, and continued to chat with Feng Yuxiang about comics.

   At this moment, Ma Jue and Wanrong returned together, both of them are now teachers. Wanrong is a lecturer in the painting department of the Art Department of the Central University, and Ma Jue is an associate professor of the Law School of the Central University. These titles are highly rated, and they deserve to be a Ph.D. from the University of London.


   Ma Jue walked in quickly and looked at Zhou Hexuan with a smile, ignoring Feng Yuxiang next to him.

   Zhou Hexuan had a headache, Ma Jue's meaning couldn't be more obvious, she stayed in Chongqing for our old Zhou, and even stayed in Zhou's mansion and didn't leave.

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