"Mr. Zhou!"

   Fourteen young pilots saluted in unison. They were about 20 years old, and they were full of vigor.

   Zhou Hexuan walked over to shake hands and said with a smile, "Hello everyone, let me introduce myself, I will come here often when I have time."

   "Mr. Zhou, my name is Chen Guimin."

   "My name is Li Nianzu."

   "My name is Peng Xingbang."

   "My name is Lin Yao."

   "My name is Huang Dongquan."

"My name is……"

  The young people were very excited to see Zhou Hexuan. They had just graduated from Kunming Aviation School, and they were still at an age when their ideals were above everything else. They especially admired Zhou Hexuan, a great patriotic writer.

  Lin Yao took out a package, handed it to Zhou Hexuan and said, "Mr. Zhou, this is a gift from Brother Liang and Sister Lin."

   Zhou Hexuan opened the package and saw that it was a pair of Mi Fu's calligraphy and painting. He quickly said, "This gift is very precious. Thank you Mr. Liang and Mr. Lin for me."

  Lin Yao said with a smile: "This calligraphy and painting was discovered by them when they inspected the ancient buildings in Chuankang last year. The price is very cheap."

   Zhou Hexuan put away the calligraphy and painting and asked, "Are you all stationed in Chongqing in the future?"

  Li Nianzu said: "Our group graduated early. Air Force pilots are too exhausted. The air battles in Chongqing are the most intense, so nearly half of them are allocated to Chongqing."

   "Hey, I'll try to donate as many planes to you as possible." Zhou Hexuan said with emotion.

   Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin are not only the older brothers and sisters of these pilots, but also their parents.

   When the two moved from Changsha to Kunming, Lin Huiyin had a fever of 40 degrees on the way, and there were children and old people around. They searched for hotels along the street, but there were refugees everywhere, not even a single bed, and when it rained heavily at night, the situation was very miserable.

   Just when they were desperate, a beautiful violin sound suddenly came from the rainy night.

  Liang Sicheng followed the music to find an inn, ran to the room where someone was playing the violin and knocked on the door. Inside was a group of young men in uniforms of air cadets. These young people took in Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin's family, and could even be said to be Lin Huiyin's savior. Otherwise, Lin Huiyin, who had a high fever of 40 degrees, would have no place to live in the rainy night, and he would probably be critically ill.

   Even more coincidentally, they all went to Kunming, Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin went to the Southwest Associated University, and the Air Force cadets went to Kunming Aviation School.

  As long as Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin are in Kunming, these aviation school students must go to Liang's house to play every weekend and often participate in the literature salon organized by Lin Huiyin. At this time, Sharon seldom talked about literature, but talked about the current situation of the Anti-Japanese War and the heroes of the Anti-Japanese War. Because there were Air Force cadets, they talked about the heroes of the Air Force most of the time.

   These aviation school students are far away from their hometowns. They tell Lin Huiyin any grievances and difficulties. Lin Huiyin often takes them to outings, swimming, singing, and playing the piano. They are almost like family members. Even Lin Huiyin sent his younger brother to the aviation school.

   Not long ago, when these aviation school students graduated, because they had no relatives in Kunming, they simply invited Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin to be honorary parents, attended the graduation ceremony and delivered speeches. When they left Kunming, the contact information of their relatives was also the address of Liang's family.

  The tragedy has just begun. In the following years, Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin continued to receive death notices and relics, including Lin Huiyin's younger brother. The first sacrifice was Chen Guimin, and the last sacrifice was Lin Yao. Every time the death notice was sent, Lin Huiyin would cry.

  Liang Sicheng was even more saddened, because every time he was the parent to collect the corpses, many pilots died with incomplete remains, which was more difficult to let go than simply receiving a death notice.

   These pilot brothers of Lin Huiyin all died during the Anti-Japanese War, and there is no survivor. In other words, these young people standing in front of Zhou Hexuan are all future anti-Japanese martyrs!

   In this context, if we read Lin Huiyin's poem "Crying Three Brothers Heng" again, we can better understand her grief. She wrote poems to mourn not only her own younger brother, but also so many "brothers", so she has these verses: You have given all you have, and the brothers who went with you are the same, give your lives... You give so much, for whom? Do you believe that the happiness of how many people in China will be ahead of you, more important than yourself...I fully understand why I still cry for you/just because you are a child but don't leave anything for yourself...

   "Have you already reported to the army?" Zhou Hexuan asked.

  Chen Guimin said: "We've already gone, and the boss gave us three days off to play in Chongqing."

  Peng Xingbang added: "Actually, it's useless to stay in the army. There are not enough planes. We can't touch the plane for several days in line. We have to wait for the next batch of Soviet planes to be delivered to Chongqing."

   "Then I'll take you to play for three days," Zhou Hexuan shouted to the study, "Xiao Lin, come out!"

  Lin Guoda took a copy of "Warring States Policy" and quickly ran to the living room to ask, "Teacher, what do you want me to do?"

   Zhou Hexuan said: "Don't read books these days, and have fun with everyone."

   "Really?" Lin Guoda was overjoyed.

  Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin asked the pilots to send valuable calligraphy and paintings with only one purpose, that is to ask Zhou Hexuan to take care of their "younger brother". Zhou Hexuan is a sensible person, no matter whether it is public or private, he has to take care of one or two things. But he didn't have enough time, so he could play with the young people for a day, and Lin Guoda was responsible for the rest of the time.

   Just as everyone was leaving, Blind Bing happened to be going out.

   Zhou Hexuan shouted: "A Bing, don't go to the street to sing songs today, play around with us."

   "Alright." A Bing said with a smile.

  Everyone boarded the small river wheel, enjoying the scenery along the coast, and A Bing also pulled up the erhu very knowingly. It's not "Er Spring Reflecting the Moon", that's too sad. What he played was the original song "Listening to the Pine", borrowing things to sing praises to the national hero Yue Fei, and at the same time inspire the Chinese people's anti-war spirit.

  The whole song is bold and powerful, Huang Dongquan exclaimed after listening to it: "What song is this? It makes my blood boil!"

  A Bing replied: "Listening to Song", the song is Yue Fei, and I wrote it myself."

  Huang Dongquan is the young student who played the violin in the rainy night and got acquainted with Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin. He is a music lover, and he is very talented. If it weren't for the national disaster, he might become a musician in the future, instead of joining the army to serve the country, and the blue blood spilled in the sky.

  Huang Dongquan said happily when he saw the hunting heart: "Mr. A Bing, can you teach me this song?"

  A Bing asked: "You can play the huqin?"

   "Yes, I have studied since I was a child." Huang Dongquan said.

  A Bing handed the erhu to the other party: "Tell me a paragraph."

   Huang Dongquan took it over and started it, and it was "Bright Xing". This is the most famous erhu song in the 1930s, which means that after hard exploration and hard work, China is moving towards a bright future. Moreover, this piece boldly borrows the creative skills of Western music, and also borrows the **** and bowing of the violin, so that the melody of the music is both grand and atmospheric, and has a distinct sense of national music intimacy.

  Huang Dongquan is proficient in erhu and violin, and now he can play it very easily.

After listening to the song, A Bing said happily: "You are very spiritual in playing the huqin. Do you want to be my student? It's like a disciple." As if afraid that the other party would not like it, A Bing added, "I am very famous, President Jiang. Please ask me to pull the tune and promise not to let you suffer."

   Zhou Hexuan was a little surprised that he could make A Bing take the initiative to accept apprentices. This young man seems to be very talented in music.

   Huang Dongquan said with a smile: "Mr. A Bing, I have joined the Air Force, and I will fly a plane to fight devils. But if I have time, I will definitely be willing to learn how to play the piano with you, but it is not necessary to formally apprentice."

A Bing nodded again and again: "It's good to beat the devil, and I will fight hard in the future! When I was performing on the street, I was often disturbed by Japanese planes, and I had to be led by someone before I could enter the air-raid shelter. If you can shoot down a Japanese plane, I will teach you all my skills!"

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