The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 925: 924【The richest man in Sichuan】

   In fact, Wang Deqian is not only the richest man in Zigong, but also the richest man in Sichuan. The "Bancheng" in Chongqing is only a pediatrician.

   Of course, it is impossible to say that the richest man in Sichuan is now because the four major families have moved inward.

   At the end of last year, the Japanese secret service counted the deposits of government officials in Shanghai International Bank. Chang Kaishen and Song Meiling totaled US$11.86 million, Song Ziwen US$6.37 million, and Kong Xiangxi US$6.35 million. At that time, the total deposits in China's domestic banks (excluding the occupied areas) were only over 700 million U.S. dollars in U.S. dollars, and even less at the black market exchange rate—less than 300 million U.S. dollars, the four major families were definitely rich enough to rival countries.

   This deposit statistics report is the internal information of the Japanese government, and it was not publicized. It was later stored in the archives of Stanford University in the United States, so there should be no possibility of falsification.

  How the money of the four major families came from, we will not discuss it, Wang Deqian's money is really not easy to earn.

  Zigong (including Fushun), as the number one source of tax revenue in Sichuan, has been targeted since the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, and even the warlords of Yunnan and Guizhou have come to get a piece of the pie. For local warlords, only by controlling Zigong can they truly control Sichuan.

   Although Wang Deqian was born in a wealthy family, he was almost bankrupt when he took over the family business.

Infighting in the family, ravages of warlords, heavy taxation and exploitation by the government, siege and frame-up by competitors... Wang Deqian struggled to defeat his two younger brothers to inherit the family business. At the time, the price of salt plummeted, and the whole factory stopped production. It took a few hundred salt pots to pay off Installment debt. The clansmen continued to forcibly separate their families. After a lot of tossing, Wang Deqian didn't even have any salt wells. There were only some natural gas wells, and the profits were not enough to pay off his debts.

  Wang Deqian carried out a drastic corporate reform and gradually recovered several salt wells. But as soon as it started to improve, he encountered a fire in the salt well, which resulted in a lawsuit for human life. Then he encountered a dispute with the owner when repairing the stove, which led to the shutdown of the new well and a huge deposit to the government. At this time, the two younger brothers were still arguing with him. Divide property.

   It was under such bad circumstances that Wang Deqian, who was once bankrupt, became the richest man in Sichuan in just over ten years.

   He believed in Buddhism and Taoism, he helped the poor, he donated money to fight the Japanese, he was diligent and simple... These are all true. But he is also a cunning scoundrel, domineering and tough, insidious and cunning, and cold-hearted. Due to the huge amount of money he owed, he hid in the mountains for several years and did not dare to go out. He was surrounded by dozens of confidants at any time, and all business was conducted remotely in the Buddhist temple in the mountain.

  Since the outbreak of the all-out Anti-Japanese War, Wang Deqian has been cultivating Buddhism all day, neither entertaining or going out. Just because the national government is too powerful, all salt is collected and sold, and the entire salt market is controlled by the government, and salt merchants only need to be responsible for production. Coupled with the continuous devaluation of the French currency, the hot salt industry has little profit. Before the founding of New China, the richest man in Sichuan was essentially bankrupt.

  This is like the bankruptcy of a steel company during wartime, and a salt industry company can also be bankrupted. It has to be said that the National Government is very capable.

  For this reason, Wang Deqian is extremely hostile to the Kuomintang, and his company is not allowed to have any Kuomintang branches. At the same time, he acquiesced to the development of the underground party, and family children were recommended to study in Yan'an.

   Hearing that the famous Zhou Shenxian came to Zigong, Wang Deqian immediately brought people to the gate to greet him. He laughed and said, "I have long admired Zhou's name, I will see you today, I have no regrets in this life!"

   "Brother Wang, you're welcome, I have heard of your kind name in eastern Sichuan." Zhou Hexuan casually sent a flattering remark.

   This sentence is very useful to Wang Deqian. He has no intention of running an industry now, but he values ​​reputation more, and said happily: "I can do what I can for the people of the country. I'm very satisfied. Good and bad names are all false."

   Zhou Hexuan introduced: "This is Qian Ji, a monk who has returned to the secular world, and this is Nan Huaijin, a Buddhist and Taoist practitioner."

  Wang Deqian took the two of them by the hand and said, "Brother Zhou's friends are all young and handsome. I have been obsessed with Buddhism for many years, so I just happened to ask the two of you for advice."

   "I don't dare to ask for advice, just confirm each other." Nan Huaijin and Qian Ji said quickly.

  The banquet of the Wang family is not extravagant, just ordinary dishes such as bean curd and twice-cooked pork. Just as everyone sat down and didn't even move their chopsticks, a servant suddenly reported, "Yi Gong, Mayor Cao is here!"

   "Quickly invite him in." Wang Deqian said enthusiastically.

  Cao Renyuan was the first mayor of Zigong and a member of the Alliance. He had participated in the Guangzhou Uprising, Wuchang Uprising and Sichuan Road Protection Movement. He studied agriculture at Tokyo Agricultural University, chemical engineering at the University of Michigan, then a master's degree at the University of Chicago, the University of Wisconsin, and then a doctorate in Germany.

  The most popular indanshilin cloth in the Republic of China was invented by Cao Renyuan when he was a doctoral student. This kind of fabric was hailed as the pride of the nation by intellectuals and was called "national fabric". At that time, cheongsam and long shirt were the first choice.

   We mentioned the anecdote of Master Hongyi earlier, he once boycotted foreign goods and only wore national cloth. A student gave him a good dress, but he refused to wear it because he thought the fabric was high-grade. Later, he learned that it was a domestic product and accepted it—the dress was made of Yindanshilin cloth.

   A member of the Alliance who returned from overseas, such as Cao Renyuan, has all the reputation, qualifications and abilities. It is enough to be a deputy minister in the central government, but he was sent to be the mayor of Zigong, which shows how bleak his career is. The reason is very simple. He is with the wrong person. He is Hu Hanmin's confidant, and he specifically sings against Lao Jiang. If he hadn't been a famous doctor of chemical engineering, and Zigong also produced salt, the mayor of Zigong would not have been able to turn him.

   "Yi Gong," Cao Renyuan greeted Wang Deqian before he held Zhou Hexuan's hand enthusiastically and said, "Mr. Zhou, you don't even say a word when you come from Gong, let me do my best as a landlord!"

   Zhou Hexuan smiled and said, "Dr. Cao is very polite. I came from Gong mainly to visit friends, and I didn't intend to alarm you."

  Cao Renyuan smiled and said, "General Feng mentioned your righteous deeds many times in his letter, which makes me admire you!"

   Cao Renyuan and Feng Yuxiang are also old friends. After the Great Wall War of Resistance Against Japan, he assisted Feng Yuxiang in forming the Anti-Japanese Allied Army in Zhangjiakou, the same army where Ji Hongchang and Fang Zhenwu were.

  Dou is in such a big circle that they are all friends. No wonder Wang Deqian donated so much money in one go when Feng Yuxiang called for donations to fight Japan.

  Cao Renyuan was relatively clean when he was the mayor of Zigong, and his exploitation of salt merchants was not serious, so he had a very good relationship with Wang Deqian. But it won't be long before the mayor of Zigong will be replaced, and the salt merchants will be pitted to death.

   A pair of bowls and chopsticks were quickly added to the table. Cao Renyuan was originally from Sichuan, and he took the initiative to chat about Zhou Hexuan's deeds in Sichuan. When it comes to Zhou Hexuan and Liu Congyun's fighting skills, the whole room is made to laugh, and even the maid next to her is covering her mouth.

Wang Deqian said disdainfully: "I am quite familiar with Liu Congyun. He is from Weiyuan. Crossing the river in Da'an Village is Weiyuan. Before climbing Liu Xiang, I often came to Da'an to cheat. I just took over the salt number. There are a lot of unfortunate things, Liu Congyun took the auxiliary compass and wanted to show me Feng Shui. Look at the feng shui of a ghost, full of nonsense, I directly let the thugs drive him away."

  Nan Huaijin was very concerned about Buddhism and Taoism, and asked, "Mr. Zhou, how real is Liu Congyun? If it's pure deception, why are so many people deceived?"

   Zhou Hexuan said with a smile: "Then I'll show you a live demonstration."

   "How to demonstrate?" Nan Huaijin asked.

   Zhou Hexuan said, "I will tell Dr. Cao's fortune."

   Cao Renyuan said happily: "Mr. Zhou tells me fortune-telling in person, I'm really flattered."

   Zhou Hexuan said: "Dr. Cao, please tell me your birthday."

  Cao Renyuan immediately cooperated: "I was born on the twelve ugly days of the twelfth lunar month in the nineteenth year of Guangxu."

   Zhou Hexuan pretended to count, and suddenly said, "You are the only son in the family!"

  Cao Renyuan shook his head and said, "No."

  Nan Huaijin laughed: "Mr. Zhou miscalculated!"

   Zhou Hexuan said solemnly: "You must be the only son!"

  Cao Renyuan said: "I have two brothers."

   Zhou Hexuan said: "Think about it again, what time were you born?"

   Cao Renyuan was a little confused, and recalled: "It should be the ugly time, when my mother gave birth to me, I heard the **** crow."

Zhou Hexuan said: "The rooster usually crows after 3:00 in the morning, when it is already considered Yin Shi. There are many brothers in Ziwu Maoyou, three or two in Yinshen Sihai, and Chenxu Chou is not the only one. If they were born in Yin Shi, then the three brothers are just right. It's not that I made a mistake, it's that you remembered the time of your birth incorrectly."

   "Am I really remembering it wrong?" Cao Renyuan really couldn't figure it out, because there were very few people with clocks in the late Qing Dynasty.

   Zhou Hexuan said: "It's also possible that Ling Zun Lingtang didn't figure it out. It was mostly in the middle of the night. It's easy to confuse Chou Shi and Yin Shi."

  Cao Renyuan touched his head and suddenly reacted: "You lied to me, right?"

"Hahahaha," Zhou Hexuan laughed and said to Nan Huaijin, "I see, this is the usual trick of liars in all corners of the world. Although it doesn't work to deal with Dr. Cao, it is enough to deceive those fools and fools. There are routines for fortune-telling and feng shui. , coupled with observation and adaptability, if you have read some Taoist classics, you will be able to walk around the rivers and lakes.”

  Wang Deqian watched happily, he said, "Brother Zhou is a master!"

  Qian Ji smiled and said, "No wonder the Americans call you a Far Eastern wizard, and it really does."

  Wang Deqian said: "Destiny is not determined by heaven, it depends entirely on human actions. Doing good deeds will bring good results, and naturally there will be many children and grandchildren. People like Liu Congyun will kill themselves if they do too much injustice."

  Nan Huaijin asked, "Who is the one who practiced Buddhism?"

  Wang Deqian said: "The Pure Land School."

   Nan Huaijin said: "I once met a Pure Land Master in Hangzhou."

  Wang Deqian came to be interested: "Oh, who is it?"

   Well, the two began to discuss Buddhism.

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