London, Chinese Embassy in the UK.

   "What is the specific political situation in the UK?" Wang Rizhang couldn't wait to ask. Although he is nominally arranged to be Zhou Hexuan's secretary, he has the responsibility to deliver news to Chang Kaishen at any time - after all, Lao Jiang likes to play micro-manipulation and wants to take care of everything, including diplomatic negotiations.

   Guo Taiqi said: "The British cabinet now belongs to the wartime coalition government, the Conservative Party represented by Churchill is in charge of military and foreign affairs, the Labour Party represented by Attlee is in charge of internal affairs, and the Liberal Party is optional."

  Wang Rizhang asked again: "What are the attitudes of the Conservative Party and the Labour Party towards China?"

Guo Taiqi said: "The Labour Party advocates uniting all potential international allies, including China. If the UK were the Labour Party, it would certainly not close the Burma Road, but the Labour Party seldom intervenes in foreign affairs. You can understand that the Labour Party is not involved in British foreign policy. There is only advice and discussion, and the decision rests with the Conservatives."

   "What about the Conservative Party?" Wang Rizhang asked.

Guo Taiqi smiled bitterly: "The Conservative Party is divided into two factions. Although Chamberlain has stepped down, he still has a strong influence on the Conservative Party. He advocates compromise and peace. Churchill was a puppet when he came to power, but after two years After months of hard work, Churchill has won the support of many Conservative MPs. Now the Conservative Party is dominated by Churchill in the general direction, and his diplomatic philosophy is to abandon Asia, first unite with the United States to solve European problems, and then go back to solve Asian problems. "

   Zhou Hexuan summed it up: "In other words, Churchill didn't take Asia seriously at all. No matter how lively Japan and China fought, they couldn't compare to any battle in Europe."

   Guo Taiqi said: "Yes, Churchill's all eyes are on Europe. As long as Japan does not attack the Nanyang region, he will not care about China's life or death."

  Wang Rizhang turned his head and asked Zhou Hexuan, "How is Mr. Zhou going to negotiate?"

   Zhou Hexuan thought for a while and said, "I want to meet Attlee, the leader of the Labour Party. If I can convince him, it will be better. After all, the Labour Party is also one of the ruling parties."

   When Zhou Hexuan visited the UK, Attlee was just a small role, and he was also ordered to be a tour guide for Zhou Hexuan.

   It is ridiculous to say that a few years ago the Labour Party was against all wars and pursued an idealistic foreign policy. They believe that war is evil, and that under the leadership of the League of Nations to disarm together, the world will be infinitely better.

   Even when the British government rearmed its armaments in 1935, the Labour Party came out to accuse that some members of the Labour Party even asked the British government to "close the recruiting station, disband the army, disarm the air force...abolish the terrible war facilities".

   Well, that is to advocate the demilitarization of Britain.

   If the idea of ​​the Labour Party is really implemented, then there is no need to say anything. Hitler can occupy the British Isles without a single soldier.

  Attlee was an outlier in the Labour Party, just as Churchill was a Conservative outlier, and both pursued a hard-line military foreign policy. So they came to power, and now Churchill is the Prime Minister, and Attlee is the Deputy Prime Minister (at this time, the Lord of the Seals, and officially became Deputy Prime Minister two years later).

   But the two have different views. Churchill wants to unite with the United States to solve European problems, and Attlee wants to unite all anti-fascist countries to solve the world war - but neither of them can fully decide.

  Churchill's song is quite embarrassing. When he first came to power, Chamberlain was still equivalent to the emperor.

   Therefore, when Germany attacked Belgium, although the British government had already sent troops, the cabinet was discussing how to seek peace, and even planned to cede the colonies to Germany. When France formally surrendered, the British cabinet was discussing making peace with Italy, intending to give up the interests of the Mediterranean to please Italy.

   Every time Churchill made tough measures, he had to spend a lot of saliva to convince the cabinet, and again and again agreed to the cabinet's weak and peaceful move. In Churchill's words: "Knowing that it is useless, but also to please the pig-like teammates and bite the bullet."


The day after Zhou Hexuan arrived in London, the British Foreign Office secretly called the United States to seek Roosevelt's opinion again. If the United States does not expressly object, the United Kingdom will temporarily close the Burma Road.

  Hu Shi heard the news in the United States and immediately telegraphed the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Lao Jiang ordered Zhou Hexuan and Guo Taiqi to immediately launch diplomatic lobbying.

  Guo Taiqi was busy giving speeches and meeting with officials of the British Foreign Office, while Zhou Hexuan went directly to Attlee.

   "Zhou, long time no see." Attlee shook hands and smiled.

   Zhou Hexuan smiled and said, "Congratulations, Your Excellency becoming the Minister of the Royal Seal of the United Kingdom."

   Attlee spread his hands and said: "This is not a pleasant job, the situation is too bad."

   Zhou Hexuan said: "You can overthrow Chamberlain's appeasement cabinet, which is the greatest contribution to the world's anti-fascism."

   "Perhaps I should be happy about that." Attlee showed British humor.

   Chamberlain was ousted by Attlee, and Churchill was able to stand firm, and it was Attlee who supported him from beginning to end. At least in 1940, Attlee had a huge influence on Churchill, and persuading him was half the battle.

  Wang Rizhang, as the deputy envoy, sat beside him and listened, while Ma Jue carefully recorded the speeches of both parties.

   Zhou Hexuan and Attlee talked nonsense for a long time, talking about their experience of traveling together in London, and the reminiscence finally got to the point.

   Zhou Hexuan asked: "Does Britain want to give up the Far East and give all its colonies to the Japanese?"

   Attlee smiled and said, "Of course not."

Zhou Hexuan said: "Then why close the Burma Highway, it is one of China's only two lines of communication to the outside world, and it is the most important one! Once the Burma Highway is closed, it will help Japan to blockade China at sea. China's war of resistance against Japan is already very difficult, and if the United Kingdom falls to the ground, Japan will definitely be able to draw out its forces to attack Southeast Asia."

Attlee said: "Mr. Zhou, I admire the Chinese people's will to resist and hate Japan's fascist aggression. But the situation in the UK is very bad. Germany is trying to block the English Channel, and even wants to send troops to invade the British mainland. In this case, we can no longer go to war with Japan, please understand this helpless choice."

   "If that's the case, then why did Britain declare war on Germany?" Zhou Hexuan sarcastically said, "Germany invades Poland.

  Attlee said: "Poland is our ally, and we can't sit back and watch Germany grow."

Zhou Hexuan said with a smile: "It turns out that the British government will also take long-term considerations. I thought you would only pay attention to the status quo. Perhaps a war with Germany and Japan at the same time will put the UK in a very critical situation. But have you ever thought that once China loses the war, Japan will be in danger. Can you invade Southeast Asia without worry, or even annex India?"

  Attlee said: "I'm sorry, I understand what you said. But the UK can't go to war with Japan at the moment, we need time. In fact, I hope China can negotiate peace with Japan."

   Zhou Hexuan laughed angrily: "Hehe, can the UK have peace talks with Germany?"

   Attlee said: "We have the determination to resist to the end, but we will not give up the possibility of peace talks."

   Zhou Hexuan said: "Hitler should be very happy to hear this."

  Attlee was talking nonsense, of course, he knew that peace talks could not succeed. But the British government did just that. The Peace faction, represented by Chamberlain, still did not give up seeking peace—until Germany began to bomb London.

   In addition to the Soviet Union, the major European countries have surprisingly consistent views on the situation in the Far East. At this moment, the United Kingdom, Italy and Germany all hope that the Sino-Japanese truce will cease, and they will continue to pull the strings in practice.

  Germany and Italy wanted to win over China and join Japan to attack Southeast Asia. Britain wants to maintain peace in the Far East, and strive to prevent Japan from fighting anyone. If it wants to fight, it is best to go and fight the Soviet Union.

  Britain really regards itself as an uncle. Historically, after they closed the Yunnan-Burma Highway, they ran out to mediate between China and Japan. The responses of China and Japan were: **** you!

   After talking for two hours, Zhou Hexuan still couldn't convince Attlee, but he also gained something - Zhou Hexuan successfully detected the diplomatic attitude of the British cabinet, that is, delaying the time until the United States made it clear.

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