The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 943: 942 [Everything is ready]

  The corridor outside the door.

   Ma Jue asked in a low voice, "Brother Wang, do you think Mr. Zhou can convince Prime Minister Churchill?"

   "I'm afraid it will be difficult," Wang Rizhang shook his head with a wry smile, and then added, "Maybe a miracle might happen, Mr. Zhou is in a very relaxed mood today, he should have a detailed plan."

  Ma Jue said: "Yes, Mr. Zhou has always been very capable. What do you think he is saying to Churchill?"

  Wang Rizhang said: "Perhaps it is conveying President Jiang's secret order, preparing to reach some kind of agreement with the British government."

   "A pact that betrays China's interests? No way." Ma Jue was surprised.

Wang Rizhang said with a smile: "What else can China have to sell to the UK? I would like to sell it, but it needs to be seen by Churchill. As a special envoy sent by China to visit the UK, it is shameful not to betray the country, but to sell nothing. ."

  Ma Jue was speechless for a while, this was too direct.

  The two stood outside for more than ten minutes when the office door suddenly opened.

I saw Churchill personally send Zhou Hexuan to the door, smiled and shook hands and said, "Zhou, if the **** German doesn't bother me, I invite you to come to my house for dinner on Sunday. You can talk about literature and art, as long as you don't mention it. The Burma Highway is just fine.”

   "Then let's look forward to the German pilots having a holiday on the weekend." Zhou Hexuan smiled.

   "Goodbye, my friend." Churchill waved.

  Churchill still attached great importance to Zhou Hexuan. Apart from his fame and influence, his amazing international analysis ability was enough to amaze him. A few years ago, the two discussed the future situation in Europe, and Zhou Hexuan's "prophecy" all came true, as if Hitler was implementing Zhou Hexuan's plan step by step.

   In Churchill's eyes, Zhou Hexuan was not a writer, but a great expert on international issues.

  Wang Rizhang and Ma Jue followed Zhou Hexuan to leave the Prime Minister's residence. Both of them were full of doubts and wanted to know what happened in the office just now.

   Finally, Wang Rizhang couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Zhou, Prime Minister Churchill was very happy just now. Did he promise not to close the Burma Highway?"

   "Of's impossible." Zhou Hexuan said.

   Ma Jue rolled his eyes at Zhou Hexuan: "What time is it, you're still in the mood for gasping and joking."

   Zhou Hexuan explained: "I was just chatting with Churchill just now. After meeting with old friends, we had a good chat."

  Wang Rizhang didn't believe this kind of nonsense, and tentatively asked: "Is there something secretly suggested to Ying in the head office?"

   Zhou Hexuan said: "You are the supervisor sent by President Jiang, and there is no way to hide it from you if there is a secret proposal."

  Wang Rizhang couldn't help laughing and laughing: "Is there a supervisor like me? Until now, I don't know the real plan of you and the boss."

Zhou Hexuan suddenly stopped and said to the two: "What Churchill and I discussed in the office is not suitable for you to know, so you don't need to inquire. Now we just need to wait, wait for news from China, and wait for the UK to take action. . As for whether the negotiation can be successful or not, it is entirely up to God, and I have done everything I can."


  Churchill's invitation to the dinner was never fulfilled, because Mussolini gave him a big gift, and hundreds of thousands of Italian troops marched into North and Northeast Africa, while the British defenders in the area were less than 100,000.

   The Battle of Britain had just started, and the North African War had begun again. Facing the dilapidated house that was leaking everywhere, Mr. Churchill, who was reluctant to be a paper painter, was so anxious that blood blisters appeared on his lips. He held a defense meeting overnight, arguing for days on end, but in the end no worthy battle plan was negotiated.

  Fortunately, this time against Italy, the development of the follow-up battle can make Churchill laugh off his dentures.

  In the early days of the war, the three Italian armies attacked with absolute superiority, while only one British division was deployed on the front line. The British had to retreat continuously, relying on fortifications to gain a firm foothold, while the Italians fell in various situations during the offensive.

  The two sides fought in confusion for a few months, but the situation turned into a British counteroffensive, and the Italian army was defeated by a thousand miles, and then Rommel appeared as a firefighter.

  Perhaps Italy exists to make the cruel World War II comedy.

  When Hitler blitzed France, Mussolini was worried that Germany would be defeated, so he wisely declared his neutrality. It turned out that the French army was weak, and Mussolini immediately took advantage of the situation. 18 full Italian divisions were beaten back to their hometowns by 6 broken French divisions. So that when France surrendered to Germany, the French army still occupied part of the territory of Italy.

   Just 10 days before Zhou Hexuan arrived in London, Marshal Balbo, who was the Minister of Aviation of Italy, was shot down by his own naval anti-aircraft artillery. Mussolini felt that the own goal was very humiliating, so he declared that His Excellency the Marshal was extremely heroic, and personally flew the plane to fight with the British Air Force to the death.

   When the North African battlefield was at a stalemate, Italy, despite Hitler's opposition, blatantly sent troops to Greece, completely disrupting the German strategic plan. When the war started, half a million Greek soldiers were on vacation because they were going home for the autumn harvest. Mussolini believed that with the strength of three divisions, Greece could be occupied in half a month. As a result, 21 divisions were dispatched to fight for nearly half a year, but they were not defeated. They were also counterattacked by the Greek army into Italy, and successfully forced Greece to join the Allied camp. Greece had a good relationship with Germany before.

   Let's talk about the North African battlefield. 250,000 Italian troops were sacked by 35,000 British troops and backhanded into the Italian colonies. When Churchill asked how many Italians had been captured, Auchinleck, the British commander, said triumphantly: "I can't count, about five acres (acres) of officers, and 200 acres of soldiers."


   In late July, the Germans were still bombing frantically, not only bombing British military facilities, but also blowing up all the ships at sea that were detected.

   Lao Jiang's bitter plan is still being implemented, and Japan suddenly comes with an assist——

   On July 26, Japan proposed the so-called "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere" concept. At the beginning of August, the Konoe cabinet officially announced the "Basic National Policy Outline", roughly based on Japan and China, in an attempt to rule the entire East Asia region, including Southeast Asia and the Soviet Union's Far East territories.

  The British government can only pretend not to see this. In fact, Churchill was very troubled. He was afraid that the Far East would become the second North African battlefield.

   At this moment, even more terrible news came - the British army in Hong Kong intercepted a secret telegram, which was sent by Gao Zongwu to the military commander. The telegram showed that Lao Jiang was ready to surrender to Japan and promised to cede all Chinese territory occupied by the Japanese army. The two sides seemed to have entered a stage of substantive negotiations.

  Churchill was shocked and hurriedly reported the situation to the US government.

   Before Roosevelt could react, the French media suddenly reported a news that China was negotiating with the German government to join the fascist camp as a vassal of Japan.

   Now, let alone Churchill, even Roosevelt was going crazy, so he immediately called Hu Shi to question him.

  Hu Shi was very angry and sent several telegrams to question Lao Jiang. Lao Jiang naturally denied it and asked Hu Shi to continue negotiating with the United States, but that tone convinced both Hu Shi and Roosevelt that China was really ready to surrender.

   The explosion of domestic public opinion in China, Chang Kaishen had to stand up and explain, saying that those rumors were all Japanese conspiracies, and he could never seek peace with Japan.

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