Actually don't do Roosevelt any favors because America has been preparing for war all the time. Its army and navy are quietly expanding, and it has strengthened its troops in the Philippines and the Pacific Ocean. Obviously, it has long realized that it will fight against Japan.

   But in the face of the interests of capitalists, the President of the United States did not dare to act rashly.

   What's more, Roosevelt is preparing for the election, wanting to be the President of the United States for an unprecedented three consecutive terms. At this time, there can be no mistakes, and no big consortium can be offended. Roosevelt just wants to keep his seat in a safe and secure way.

   On this premise, even though Treasury Secretary Morgenthau and Army Secretary Stimson both advocated a total embargo against Japan, Secretary of State Hull put pressure on Roosevelt on behalf of interest groups. In the end, the U.S. government only issued a "moral embargo" statement while Germany was bombarding Britain indiscriminately.

  This embargo statement is completely nonsense. Only aviation gasoline with an octane rating above 87 and some iron ore and scrap iron are embargoed, while Japanese aircraft use gasoline with an octane rating below 87.

  Roosevelt's strategy, like Churchill's, was "Europe first, then Asia". As long as Asia does not completely collapse, it doesn't matter if China is smashed to rubble.

  However, China suddenly wanted to "surrender", which really surprised Roosevelt, and hurriedly sent a mission to China to stabilize it.



  The old town has been blasted to the surface of the moon, the Houses of Parliament have been blown up and three people have been killed in the House of Commons. Buckingham Palace was also bombed to collapse a wall and some rooms, and three royal servants were injured. If the bomb's landing point deviates by more than ten meters, the King and Queen of the United Kingdom will see God directly.

  After the bombing ended, Zhou Hexuan should go to express his condolences both publicly and privately.

  The outside of Buckingham Palace was crowded with reporters. Everyone took pictures of the crater with their cameras, and kept asking the guards about the safety of the king and his wife.

   George VI and his wife showed up. They were all panicked by the bombing just now, but they have regained their composure. George VI stammered to reporters: "At such a critical juncture in the life of the... nation, I promise to my people... British citizens, both at home and abroad... that the king will never... Give up...his people...the king and queen will not leave Buckingham Palace...I will be with my meet the German bombing...together we...resist...God bless England...we... ...will win!"

   "Long live the king!"

   "Long Live the British Empire!"

   Citizens and reporters shouted in unison, George VI, the stuttering king, has won the respect of the people little by little.

   Zhou Hexuan walked over and shook hands with King George VI: "God bless, fortunately you are all right, otherwise it will be a huge loss to the world's anti-fascist justice forces."

   George VI said: "Zhou, thank you for your... concern, neither I nor the UK... will give in. I'm going to inspect the most heavily bombed places in London. Would you like to accompany me... go with me?"

   "Of course." Zhou Hexuan nodded.

  The composure and bravery of George VI, of course, are all fake. Under the threat of bombing and death, he became more and more irritable, often beating his wife, and even privately said that Britain was doomed and Germany was invincible.

   On the way, King George VI was expressionless, which was seen as grief and seriousness in the eyes of others. In fact, he didn't know what he should do. Even the condolences to the citizens were under the responsibility of Queen Elizabeth. After all, His Majesty the King is a stutterer.

  In the old city where the situation was the most serious, one by one mutilated bodies were dug up. George VI was so disgusted that he wanted to vomit, but he could only hold back the tumult in his stomach.

  More and more citizens gathered around the king, and the queen reminded in a low voice: "Bertie, you should say something."

   Those words spoken at Buckingham Palace, George VI prepared for half an hour. His mind is in chaos now, completely stunned by the tragic situation after the bombing, and subconsciously said to Zhou Hexuan: "Zhou, you are an excellent orator, come on... say a few words."

  Queen Elizabeth was very upset, how could this situation allow a foreigner to speak up?

  Since the fire had been put out, Zhou Hexuan climbed into an idle fire truck and said loudly:

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am Zhou from China, and I feel the tragic situation in London. London is the capital of the United Kingdom, because of the perennial fog, it is called the fog capital. The current capital of China is Chongqing, because of the perennial fog, Also known as the fog capital. China and the UK, Chongqing and London, are all facing the same thing.”

"Britain was forced into a war, and China was forced into a war. London was indiscriminately bombed by Germany, and Chongqing was indiscriminately bombed by Japan. The difference was that London was only bombed. It’s been a month, and Chongqing has been bombed for two years!”

"Last year, within two days in Chongqing, seven streets in the main urban area were in ruins. Those were the only seven prosperous streets in Chongqing. More than 100,000 people were displaced and could only build shacks to live a hard life. But we did not give up resistance, let alone would choose to surrender."

"On top of the largest bomb crater in Chongqing, people built a spiritual fortress with waste wood and stones. It has been more than a year, and the spiritual fortress is still unfinished, because it is blown up every time it is half-built. China People's spiritual fortresses have been built and bombed, bombed and rebuilt, and as long as Japan does not withdraw from China for one day, our spiritual fortress will be built forever."

"There is a very popular song in China, and two of the lyrics are: 'Rise up, people who don't want to be slaves, build our new Great Wall with our flesh and blood!' The fascist invaders can destroy our flesh, but not us will not destroy our spiritual fortress."

"Today, I saw a similar scene in London. His Majesty the King of England, like Mr. Chang Kaishen, the leader of China, is leading the people on the road of resistance. The fascist invaders are destroying our homeland and ravaging us. country, but please don't be discouraged and afraid, because we are righteous, and righteousness will triumph over evil!"

"I hope that China and the United Kingdom, as well as people all over the world who have been forced into war, can join hands to help each other. Japan is not only invading China, but also invading Britain's Far East colonies. As a friend, China will definitely try its best to drag it out. Live in Japan."

   "I believe that when a just war is won, China and the United Kingdom will become brothers who share weal and woe, and will lead the people of the world to eternal peace!"

   Zhou Hexuan's speech is still very high. Whether it is Chinese or English, he speaks in cadence and has a rhythmic sense of rhythm.

   The same content, if it is said from the mouth of George VI, the effect must be reduced exponentially.

  After the emotions of the London citizens were aroused, Zhou Hexuan suddenly sang the English version of "March of the Volunteers": "Arise! Youwhorefusetobeboundslaves..."

   "March of the Volunteers" was also very powerful before it became the national anthem of New China.

  Although the United States has not yet participated in the war, the black American singer Paul Robertson has sung this song at the concert, and it is in Chinese and English. He said to the 7,000 spectators present: "Tonight, I will sing a Chinese song dedicated to the fighting Chinese people. This song is called "Get Up"!"

  After Paul Robertson's performance, the audience burst into applause, and many people even chanted to sing it again. At the end of the concert, people left the venue humming: "Marchonmarchonmarchon (forward, forward, forward and forward)!"

  When the Second World War was about to be won, when selecting the music of the victorious countries to be played on the Anti-Fascist Victory Day, the US government suggested that the "March of the Volunteers" should be selected as the music representing China.

  The momentum of this song is too strong, and the passionate lyrics and melody can shock all those who are in danger of the country. The English version of Zhou Hexuan's singing at this time changed "The Chinese nation has reached the most dangerous moment" to "The people of the whole world are facing tyranny and aggression", which made the British sound undisturbed.

   "marchonmarchonmarchon (forward, forward, forward forward)!"

   "marchonmarchonmarchon (forward, forward, forward forward)!"

   "marchonmarchonmarchon (forward, forward, forward forward)!"

   repeated several times, more and more British people began to sing along, especially the last "forward" sang very loudly.

"Long live China!"

   "Long live Britain!"

   "Long live the Sino-British friendship!"

   "Long live the anti-fascist world!"

   Zhou Hexuan finally raised his arms and shouted, and countless passers-by shouted after him. George VI's eyes were full of envy and admiration.

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