The Romance Of Mr. Walton

Chapter 1132: the truth

Chapter 1132

After arriving at the hospital and undergoing a series of examinations, the doctor said: "This is a sign of threatened abortion. There is nothing serious about it for the time being. After returning home, you should rest in bed, don't be tired, and can't do strenuous exercise. The first three months. It’s best not to have sex. The most important thing is that the mother’s mood must be controlled well, and anger must not be angered. Anger will hurt the roots.

Originally the doctor had said that he could go home and raise him, but Si Monan said with a cold face: "If you don't go home, you should be hospitalized for observation for a period of time. Make sure you are fine before leaving."

The accompanying dean quickly said: "Go, I will arrange special care for the wife."

After the dean and medical staff left, Si Monan sat down beside Gu Mo: "What happened just now, why did you suddenly bleed? Are you moving again?"

Gu Mo said a little guilty: "No, I saw the picture of Gu Tian'er you were investigating on your desk. The robbery five years ago was really not an accident."

She told Si Menan the clues she found in the photo.

Si Monan's entire face was black.

"This Gu Tian'er is really damn, she dare to use the grievances between the previous generation as a reason to hate you!"

"It's not because of my parents and her mother."

Si Monan looked at her: "No?"

Gu Mo nodded.

Five years ago, when she was still a reporter, she accidentally discovered that Gu Tianer was dating a married man.

Gu Mo knew that the other party had a wife and children. Although she hated Gu Tian'er, what she thought at the time was that she was her half-sister after all, and she couldn't watch her being ruined.

So... she told Gu Kanping about this.

After Gu Kanping and his continuation were known, naturally they would not agree that Gu Tianer went crazy.

But Gu Tian'er was pregnant at the time and refused to break up with him.

Later, the man's wife learned about the matter, and the wife beat Gu Tianer in public without saying anything, and let the man make a choice.

In order to save the marriage, the man also slapped Gu Tian'er in public, saying that it was Gu Tian'er who took the initiative. Gu Tian'er was the murderer who destroyed his family and was a shameless person.

Later... Gu Tianer's relationship ceased.

Gu Mo didn't expect that Gu Tian'er would be angry. Not only did he give birth to the child, but he also blamed her for the mistake in this matter.

Five years...

Si Monan rubbed her hand: "Don't get excited, leave this to me."

Gu Mo tried his best to calm down: "The plan for that time must not have been done by Gu Tianer alone. Someone has teamed up with her."

Si Monan stared at him: "How can you say so sure?"

"Recall the scene carefully. The robbers didn't seem to know that we were there at the time. If it weren't for Jiang Yingshuang being kidnapped, you wouldn't have gone out to rescue her at all. We could hide well and hold on until we were in a panic. Run away, because the robbers were going to rob the jewelry that day.

Even if they knew Gu Tian'er, how could they be so coincidental that they robbed Jiang Yingshuang when we went to eat that day, and then you went out to rescue her..."

"You mean... Jiang Yingshuang did it on purpose?"

Gu Mo bit her lip and sighed, "Maybe I am a little bit of a villain, but I really don't think it's that simple."

Si Menan embraced: "Jiang Yingshuang shouldn't join forces with your sister, right?"

"I think the easiest way to ask about this is to ask Jiang Yingshuang. Why don't you ask Zheng Yi to ask Jiang Yingshuang. If things really look like we thought, maybe she would be willing to tell Zheng Yi. "

Si Monan raised his eyebrows: "Okay, I'll let Zheng Yi go and take a look."

In the afternoon of the next day, Si Monan and Zheng Yi returned from prison together.

Gu Mo set his eyes on the two of them: "Is there any news from the prison?"

Si Menan calmly said: "We came so early, so we told you about this, Zheng Yi, you can report to your sister-in-law."

Zheng Yi stepped forward and said, "Sister-in-law, you are right."

The backlog of stones in Gu Mo's heart finally fell to the ground: "Jiang Yingshuang actually admitted it?"

"Yes, when I asked her at first, she didn't want to admit it, but later said that Gu Tian'er was arrested because my brother had been pestering this matter, so Gu Tian'er confessed to her and said these things. , It was all her so-called, I said I wanted to help her.

When Jiang Yingshuang heard it, she said immediately. She said that she indeed joined forces with Gu Tianer. In order not to be caught, she and Gu Tianer acted separately. Gu Tianer was responsible for finding the kidnappers. She is responsible for guiding you to the restaurant. "

Gu Mo thought about it for a while, and indeed, everything worked after thinking this way.

That day, it was Jiang Yingshuang who said that he would invite the two to dinner.

She also chose the place to eat.

She also said that there is a jewelry exhibition there, and a few people went upstairs to see the jewelry together.

Not long after she started eating, she used the excuse to go to the bathroom.

The kidnappers came for the jewelry, but accidentally robbed the boss's wife.

Such a plan is really seamless.

How did these two people think of it?

Gu Mo looked at Si Monan and Zheng Yi: "How did she and Gu Tian'er know each other? No matter how I thought about it, I couldn't connect them together. Such unrelated two people actually planned such a kidnapping case. , I really... don't know what to say."

Si Menan calmly said: "They really don't know each other, but there is someone between the two of them."


"The person who bridged them was the star Su Ruan who hated her five years ago," Zheng Yi said as he opened his bag and pulled out some documents from the bag.

Gu Mo was upset.

Su Ruan, Gu Tian'er, both of them are Lu Sizhou's women now, aren't they?

Zheng Yi handed Gu Mo a stack of photos and evidences that he had investigated.

Gu Mo took a look.

Most of these photos were collected by Zheng Yi from the club that Su Ruan often went to.

Gu Mo flipped through a few of them and looked at the styles of the clothes. They should be from a few years ago.

The screenshots of the photos were actually taken by Su Ruan and Gu Tian'er, Su Ruan and Jiang Yingshuang.

He looked at Si Monan and Zheng Yi with some surprise.

"Aren't these two rivals in love? Can you two understand the feeling that they are living in harmony now? Why can't I digest it?"

"I can't figure it out either," Zheng Yi shook his head.

"Today, the senior sister said that the three of them became friends because they had a common purpose. She wanted to get the senior brother, so she wanted to get rid of you. Su Ruan wanted to get Lu Sizhou, so she wanted to get rid of you. Gu Tian'er hated you because she hated you. I want to get rid of you. In other words, you are the main reason for the three of them colluding together.

My elder sister said that she actually regretted it. She didn't expect that Su Ruan was young at that time, but her scheming was so heavy. It was really not easy for a woman in the mixed entertainment industry. "


Gu Mo secretly clenched his fists and turned to look at Si Monan: "It seems that I have to do something..."

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