Le Xia had some thoughts about this, but it was not only a question of the roots, the twelve seniors hadn't collected all of them yet, and the truth would come to light.

Le Xia returned to Asgard again after leaving the courtyard, accompanied by Tony and his Iron Man army.

During Le Xia's absence on the earth, Tony had already picked up a dozen steel suits. With the assistance of Jarvis, these steel suits could move and fight independently.

Just like what it showed in Iron Man 3.

Of course, this time, Le Xia would never allow Tony to play with the stupid local tyrants using steel suits to set off fireworks. Keeping the vanguard to fight Thanos is definitely better than the black uncles and aunts of Wakanda.

Of course, Le Xia didn't stay in Asgard for too long, because Thor mentioned a person, a collector of the universe.

According to Odin's thinking, after obtaining the ether particles, he cannot store them in Asgard together with the universe cube. His original plan was to send the ether particles to the universe collector for safekeeping.

Although in Le Xia's eyes, the universe collector is a man with kidney deficiency who only uses heavy eyeliner foundation to cover his haggard face.

However, in Odin's eyes, the universe collector is a strong man with a long life and a powerful collection.

According to legend, the collector of the universe was born in the oldest race, one of the elders of the universe, and possesses powerful abilities such as immortality, travel through time and space, foreseeing the future, and so on.

But judging from the future of the Marvel movie universe world known to Le Xia, the immortal collector was eventually killed by Thanos.

The time and space shuttle did not show up, if it could shuttle, it should be able to avoid Thanos' killing, which shows that most of the bragging elements are.

Foreseeing the future is even more confusing. It can really advance the future. It will run away long before Thanos arrives, and will stay and wait for death.

Take a look at how the pigs who can advance the future at a certain point next door are playing. If you really give them thousands of years, let alone this Marvel movie universe, even the multiverse will be dominated by them.

Not to mention that after the scenery is over, it will be calm in the end.

Since you are the boss, don't think about peace, calmness can only become a stepping stone for rising stars to the top.

Now, Odin’s solution is no longer available, because the ether particles were absorbed by Le Xia, and according to Le Xia’s statement, he did not absorb it voluntarily, so there is no way to get it out, even the ether particles now exist. He didn't know where.

Le Xia said that, what else could Odin have? He couldn't do the cruel behavior of cutting people apart and digging out things.

The matter of the ether particles is now a paragraph, and Malkis is also missing.

Later, I heard that it seemed that the ice sculpture accidentally collided during the transportation process and broke...Finally, it was ignored because it was unable to determine the responsibility, so I can't punish the temporary porter.

The leader of the dark elves, a generation of villain Malekis died so aggrieved, and apart from forcibly demolishing some of the legal buildings in Asgard, there was nothing to do.

In the tavern, Le Xia sat opposite Thor, each with a glass of ale in their hands.

"Do you want to go to the void?" Thor asked while drinking.

"Well," Le Xia nodded, "The universe is so big, I want to see it."

"But why do you want to go to the void, it's not a good place to go." Thor put down his glass and frowned.

The Void Land is the place where the collectors of the universe are located. At the same time, it is also a place where there is almost no order, mercenaries, fugitives, and space pirates.

"There is no reason, it's just that Odin just mentioned the collector of Nothing Land, so I just went to see. It is said that the collector is older than Odin, and the contents of his treasure house will definitely not be better than Odin's. The treasure house is bad." Le Xia took a sip, he wouldn't tell Thor, he wanted to wait for the sand sculpture of the Star Lord.

The timeline of this world seemed to speed up, he wasn't sure whether Xing Jue was in the universe now, or he had been imprisoned by the Nova Legion.

It's better to go to the collectors first, it's easier to wait for a rabbit than to find a needle in a haystack.

"That's right," put down the wine glass, Le Xia smashed his mouth, "do you really not consider my proposal? The puree of Tsingtao Beer still tastes very good."

Thor smiled honestly, "Where did the Tsingtao Brewery come from?"


"So where does German beer come from?"

"What do you want to say?"

"Haha." Thor smiled without saying a word.

Le Xia shrugged and did not mention the effect of innovation and improvement in the process of technological inheritance on product quality and value. It's up to you to think about it, Old Antique.

Thor recently laughed at the earth as a barren land.

But Thor can be considered a more flexible person as Asgard, although he has not officially succeeded to the throne, but cooperation with the earth has begun.

If he hadn't agreed, Tony would not have brought the steel army to search for Asgard's high-tech in the name of help.

The opposite Thor nodded and agreed to Le Xia’s proposal, "I will help you arrange tomorrow. Do you need someone to accompany you? Let Sieff..."

"Hey! Dude!" Le Xia was also helpless. She actually wanted to arrange for Sif to accompany her on a business trip, and let a woman who likes herself accompany other men on a business trip. This is too much to wait to see her, even if she can't be a lover, it's not good to be a friend.

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Thor didn't mean to send his sister off, but simply felt that Sif was in a bad mood recently and wanted her to go out and relax.

After listening to Le Xia's remarks, Thor also felt that it was really inappropriate for him to do so, so he dispelled the idea.

Lexia left Tony in Asgard, and Lexia set off again, aiming for a place of nothingness.

The Void Land is not a planet, but an existence resembling an asteroid. From the outside, it looks like a huge human skull with a diameter of tens of kilometers.

Well, in fact, the Void Land is just a huge skull, the head that was chopped off by a certain god-like existence in ancient times.

A head is tens of kilometers in size. It is hard to imagine how big this **** will be when he is alive.

What's more, he is not necessarily the largest being in the universe. The horrible existence that can swallow a planet with one mouth is not just a legend.

For human beings, whether they are terrestrial people or other intelligent races in the universe, the organic matter in the skulls of gods, including bones, brain tissue, and spinal fluid, are rare products.

So this skull has been mined hundreds of years ago, and the organizer behind this incident is the collector Tanlyativan.

"This is a super rich mine that has not been mined for hundreds of years!" Le Xia couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Yeah," the bearded Vostag was responsible for the **** and commentary. Without the beast of Fandral, Vostag was still a simple and honest man, and he knew everything about Le Xia.

"But strictly speaking, mining here is not compliant and unprotected, so if you use one word to describe the situation here, it's chaos!"

Simple and kind-hearted people don't want to work in such a chaotic place. Most of the people willing to stay here are some vicious criminals.

Le Xia nodded to express her understanding. This is probably the same as the Golden Isosceles Triangle. It was in a trivial zone and was engaged in activities not allowed by the law. She wanted to gain a foothold here, except for her strength.

Asgard still has a certain reputation in the universe, a reputation for strength, so the spacecraft is not made difficult for in and out, but Vostag is not an idler without a job, and Thor has many things to help him. So there was no delay, and he took the spacecraft to leave soon, leaving Le Xia alone in the void.

Le Xia didn't let Vostag take him to the collector's place, because it was very simple to know the collector's residence in this place. The surname of Tiwan represented a lot of things, and no one didn't know the collector's residence.

Le Xia didn't plan to go directly to the collector, because judging from the look in the movie, this guy is likely to be an old man.

Although there are not many appearances in the movie and it was soon pawned, this is his base camp after all. The ghost knows how many backhands he ambushes and is always ready to bring those robbers who want to kill and make money to justice, or act by themselves. The bandits should be brought to justice for some murderous activities.

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