The rubbing air of a few tons of stones produced a huge wind noise, not to mention hitting the body, it looked scary enough.

If Banner hadn't had faith in Le Xia, he would have turned himself green on the spot.

call! bump!

The boulder slammed into the crystal wall with unparalleled aura, and the crystal wall showed golden ripples centered on the drop point, and the light wave quickly dissipated to the surroundings.

However, after the light wave passed, the crystal wall showed no signs of breaking. On the contrary, the stone smashed up seemed to hit a spring. After the spring was compressed, it was pushed out by its huge reaction force to keep up with the previous one. Compared with almost indistinguishable speed, he quickly smashed toward Wanda.

When Wanda saw this, she was a little bit disgraced. Although she had the absurd idea that the boulder might not break the crystal wall, she never expected that the boulder would be smashed back in a more absurd way.

Just as she was hurriedly trying to push the boulder to the side, a golden light flashed suddenly, and her mind buzzed inexplicably. Although she recovered her clarity in an instant, when she opened her eyes, the boulder was already in front of her. It's too late to push away.

"No!" Pietro, who was rushing back in the distance, yelled frantically, but his speed was much faster than his voice, and Wanda couldn't hear him.

At the last moment, Wanda could only work hard to turn his head to Pietro's side, wanting to take another look at his brother, just one look.

It is a pity that a silver-white figure blocked her sight. Wanda could not see Pitro, but a familiar silver-white armor.

It is said that this armor is called the holy clothing?

What a familiar armor, what a beautiful name.

Le Xia embraced Wanda's leaning back with one hand, and extended her index finger gracefully with the other hand, gently tapping on the flying boulder.

puff! The huge boulder weighing several tons in mid-air was like a punctured balloon, shattering into dust in the sky with a puff.

After the crystal wall disappeared, Le Xia and Wanda reappeared in front of them, blocking the falling dust, while Banner on the opposite side was covered with a full face.

"I should have come by myself," Banner muttered as he slapped the dust on his body.

Chapter 277: End Here

Although Banner wanted to participate in the war more strongly, Le Xia did not give him a chance in the end. Fastest update

After holding Wanda in one hand and smashing the boulder in the other, he immediately waved behind him, and Pietro, who was speeding up, kept a running posture and instantly turned into an ice sculpture.

The ice sculpture only appeared for an instant and broke open and released Pietro, but even this frightened him.

Kuaiyin’s own strength and skills are not high, and all his skills are in speed. If a person can limit him to the spot with a wave of his hand and speed is useless, then what is the difference between him and a trash .

Even Pietro thought of a more terrifying point. Le Xia didn’t actually need to freeze his whole person, just freeze his feet while he was running, and he could put his legs on his own while running at high speed. Break off.

Thinking carefully, it is terrifying, horrible, and the deceased is like a spouse!

After stunned Pitro, Le Xia turned to look at Wanda, "Actually, I am also good at spiritual magic, so why don't we have time to discuss it."

Wanda pushed with his hand, and the red mental energy pushed the body directly to push himself out of Le Xia's arms, and stepped aside to stand with Pitro.

"What to do?" The two looked at each other, and each read a word on each other's face.

After thinking about it for a moment, Pietro sighed helplessly. It seems that today's task is impossible to complete.

Fortunately, Le Xia didn't mean to drive them to death, otherwise they might not even have a chance to escape.

Seeing the two people retreat, Le Xia held up her hands, showing a superior demeanor.

The purpose of his coming here today is to not want Banner to turn into a grumpy Hulk and be played as a monkey. By the way, he also wants to see if the real version of Wanda is as amazing as the movie.

Now that both goals have been achieved, it is time to retreat, and there is no need to continue to struggle.

It's not impossible to force the two to stay, but sometimes, something like a bear kid is not what you tell him and let him learn it well and he will listen.

If you want them to become better, you can only rely on them to realize it.

If you realize it, the bear child will become a good boy with boundless future. If you don’t realize it, even if you forcibly twist him over, it won’t let him take the right path willingly. On the contrary, it may arouse their rebellious psychology and even get angry. Go to the bottom of the road.

"Before parting, let me give you a few words as a souvenir."

Le Xia cleared her throat and said loudly, "I had a friend named Zheng Shangqi. He once saved two children from a small building that was torn apart by a missile."

"Do you know Brother Shangqi?" Pietro, who had been stinking since he appeared on stage, finally calmed down when he heard Zheng Shangqi's name.

"Of course, and we are still good friends." Le Xia smiled, "So, are the two children he saved are you? Just now, when I heard you talk about it, I felt a little familiar. I didn't expect...this world is still too small."

Shaking her head, Le Xia continued, "Ge Zheng once had trouble with Tony Stark because of this incident, thinking that the weapons he made made so many people homeless."

"But, let’s put it another way, missiles can kill people, as well as kitchen knives. If a person is hacked to death with a kitchen knife one day, should the victim go to the murderer for revenge or to find the kitchen knife.”

"Maybe this analogy is a little bit inappropriate, but the truth is still figured out. It is the careerists who create wars that really cause the destruction. Because of them, they have the soil for the survival of arms dealers, and they should not put all the hatred on it. On those who make weapons."

"Of course I admit that Stark has sold so many weapons. As a weapon dealer, although he did not directly create wars, he is likely to act as a catalyst for incitement in many wars."

"But now he has closed all weapons manufacturing departments, and he has set an example to be the defender of the earth. He did not hesitate to take a nuclear bomb through the wormhole in New York to blow up an alien spacecraft. Shouldn't those indirect crimes be forgiven a little bit?"

Pietro and Wanda glanced at each other, and suddenly they felt that Le Xia's words made sense, and they seemed a little unreasonable.

"You are all grown-ups. Many issues need to be considered comprehensively. As for whether Ultron is what you imagined, it will naturally be clear in the future. I hope that then, you will be able to bravely assume your responsibilities like adults. To be a new man who contributes to society, the world, mankind and civilization."

"Let's go, go back early, it's too late to go back, Ultron should be worried."

Waving his hand to let the two leave, Le Xia looked at the sky with some helplessness, Kuaiyin and the Scarlet Witch were nothing but boring, this world without rivals became more and more boring.

Ultron was still fighting with Iron Man in the distance, and Le Xia had no interest at all.

No, in the strict sense, he is not invincible, at least now Ultron, Le Xia can't be beaten to death.

It's not that Ultron can't beat his body. The current Ultron is just a piece of broken iron. Compared with the Iron Man whose steel suit has improved for so many generations in the movie, it is as weak as a child's toy.

Looking at the fragments that have been demolished, it will not take long to turn into a pile of debris.

But this is just a clone of Ultron. His body should be regarded as an artificial intelligence program stored on the Internet. No matter how many times the possessed body is broken, he can be reborn infinitely, even without a body. Live on the Internet forever.

To deal with such an enemy, there is no other way except to destroy all the existing Internet and storage devices in the world from scratch.

And this is obviously impossible.

Not to mention that the current society has developed to a point where there is no way to manage work and life normally without the Internet. It is said that there are careerists hidden everywhere in the world. They may dig a hole and bury a U disk at random, which may lead to the rebirth of Ultra.

Therefore, Le Xia can't change and collapse like the previous plots, he can only wait.

When Ao created the perfect body that combines vibrating gold with the organism, and wanted to upload his own information to complete the rebirth, he grabbed it and transformed it into a phantom led by Jarvis.

Then, the Vision will completely kick Ultron out of the Internet to eliminate him with the least cost.

As for the Maksimov brothers and sisters, as Le Xia said, let them know how to get lost.

One day the children will grow up and will understand the hard work of the fathers.

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