The sea chaser

Chapter 508 ? Shrimping? Caught blind?

"Holy shit, why isn't it there?"

After several minutes of consecutive shrimp hits, Tang Hao's luck seems to have finally run out, and now there are two nets with no shrimp hits!

Counting the front of the net, the shrimp nets in the sea at most two to three left only.

Looking at the buoys not too far away, Tang Hao felt a little pity in his heart, if there were no more behind, then his shrimping activities, would not be complete!

And he also felt as if he wasn't pulling any nets, it was coming to an end!

"There is something..." there is suddenly a white thing hanging on the shrimp net in the seawater, Tang Hao immediately spirit shocked, thought there was another sea shrimp hanging on the shrimp net, but when he took a closer look, he was instantly discouraged!

It's just a plastic bag!

I don't know who threw it, and I don't know how long it's been floating in the ocean, but anyway, looking at this plastic bag, it feels pretty sturdy!

After being shot so vacantly, Tang Hao's excitement got so bad that he didn't even realize there was a crab hanging from the shrimp net in the seawater!

"Eh? Why is there a small orchid crab?"

Only after all the orchid crabs on the shrimp network were pulled into the air did Tang Hao see the online orchid crabs in hindsight.

"This guy is a little too small, don't want it! Hurry up and let it out! Otherwise it's going to chew through my net!"

A small orchid crab of less than two taels, Tang Hao naturally wouldn't collect it, waiting for it to grow up and then catching it for meat is the right choice.

Although he caught the crab with a shrimp net, but Tang Hao now no longer feels there is something new, after all, he has caught the skin shrimp, right?

Stepping on the shrimp net again with his foot, Tang Hao did not leave the orchid crab alone, but was ready to untie it at the first time.

It's not that Tang Hao is really so kind-hearted that he can't bear to see such a small orchid crab die in his hands because of time, but in fact he's just distressed by his shrimp net!

The shrimp nets are not better than fishing nets, the threads used are slightly thinner than fishing nets, and any kind of crabs have two crab claws, when they are threatened, they will naturally use their claws to fight back, Tang Hao does not want to see a good shrimp net was cut by the crab pincers!

Although cutting one or two places does not affect the use of the net too much, but if you let it go, the online damage will be more and more large, and if you do not repair the good, the life of a net will plummet!

Anyone who is not a fool would pay for the loss of a fishing net for a crab that cannot be sold at a reasonable price, right?

So, the shrimp net pulling action can be stopped for a while!

And Tang Hao doesn't want to take a net shuttle and start a new skill like a real fisherman!

You know that every fisherman is a real master at mending nets!

Every skill practiced is the sorrows of life!

Fortunately, this little orchid crab did not wrap itself tightly like the grass shrimp, and Tang Hao was able to free it from the fishing net without too much difficulty.

Squeezing the back armor of this little orchid crab, Tang Hao said to it: "Hurry up and go! Come back when you're older! I'm waiting for you to return the favor!"

After saying that, Tang Hao threw this little orchid crab out of the boat, and after the little orchid crab fell into the seawater, it moved like a fish in the seawater, and compared to their rampage on land, it was simply not the same way!


Tang Hao suddenly shouted, because he saw that the little orchid crab he had just thrown into the seawater was actually traveling in the direction of the shrimp net!

Damn it, you don't have to be in such a hurry to repay a favor, do you?

But the good news is that the little orchid crab finally made a last-minute cliffhanger and violently shifted direction away from the shrimp net!

Tang Hao watched the little orchid crab disappear into the seawater and breathed a sigh of relief, finally not having to untangle the shrimp net again!

Sweeping a glance at the live broadcast, the news in the live broadcast is also almost all about that small orchid crab, but many of the words are ridiculing him, Tang Hao did not pay attention to them, ready to pull up the last few shrimp nets.

If the rest of the harvest is good, he'll have to reconsider whether to re-lay the shrimp nets again or not!

When the harvest is good, the fishermen who make a living on the surface will choose to cast their nets again or several times!

This is the harvest! No matter how late they work, they are willing!

Another unharvested shrimp net!

And the buoys floating on the surface of the ocean are almost as close as you can get!

There is at most one net left in the sea!

"There seems to be no hope!" Several nets in a row with no harvest, Tang Hao has given the last shrimp net a probable conclusion!

Anyway, it didn't feel like there was much hope, and Tang Hao wasn't too passionate when he collected the last of the nets!

Totally like an emotionless netting machine!


Tang Hao suddenly felt the shrimp net in his hands seem to shake a bit, Tang Hao's eyes were confused, saying, "Can I still catch a fish?"

After catching fish in the water world for so long, Tang Hao has become very knowledgeable about the feeling of this net shaking!

But the thought of putting in a shrimp net to catch fish, he also unconsciously smiled.

This one shrimp net put, the leather shrimp already have, the crab also caught, now if another fish, that can be considered to live together!

Regardless of whether the following is a marine fish or not, Tang Hao was somewhat interested at this time.

After pulling a few shrimp net, Tang Hao cursed when he saw what was hanging on the net.


"Isn't that a little fucking crazy?"

Something caught in a shrimp net, shrimp of course!

But this shrimp, it really makes Tang Hao go blind!

It's a real lobster on the shrimp web right now!

Not the Chinese Splendid Lobster that Tang Hao often catches, but the relatively more common lobster, the Green Lobster!

The green lobster and the Chinese brocade lobster actually look very similar, but not as beautiful as the Chinese brocade lobster, but it also has a lot of patterns on its body, and it has a nickname, called the flower lobster.

"Damn it, I fucking catch sea shrimp, and I can still catch a green lobster, this luck, really fucking no one!" Looking at the green lobster struggling in the net, Tang Hao was wondering if he was really the Chosen One!

This can be caught!

The netizens in the live broadcast also have a sigh, Tang Hao's luck, you say no one believes it!

You're out fishing for shrimp, but now you've caught a lobster!


Just asking you, who else?

If this luck could be put into buying a lottery ticket, it would make you a billionaire, wouldn't it?

Thinking about it, talking about it, a lot of people got sore!

I'd like to have Tang Hao's grandson share a little of his luck with them!

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