One day later, under the clear blue sky, a Ferrari roared quickly on the sea.

Foxy was sitting in the passenger seat, smoking a cigarette, and rushing towards Malinfando.

Now the Emperor Pirates have set off for the new world, and Gaspard's ability to accept is not limited, and he quickly recognized the facts.

Later, Koei became the Eighth Sin of the Emperor Pirates.

Now Foxy parted ways and headed to Marineland, just to get an explanation for Gaspard.

As a character in the Navy, Foxy must continue to be hypocritical.

Seeking justice for friends with this kind of emphasis on love and justice, as long as it is done in moderation, will definitely gain a good reputation in Malinfando.

So it is necessary to return to Malinfando!

What's more, I haven't seen Xiu Zuo and the others for a long time, and this time it's just a good time to get together and connect with each other.

Meanwhile, Malinfando was discussing.

How about it?

In the office, Warring States looked at the unsmiling Zefa.

It's hard to take down the other side.

Zefa's expression became solemn as he sat on the sofa.

Even you said that. Sengoku's face looked a little ugly. Even Zefa found it difficult to defeat the opponent, so the battle between the emperor and Kaido was true.

What is the other party's purpose this time?

He sat aside and looked at Zefa.

Probably for Gaspard.

Zefa was a little unsure.

Crane, how likely do you think this is?

Sengoku tapped his desk with one hand.

It can't be all for Gaspard. With the current power of the Emperor's Pirates, there is no need to send all the members from the New World to the Grand Line to conquer Gaspard. Moreover, the Emperor himself took action. There must be something we can't do. Know the secret.”

Crane shook his head affirmatively.

Although Gaspard was very powerful and had the aura of killing dragons, the emperor did not need to take action personally. After all, this would be a bit of a loss of status.


At this moment, the voice of a phone bug rang in Sengoku's drawer.

Looking at the phone bug, Zeng Guo's expression changed a little.

This is the Warring States Period.


Seng Guo only said a few words before hanging up the phone bug.

We will discuss this matter after I return from the Holy Land.

Are you going to the Holy Land?

Some people started causing trouble without catching Gaspard. I need to deal with it myself.

Sengoku nodded and left the office.

At the same time, several warships docked at Marineland Port one after another.

In the Navy Villa, several people were sitting on the sofa with serious expressions.

Smoker, Xiu En, Drake, Xiu Zuo, and Hinai have all returned in the past two days.

Let's have something to drink first!

Hina was the first to come back after bringing out several cups of coffee from the kitchen.

Do you have any ideas?

Several people looked a little anxious, and Derek drank all his coffee in one gulp, feeling very bad.

Berry Goode has already gone out to inquire for information. Please wait.

Xiu En is calmer.

I don't believe that Gaspard would betray the navy. That guy wants to compete with me for generalship.

Drake is indignant and much more mature than he was a few years ago.

We don't believe it.

Hina conveniently sat on the sofa, her beautiful eyes were downcast.

At this moment, the door was opened, and Bailey Goode burst in, panting.

how's it going?

Everyone looked at Berrygood.

Gaspard did kill the Tianlong people. The Warring States General sent Sakaski to Banaro Island to capture him, but he met the emperor on Banaro Island. Later, General Zefa took people to Banaro Island. In the end, the Emperor Pirates escaped.

Berrygood said it in one breath without breathing.

Dragon people.


Banaro Island? Emperor?

You mean Gaspard was rescued by the Emperor Pirates.

Shuzuo frowned.

Indeed, and it is very likely that Gaspard has joined the Emperor Pirates.

Berrygood nodded. He personally asked Zefa in the headquarters building.

Is there any room for maneuver in this matter?

Hina's face turned a little pale.

If I hadn't killed the Celestial Dragons and joined the Emperor Pirates, I might still have some room for maneuver.

Berrygood shook his head. In fact, there was no room left from the moment Gaspard killed the Draco.

That idiot.

Xiu Zuo couldn't help but curse, even if he just resisted the orders of the Tianlong people, why should he be killed?

Are we just going to watch?

Smoker scowled.

That bastard Gaspard killed a Celestial Dragon. He is a Celestial Dragon. Now he is involved with the Emperor Pirates. What can we do?

Xiu Zuo's tone was a little heavy.

If it weren't for those Draconians who bullied others too much, how could Gaspard be so impulsive?

But the Tianlong people are already dead, and there is no room for final maneuver. Don't say that we are soft-spoken. Even the general will have some troubles if he involves the Tianlong people.

Xiu En sighed.

Although everyone's position is now major general, the Tianlong people are involved, and they are still dead.

What can be done?

When will Foxy come back?

Hina changed the subject, Foxy might be the only one who can speak now.

He said he would come back.

Berrygood answered first, then stood up, It's not an option to wait any longer. I want to go to Teacher Zefa and ask again.

I will go with you.

Derek also stood up.

go together!


They hurriedly cleaned up and left the sofa, but when Berrygood opened the door, everyone was stunned.

So welcome? I was just about to knock on the door.

Foxy held his hands in the air and was all smiles.

Next to them, Donald Duck and Zeus flashed their big eyes.

You bastard, why did you come back now?

Everyone returned to the living room.

Please, this is the fastest speed.

Sitting on the sofa, Foxy took the coffee from Hina and teased, Hina is so beautiful.

Compared to Hina a few years ago, Hina now is extremely beautiful.

Mature, sexy, curvy waist, a perfect beauty.

Everyone knows that this lady is beautiful except you.

The relationship between the two parties was not unfamiliar, and Hina rolled her eyes.

Gawu, have another drink.

Donald Duck drank the juice in one gulp and handed Hina an empty cup.

I also want.

Zeus also held up an empty cup.

There's some in the kitchen, go pour it yourself.

Hina waved her hand, now is an important moment.

Helpless, the big laziness supported the little laziness, and finally Zeus fell.

There was no need to reminisce about the past, Foxy took a sip of coffee and looked at the heavy faces of several people, How is the incident now?

Several people also knew what Foxy was asking.

It's very pessimistic. That idiot Gaspard really killed the Celestial Dragons and is now related to the Emperor Pirates.

Smoker was a little irritated.

Be specific.

Foxy had a calm face, as if he didn't know anything.

I called you last time.

Berrygood knew the most details, so he began to explain.

After hearing what Berry Good said, the atmosphere became even more depressing.

Because it is a dead end. .

One day, Monkey Sun saw Tang Monk drinking tea and asked, Master, what kind of tea are you drinking?

Tang Monk replied: Slimming tea.

You are so slim and still want to lose weight??

Tang Monk replied: Losing one pound is one pound, and it will never be cheaper for those fairies.


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