The silver fox general of the pirate

Chapter 443 Do you think it will happen?

After waiting for a few more minutes, Hina and Gion arrived late.

Both of them changed their dresses, put on light makeup in high heels, probably because they were stimulated by the three princesses and Iloise during the day, so they dressed up a bit.

You guys are too slow, it's almost dawn.

Drake grumbled.

Foxy looked up at the sky, sure that the night had only just begun.

do you have any opinion.

Hina stared and raised her small fist.

Gion next to him also looked at Drake with an unfriendly expression.

Stop arguing, let's go! I'm almost starving to death.

Smoker changed the subject.


Donald Duck kept urging, flapping his wings.

Before coming, my sister told us not to cause trouble.

A group of people walked towards the street, Gion gave a warning.

Does it count if others provoke us first?

Drake froze.

Do you still need to ask? Let's kill him first.

Xiu Zuo shook his hand.

Such a group of people are like bandits.

Come to the brightly lit street, there are all kinds of food stalls on the street, and every tavern is full of people.

Too bad most of them are pirates.

What to eat?

Foxy looked around the tavern.

Gahoo, Udon and Takoyaki.

Donald Duck swallowed and held up his wings very actively.

Cake cake.

Zeus stuck out his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth.

I think barbecue is the best.

Berigold squeezed his chin.

That's all.

Everyone searched for a while and found a tavern.

Pushing open the bar door, a gust of hot air rushed in, the hall was almost full of people, and various delicacies were placed on the table, and there were several maids and waiters shuttled around.

The owner of this shop is very good at doing business, and the few maids and sisters alone are attractive enough.

When Foxy and the others came in, some drinking pirates just took a look and then paid no attention.

After all, Foxy and others were not wearing navy costumes.

There are seats here for the guests.

A young girl of seventeen or eighteen was wearing a maid outfit with twin ponytails, and greeted her warmly.

I can't sit down!

Looking at the seat that can only accommodate five people, Xiu En frowned.

Go and exchange with the pirate by the window.

Foxy purrs to the window table.

Smoker smoked a cigar with a scary face and walked to the seven or eight pirates by the window, Everyone, leave after eating, don't occupy your seat.

Who are you, that eye saw us finish eating?

Several pirates had fierce faces, and their faces were a little red because of the wine.

I said you finish eating when you finish eating.

Smoker exhaled a puff of smoke, very calm.

That's not good!

Seeing Smoker's posture of causing trouble, Hina was a little excited.


There was no sign at all, when Donald Duck stood in front of a pirate, flapped his wings and the pirate spun 360 degrees in the air at a very fast speed, spit blood and teeth and flew out.

court death.

Several pirates were furious, but when Foxy and others surrounded him, some of them changed their faces when they saw Foxy.

Looking at the arrogant Donald Duck and Zeus in the air, his eyes shrank directly.

The other pirates in the living room stopped, but when they saw Donald Duck and Zeus, and looked at Foxy, their faces changed.

let's go.

The leading pirate didn't speak harshly, apparently recognizing the identities of Foxy and his group.


Satisfied, Donald Duck pulled out his chair and sat down. You can see that this is the correct operation.

Waiter, clean up.

Xiu En waved to the timid waiter.


The three maids hurriedly started packing up.

Gion, Hina, I think you will look good in maid outfits.

Drake smiled and looked away from the maids, then looked at Hina and Gion expectantly.

Derek was right!

Several people looked at Hina and Gion with great interest, their eyes full of anticipation and sparkle.

Foxy also looked the two of them up and down, his figure was definitely bumpy and upturned, with a water snake waist outside the mountains.

Hmph, then there's no need to say, what kind of clothes can't this girl wear?

Hina was very confident, she flicked her long pink hair and looked at Smoker and the others contemptuously.

Even Gion smiled confidently.

Would you like to ask the store manager to try?

Berigold was drooling, and Xiu En nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

Others also had glowing eyes.

Gah, what's there to see?

As soon as Donald Duck sniffed his nose, his face was full of disgust. He was not interested in women.

Bang! Wait.

Hina slapped Donald Duck on the face, stood up and stared at Donald Duck viciously, pulled up Gion and walked towards the counter.

Hina, calm down, this is not good.

Gion blushes a little, she is a dignified vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters, she is still very shy to wear a maid outfit in front of so many people, if word gets out, where is her face.

Miss Gion, why are you so shy, just let those stinky men see the beauty of this girl, Sister Gion, you are so beautiful, I want to see it too.

Hina rolled her eyes.

The cruel words have already been released, and you must continue to be confident while smiling.

It will be more courageous to pull a cushion back into the water.

Although Hina was blah, she was also a little shy, but it didn't matter if Gion was with her.

You really want to tell it as soon as it comes out. If it gets out, you will lose your face.

Gion was very helpless.

Sister Gion, if this gets out, I don't know how many men will fly to you.

When the two women came to the counter, Hina directly stated her request, and was then taken to the back room by a maid.

Really been waiting!

Berigold, Xiu Zuo, and Drake looked excited, looking at the inner room from time to time.

Foxy was very calm, Smokey gave a disdain, Xiu Zuo looked out the window, Donald Duck, Napoleon, Zeus three idiots were drinking drinks and waiting for the food to be served.

This idiot ordered everything in the store just now.

Have you heard the latest news about Gaspard?

Smoker smoked a cigar with deep eyes.

You mean the Crescent Island incident?

The three of Drake looked away.

Joining the Emperor Pirates should be fine! Didn't Lieutenant General Garp lead the team and get caught?

Xiu En sighed.

No matter what, it's good to be alive.

Xiu Zuo rarely showed a smile.

Do you think the Emperor Pirates will come this time? We should be able to meet Gaspard then!

Berigold was a little excited, and then he wondered, Will he be because of the faction?

What are you talking about? How could Gaspard be that kind of person? Although he has become a pirate, we are still friends.

Drake was slightly annoyed.

What if? If he becomes like other pirates.

Xiu En glanced at Drake and then looked around at the others.

I don't believe Gaspard is that kind of person.

Xiu Zuo shook his head, still trusting Gaspard as always.

I feel so too.

Smoker nodded several times.

When the Emperor's Pirates come, why don't you just ask yourself?

Foxy, too, lit a cigarette and puffed at the ceiling.


That's a good idea.

But our identity.

Don't you know we met in secret??

If one day you suddenly think of me, please pick up your mobile phone and dial my number, even if I am busy or not free, as long as you say I invite you to dinner, I will appear in front of you rain or shine. This is my promise to my friends for the rest of my life!

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