The silver fox general of the pirate

Chapter 651 Bakar and Gaspard Are Dead

The two sides finally looked at each other one kilometer apart. Various artillery fires continued to bombard Utopia, and fighter planes were also flying in the sky.

Foxy was three feet off the ground, with long flaming hair fluttering in the wind. He beckoned to stop all attacks, and then moved sideways in the air and flew towards Orr's deserted islands, followed by Baron, Katerina, Bashas, Tiger, Guy Ram, Sherlock, Yixiao and mechanical life and invisible ghost.

On the shore, Zhan Guo and others watched.

Hand over who I want.

Moving horizontally to the front of the Warring States, the distance between the two sides is only five meters.

Emperor, you don't want to leave here today.

Sakalski was covered in black smoke and might strike at any moment.

Foxy didn't even look at Sakaski, but only at Sengoku.

Bring people up.

As Foxy expected, Sengoku has been protecting Bacal, Gaspard and, of course, the Celestial Dragons during this period.

Looking at the two men who were brought up with disheveled hair and Hailou stone handcuffs, especially the dragon's hooves printed on their faces, Foxy's golden green eyes were terribly cold.

Tiger glared even more.

Emperor, I can hand it over to you, but you have to retreat.

The Warring States took a chance.

Hand over those three Tianlongren and the Golden Emperor.

We can talk about other conditions, but Tianlong people can't die.

The three Tianlongren and the Golden Emperor were brought up behind him. The meaning of the Warring States Period is very clear. As long as the Tianlongren are not dead, other conditions can be discussed.

At this moment, the three Tianlong people were trembling, looking at Foxy's golden green eyes, they kept swallowing their saliva.

Tezzolo, on the other hand, looked like a gentleman, watching the corners of Foxy's mouth and the furious Tiger et al.

The key is that Tezolo is not restricted by the navy now, such as not wearing Hailoushi handcuffs, because in the Warring States period, if the emperor refuses to appease Ningren, then the Golden Emperor's combat power will also be a big help.

But it was this little neglect that brought the situation to an irreconcilable stage.


The sound of two sharp blades piercing through flesh and blood was heard, and Bakar and Gaspard looked down at the sharp weapon piercing from the back to the chest, and knelt on the ground with blood spurting from their mouths and noses.

At the same time, his entire face quickly turned blue and purple, obviously the sharp weapon was coated with a poison that could see blood and seal the throat.

Behind him, two Tianlongren held the sharp weapon of Hailou Stone, their hands were blood-stained and trembling.

The whole Orr islands and the whole world fell silent.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment, and the eyes of Zhan Guo and the others became wider and wider.

It all happened so suddenly.

No one expected that the three Tianlong people would have such courage to do it at this time.

Originally, Bacal and Jaspard were wearing Hailoushi handcuffs, so that all abilities were blocked, and the sharp weapons in the hands of the two Tianlongren were also made of Hailoushi, except for the handle.

No one in the room reacted, including Foxy.

Damn you all.

Looking at Bakar and Gaspard lying in a pool of blood, Foxy's eyes suddenly enlarged, and a golden-green storm radiated the audience in an instant, and everyone felt the ground shaking under their feet.

Then the two Celestial Dragons immediately pulled out their weapons and stuck them in their hearts, while the other Celestial Dragon was shot in the head by the navy around him.

At the same time, the naval camp fell into chaos, and many unsteady navies all began to commit suicide or shot those around them.


A series of black and red thunder strikes, and the Warring States period unleashes the overlord's color to fight against it. The sky that was originally subverted by black clouds is divided into two halves, and the surrounding sea area begins to churn.

Emperor, calm down.

Zhan Guo looked horrified, all this was beyond his control.

Kill them all for me.

The terrifying aura spread from Foxy's body, his whole body was covered with golden-white flames, and a circle of golden-white light circles quickly stood up behind him, and black-purple gaps quickly formed on the metal mask, making Foxy look like a devil.

Damn it.

Seeing Foxy who was almost out of control, Sengoku turned into a giant Buddha and blasted out with a palm, narrowly blocking Foxy's fist.

With the terrifying storm, everyone except Foxy and Sengoku was blown out.

When Garp was about to leave, his whole body suddenly sank into the mud with both feet, and he smiled angrily, You guys are going too far.

At the same time, Sakaski, Kuzan, Ghost Spider and others were all found by Shilock and others.

The army of thousands of clones on the ice field began to charge with various advanced machine guns, escorted by tanks and armored vehicles.

The fighter planes in the sky flew to the rear of the navy and began to drop bombs.

hold onto.

The baron flashed to Bacal and Gaspard at the first moment, and Lily was also preparing to treat them.

It stands to reason that with the bodies of Bakar and Gaspard, even if they are shackled by Hailou Stone and their hearts are pierced, they can still hold on for a while.

But when the Baron flashed to his side, the two of them had died.

how come.

The Baron could not believe the result.

In the distance, Tezolo and Tanaka quickly left the battle circle, their faces full of wild laughter.

Whether it was the sudden attack of the Draconians or the quick deaths of Bacal and Gaspard, it was all his fault.

It is only necessary to plant gold powder in the bodies of a few people in advance, and all life and death will be in his hands.

To be on the safe side, poison is also applied to the sharp weapon.

The situation is developing as he expected, and now is the time to withdraw and retreat.

With the navy holding Utopia back, he can retire.

Master Tezolo, your plan has succeeded.

Tanaka didn't expect Tezolo's plan to succeed at first, it was too crazy after all.

The people present are all strong, and they are very likely to be discovered.

But what I didn't expect was that the plan was smoother than expected, and all of this happened without anyone noticing.

Let's go! But the days ahead will be difficult.

Tezolo is very aware of the consequences. Both Utopia and the Navy will look for him in the future, and he has to be careful if he wants to survive.

Then Tanaka grabbed Tezoro and sank into the ground and disappeared.

And the outside world is now in chaos.

Lion's Roar and Scumbag are dead.

The Tianlong people dare to fight in front of the emperor. The navy is in trouble now.

My God, it was so sudden.

I can't believe it, Lion Roar and the despicable man died just like that, and it was too easy to die.

Playing cards against common sense!

The sea is going to be messed up.

What's the matter, the live broadcast was interrupted.

Just as the whole world was discussing, the live broadcast screen suddenly disappeared.

Damn, what's going on.

Meanwhile, Marin Vandeau.

Is the Utopia battleship still in place?

The live broadcast in front of He disappeared, and his expression changed completely.

In my heart, I can't wait to save those three Tianlong people and then tear them into pieces.

You must know that there is still a group of warships from the Utopian Empire in the Marin Vanduo Sea Area, but what she can't understand is that they haven't fired yet.

While no fire was fired, it was a constant threat.


The communications soldier beside him nodded.

Damn it, what on earth does the emperor want to do?

Crane really couldn't guess what the emperor wanted to do. It stands to reason that the battleships along the way should have fired long ago, but now they have been staying in place.

In addition, the lion's roar and the death of the despicable man are like a signal, and the revolutionary army around the world begins to launch large-scale attacks to fight the army of the world government.

At the same time, more and more forces are making trouble for the world government and navy.

And the fleet of the nations of the new world also began to advance towards Utopia, and the Beast Pirates also increased their strength to launch attacks on the navy's fortress.

The Red Hair Pirates are missing.

The most important thing is that the Whitebeard Pirates also left the territory.

It can be said that most of the world has become a mess, and the pressure on the world government and navy has skyrocketed. .

Poverty limits my imagination, attractiveness, affinity, combat power, attack power, lethal power, will power, purchasing power, expressive power, influence, discernment, attention, cohesion, appeal, creativity, competitiveness, execution Power, credibility, control, vitality, attention, understanding, jumping power, centripetal force, immunity, memory, productivity, natural force, labor force, explosive power, observation power, charisma, cold violence, weak force, chocolate...


Starting point: deep buckle (coffee kaka) 1000 starting coins.

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