The silver fox general of the pirate

Chapter 678: Building Momentum for the Silver Fox

Ice Age.

Looking at the turbulent thousand-meter waves, Kuzan's hands appeared icicles stretching into the sea, and the entire sea area was quickly frozen in the next second.

Confronting the power of nature, the terrifying waves spread for nearly a hundred meters and gradually melted into ice.

However, the destruction caused by the explosion of ten nuclear bombs and nearly a thousand missiles caused not only a tsunami, but also that incomparable hurricane.

It can be seen that the frozen thousand-meter tsunami was forcibly destroyed by the explosion, and at the same time, it was filled with terrifying high temperature, forming a circular shock wave and still rushing towards Marin Fando.

At this moment, the ground of Marin Fando was shaking, and the surrounding frozen seas were cracked and raised. Obviously, this disaster is not so easy to stop.

Ice Age Five Doors.

Flying into the sky, Kuzan's whole body melted into ice, watching the disasters from the continuous collapse of the sky, fully using his abilities.

I saw a wall of ice as large and thick as nearly a kilometer, spreading to five to form a defense standing in front of Marin Fando.

Meteor Volcano.

Sakaski and the others behind him also started to act, dodging to the ice wall to launch the most powerful attack in an attempt to resist the explosive storm.

Under the reaction force of the attack, the bursts of explosive storms began to weaken, and then five ice walls were broken and dragged back.

But even so, Marin Fando was turned into ruins, and tens of thousands of deaths were affected.

Everyone looked at Marin Fanduo who was destroyed by the storm, and they were all very angry.


The phone bug in Crane's sleeve rang.


The emperor has fled from the city of advance, and it is confirmed that he has brought the heir of the devil, Shiliu of the rain, and Magellan with him.


He's gloomy face gradually turned blue, and veins appeared on his face when he listened to the report in the phone bug.

Hanging up the phone, Karp and the others stared uncertainly.

There is news from the city of advance that the emperor has left the city with the descendants of the devil, Shiliu of the Rain, and Magellan. The Holy Land's support is a step too late.

How could it be so fast!

Many generals couldn't believe it. You must know that after the Golden Lion escaped from prison, and the attacks that flew in from time to time over the years, the security of the city was much higher than before.

But it didn't take long for the emperor to get out of trouble.

Except for the emperor, the heir of the devil, and Shiliu of the Rain, how many other criminals escaped from the city?

Garp's face was heavy, knowing that there were several opponents that even he was wary of.

Devil's Heir is one of them.

I'm afraid those guys who were worried have already escaped successfully.

Crane felt that it had never been more troublesome. If those monsters escaped, the sea would be completely out of control in the future.


Zefa's face also became heavy.

Report, the Utopia battleship group has retreated.

A communications soldier rushed over.

The retreat at this time is really just to hold us back.

Are you still attacking now?

Stop the operation!

The navy is ready to dispatch to destroy the Utopia battleship group, but it seems unnecessary now.

The reason why the Utopia warships are wandering in the Marin Fanduo Sea is obviously to hold back the navy from being able to support the advancing city. In addition, the emperor is out of trouble. If they continue to pursue it, the situation may become serious.

Now that Advancing City has become a foregone conclusion, the retreat of the Utopia battleship group is an obvious signal to stop the war. If the navy pursues it, it may really become a full-scale war.

At present, it is in the best interest of the navy to stop the pursuit.

The previous war had already hurt Marin Fando, and this time there was another accident in the city, and coupled with the previous nuclear bomb explosion, Marin Fando needed to relax for a while.

At least wait until the navy has a new marshal before talking about other things.

In short, the navy can only swallow the loss this time.

On the other side, time goes back a few minutes.

Not long after the warships launched the missiles and the evil king dropped the nuclear bomb, the distant sea parted and Foxy and his group quickly approached.


Accompanied by a gust of wind, Foxy casually threw the unconscious Magellan on the ground, and Prometheus happily lay on Foxy's shoulder after calling out to God the Father.

Go back!

Foxy nodded and looked at everyone with a smile.

Weihaha, this is the candidate crime you deliberately went to Jinjin City to find, Monarch?

Bashas crossed his arms and looked at the unsmiling Barrett and the cigar-smoking Shiliot.

Bashas, ​​this man is not simple.

Compared to Bashas' frivolity, Hilock and the others looked at Barrett with serious expressions.

As for Shiliu, he just ignored it.

Devil heir Douglas Barrett, former crew member of One Piece.

Katerina took a deep breath.

The crew of One Piece?

Heir of the devil, I seem to have heard of it.

Everyone will have plenty of time to get to know each other in the future. Katerina will release news to build momentum for Silver Fox.

Foxy could feel the sparks of eagerness in the air.

I know the monarch.

Katerina nodded, took a deep look at Barrett and Shiliu, and left.

Before she left Marin Vandor, she didn't go to Advance City, but came here directly.

Everything is going according to plan.

The next day, the sea shook.

The world's first prison, the myth that it will never be broken has been broken again.

The five emperors, the emperor of the Utopian Empire, made a big fuss in Jinjin City, and led the heir of the devil and the former prisoner of Jinjin City, Shiliu of the Rain, to escape from Jinjin City.

This news is no less than a nuclear bomb thrown into the sea. It has always been a taboo to advance to the city, and as long as you enter there, you will be imprisoned endlessly.

This taboo has been broken before, but that is a long time ago.

For this reason, the golden lion became a legendary man.

But now Advance City was broken again.

Thinking about how many forces waited and watched when the emperor was captured by the navy, many people even predicted that Utopia would once again go to war with the world government and the navy.

And the situation is as full of gunpowder as everyone expected.

But the final result is not so common sense.

Extraordinary! Extraordinary! Marlin Fando was hit by Utopia nuclear bombs and missiles, and has now been reduced to ruins.

It took only two or three hours for the emperor to escape from prison, and the support from the world government was late.

The emperor released many evil pirates, such as the Lonely Red, Devil's Heir, and Basque Choate

The heir of the devil, Shileu of the Rain, is suspected to be the new great sin of Utopia, replacing Lion's Roar and the despicable man.

The fastest jailbreak in history, the emperor who is a god's mansion and a devil incarnation.

The myth of Advancing City has been completely broken.


The latest news, Yinhu, the most powerful general in the navy, intercepted the emperor halfway, fighting all major crimes alone, seriously injured, dying, and his whereabouts are unknown.

The silver fox of the navy made a shocking move, fighting all the major crimes in Utopia alone, destroying dozens of deserted islands along the way.

Counting down the dominance of General Silver Fox, one person would dare to trouble the Five Emperors.

The silver fox is very likely to be dead, and it's hard to defend against the emperor and many serious crimes.

It's unbelievable that in the face of all the major crimes, the siege of Silver Fox actually seriously injured the Rubik's Cube, the second crime, and the murloc hero, the ninth crime.

My God, he deserves to be the most powerful admiral in the navy. He even single-handedly intercepted all the major crimes in Utopia. Facing the siege of so many powerful people, he can still injure the second and ninth crimes.

This is also a monster. Compared to other generals in the navy, Silver Fox is really stronger.

Silver Fox seems to have challenged the Five Emperors, and even White Beard was beaten to blood.

The most powerful general deserves his reputation! But this time it's a bit of a mystery, it's very likely that he has already.

The former Admiral Sengoku has died in battle, and the most promising person to become the new Admiral is Silver Fox. Only Silver Fox can deter the current troubles of the Navy.

I think the yellow monkey and the red dog are not bad either?

Hmph, the record and prestige of the yellow monkey and the red dog are simply not comparable to the silver fox.

At this moment, the whole world is talking about it, and almost most people think that Yinhu is more suitable to be the admiral of the navy.

After all, the record is there.

Which of the five emperors has not been troubled by the silver fox?

Only when Yinhu became the admiral of the navy could he be a little deterrent. As for the yellow monkey and the red dog, they are still a little bit worse.

After all, even the emperor has been caught by the silver fox, and this alone is not enough for the yellow monkey and the red dog to compete. .

There is a kind of bird in this world. It has no feet. It has been working non-stop since it was born. The working environment is very humid, so it often wears a mask! When working, I tense my whole body, and work until I foam at the mouth every time! Guess what bird is?

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