The Speedmaster of Marvel World

The Speedsters of Manga World Chapter 17.

Tying the Inhuman agent to a stool, Zhang Wen directly received a basin of cold water and splashed it down. The place where the two sides were chasing was remote and uninhabited for some reason, and it was clearly shown on the map that this was just an ordinary town.

The Inhuman youths who were doused by the cold water quickly woke up, Zhang Wen did not use a heavy hand and just electrocuted these people, so it was still easy to wake them up.

"Who are you and why is S.H.I.E.L.D. hunting you" Zhang Wen had a bitter face.

The Inhuman youth was more awake and somewhat confused, it wasn't until Zhang Wen asked a second time that he heard Zhang Wen's question clearly, meanwhile the Inhuman youth very honestly told Zhang Wen of his origin.

The Inhuman youth's name was David, and he was an Inhuman on the moon.

When he came to Earth to purchase supplies, he was separated from his clan and somehow came to this town, and when he arrived, he found no one there, followed by being chased by S.H.I.E.L.D..

The Inhuman youth was much more honest than Zhang Wen had imagined, although Zhang Wen had used some drugs similar to truth-spitting agent on David, but it was the first time Zhang Wen had met someone who was so quick to tell the truth, and at the same time, he had some half-truths about his words, after all, it went too smoothly.

Zhang Wen asked some more details carefully, David answered very fluently without any signs of lying, although temporarily believed David's words, but Zhang Wen did not let the other side free.

He woke up a few of the agents led by John Garrett, and Zhang Wen once again conducted the interrogation, but this time, it wasn't the truth-spitting agent that was used.

It was very fast to run a trip at Zhang Wen's speed, and the information obtained from hypnosis was always slightly more reassuring, and it was easy to hypnotize these agents, and soon Zhang Wen had information on each of them.

The pair is indeed not HYDRA, in fact, the current HYDRA has all disappeared in S.H.I.E.L.D. In the past ten days, S.H.I.E.L.D. had a shakeup in which a large number of HYDRA undercover agents were discovered, and the shakeup lasted for about a week, Nick Fury pulled out all the HYDRA buried in S.H.I.E.L.D..

Of course not all of them were uncovered, John Garrett was one of the ones hiding in S.H.I.E.L.D. that hadn't left. However, Nick Fury was able to uncover most of the Hydra, and even though he didn't catch the top brass, he was able to wipe out the Hydra's power in S.H.I.E.L.D..

It only took Nick Fury ten days to get Zhang Wen's information, which made Zhang Wen look at him in a different light, truly worthy of being the king of agents.

What made Zhang Wen most impressed was not that Nick Fury had emptied S.H.I.E.L.D. of its internal Hydra, but that after such a huge upheaval the outside world had not even gotten a single bit of information, even when Zhang Wen went to S.H.I.E.L.D. to search for information.

But the most important thing right now wasn't admiration for Nick Fury, but the strange things happening in the town.

The agents' information was basically the same as the Inhuman youth David's complaint, except that they were after him because they believed that David was the main culprit who caused the disappearance of the town's personnel.

Chapter 24: Tired Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Friday investigate the information about this town." Zhang Wen sent instructions to Friday and then left it alone, Friday's intelligence was already able to travel the network at will and was no longer much different from those so-called artificial intelligences other than having to rely on the mainframe to survive.

"Okay, boss!" After informing Friday of the investigation again, Zhang Wen put these matters of this small town behind him and focused on dealing with Hydra agent John Garrett.

Hydra's strange kind of brainwashing made Zhang Wen a little less hypnotic, and an agent who could still hide so well under Nick Fury's cleansing was definitely not to be underestimated.

Walking to the place where John Garrett was being held, it was found that John Garrett had woken up and was trying to break free from the ropes that bound him, and when he saw Zhang Wen coming over, he gave up this behavior and looked at Zhang Wen as if he wasn't the one who had just tried to escape.

"John Garrett is that your real name? Never mind it doesn't matter, I don't know much information about you, but I already know you are Hydra, let's save those steps of guessing your identity. Just tell me where Alexander Pierce is" Zhang Wen looked at John Garrett, who was tied to the chair, and said with a calm face.

If he couldn't find Pierce's information from John Garrett again, Zhang Wen would have to give up. After all, Zhang Wen had been in this world for a bit too short a time to find Pierce's whereabouts.

Friday wasn't omnipotent, even if Friday was raised to the same level as Ultron, he would still be unable to find Pierce. Because Pierce's information on the Internet had disappeared now, and it was unknown whether he had cleared it himself or whether the brine had made it.

If you couldn't find Pierce, it was possible to take revenge on the other Hydra, and Zhang Wen wasn't worried about not being able to find a revenge target. It was currently much more interesting for Zhang Wen to talk about the town's mysterious disappearance than getting revenge on Hydra.

"A parallel world traveler? The guy from the comics? I've heard Ward talk about you, and I honestly didn't believe in such strange things at first, but anything can happen in this world right?" John Garrett tilted his head to look at Zhang Wen, as if he wasn't worried about his safety at all.

"No, I'm not from a parallel world, and I don't exist in the comics, I just live in a comic-like world, seriously I hate Hydra, but I don't want to get into trouble, can you tell me why Hydra came back to haunt me?" Sitting on the table, Zhang Wen casually threw a piece of chocolate into his mouth and then said.

Although mastering the Divine Speed Force later wouldn't consume too much energy in the body, Zhang Wen was still used to eating high-calorie foods, and speedsters wouldn't gain weight anyway.

"Can I have some? I haven't eaten until now" Watching Zhang Wen eat beside him, John Garrett's hungry stomach told him that he wanted to eat too, so John Garrett asked Zhang Wen directly for the chocolate.

"Here!" Two chocolates were dropped on John Garrett, but there was no way for John Garrett to eat them, with his hands still helping his back.

Seeing this, John Garrett smiled bitterly, then gave up on the idea of eating chocolate. Very frankly, he said to Zhang Wen, "I know what you're looking for me for, but unfortunately I don't know what happened to Pierce. At this stage Hydra has completely disengaged from S.H.I.E.L.D., and I'm just staying on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s back burner, with no way of contacting the top."

"Oh, that's so," Peeling off the wrapper of a piece of chocolate, Chang Man shoved it smoothly into John Garrett's mouth.

"You believe what I say?" As he ate his chocolate, John Garrett asked with vague curiosity.

"Well, it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, I just understand some general things, I don't have the ability to pry open the mouth of a HYDRA agent." Looking at John Garrett's face as he ate the chocolate in a mess, Zhang Wen said calmly.

Upon hearing that, John Garrett shook violently, and then his expression returned to calm, "It seems that I can't live!"

"Well, someone attacked my villa and I had to find a venue to come back to, even though you're a little lower in rank, don't worry, I can't catch Pierce, but I have Baron Zemo to keep you company" said Chang slowly, while checking the message from Friday on his phone.

"The ability to foresee the future?" John Garrett murmured.

"Not really, but almost, any last words?" Zhang Wen questioned John Garrett.

"No" John Garrett closed his eyes, seemingly accepting the fact.

With a flash of a knife, John Garrett's head fell from his body, and there was still uneaten chocolate in his mouth. The eyes were closed, but the expression on his face was full of resignation.

The printer inside the house suddenly started itself up and then papers filled with information fell out of the print port, this was made by Friday, the paper was filled with information about John Garrett and what he had done over the years as a Hydra agent.

Some of it might be things that other Hydra agents had done.

But it doesn't matter, most of it is real information. With this even if S.H.I.E.L.D. knew what Zhang Wen had done, it wouldn't be a big deal to deal with Zhang Wen.

Like ancient chivalrous men who left their names after killing someone, who knew that John Garrett was killed by Zhang Wen if he didn't leave such things behind? So what's the point of doing all this? Unlike the Ancient Chivalrous Man, Chang Man also left evidence of John Garrett's guilt.

Taking revenge like a hero and then being hunted down by blind government agents?

I'm sorry, Chang Wen wouldn't do that!

The next step was to go destroy the Hydra base on the data, Zhang Wen took a look at the information sent from Friday on his phone and disappeared.

Had Zhang Wen gone to find the Hydra base? Not really, because there are so many other things, or people, at the moment? It was still waiting for Zhang Wen.

Untying those Hydra agents and the Inhuman youth, Zhang Wen left some words on the paper before leaving.

The Inhuman youth David sobered up very quickly, perhaps people with supernormal abilities had better resistance, he left here directly after seeing the paper left by Zhang Wen, he wasn't interested in solving the mystery of the disappearance of any Earthling town.

He was an Inhuman and lived on the moon. Although the Inhumans would come to Earth every now and then to purchase something, he still didn't consider himself to be an Earthling.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who woke up later was rather depressed, and was knocked unconscious right at the beginning of the hunt, and after waking up also found that the captain had been cut off, which was nothing more than a sacrifice of his comrades at most.

But the unexpected is that the captain has been sacrificed is actually HYDRA. What information on the words even if it is a smear will be reported to the leadership of S.H.I.E.L.D. There is also a mysterious missing people of the town waiting for their investigation.

Tired heart! I don't want to be an agent!

Chapter 25.

Nick Fury on the Sky Mothership was taken aback when he heard the news, not expecting the always honest otherworldly visitor to suddenly do the heavy lifting next time, although the target was Hydra, but such intense tactics still made Nick Fury worried.

Facing Zhang Wen, Nick Fury really didn't have too good of a solution, Flash's comics Nick Fury still knew, the comics did have a lot of restraint solutions in the face of the Speedster, but once they got the real world these solutions were basically useless.

On the other hand, the escaped Inhumans and the mysterious disappearance of the town also gave Nick Fury a headache, the Inhumans needless to say with supernatural powers basically none of them are not troublesome, the good thing is that the Inhumans in general are very honest, and S.H.I.E.L.D. is responsible for the location not many Inhumans.

The incident where all of the town's personnel went missing, something that usually only happens in stories. Now that it's happened, S.H.I.E.L.D. must investigate whatever the reason is, and from the information available, it won't be easy to investigate this matter.

Regarding the fact that there was still HYDRA inside S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury didn't mind too much, any organization would have a traitor let alone S.H.I.E.L.D.. It had taken a great deal of effort to clean out most of the Hydra inside S.H.I.E.L.D., with the loss of more than billions of dollars, and many of the treasures stolen by the Hydra being priceless.

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