The Speedmaster of Marvel World

Speedsters of the World of Comics Chapter 82.

If the rebirth stream is an important bridge in the network, then Reverse-Flash is that being that has been reborn many times, but unfortunately Reverse-Flash doesn't have a protagonist aura.

There's just a villain aura that keeps him immortal!

Chapter 107 - Solicitation

Standing in the same place, Zhang Wen's eyes fell into confusion, this was a side effect brought about by the modifying power, unlike ordinary speedsters Zhang Wen's memories could not be tampered with by the modifying power, but the modifying power would cause Zhang Wen to fall into a deep memory, and there was even some scattered information about the world that entered Zhang Wen's mind.

Every time the timeline was modified, Zhang Wen would fall into a memory for a long time, and this time the memory was about the Reverse Flash. After adjusting to it for a while, Zhang Wen returned to normal.

The only thing was that his head hurt a bit, something like taking too many drugs, this was just a description, Zhang Wen had never touched drugs, well that's not quite right, it should be like he had never felt the power of drugs.

Although the speedster usually maintains a normal speed of talking and walking, the body of the speedster is actually functioning at high speed all the time, but the brain is subjectively consistent with other people.

Alcohol, drugs, poisons and other things that needed time to produce their effects were of little use to the speedster, and their bodies would naturally decompose, unless the concentration of alcohol was so high that it could kill a normal person.

Turning a glance over, it was found that Mia also had a dazed expression, it was obvious that she had just fallen into a memory reverberation as well, compared to ordinary people, Mia's memory composition was exceptionally special, she was a new life, but possessed memories, or data, from before she became a life.

In essence, Mia was actually somewhat like an elixir in the cultivation of immortality, although she had memories from before she became a life, it wasn't really a memory, probably.

Zhang Wen wasn't sure what exactly Mia's state belonged to, although he had seen data beings before, he had never seen an existence that had grown from an AI into a data life, perhaps future Ultron was considered one, and so was Illusion Vision? Zhang Wen was a bit skeptical, although in the movie it was stated that they had the ability to manipulate global data, it didn't seem to be as powerful as Mia.

Shaking his head, Zhang Wen threw the strange thought out of his own mind, no matter what the original plot was, now that the Mind Gems were in their place, it was unlikely that either Ultron or Mirage Vision would be born.

After waiting a little while, Mia also returned to normal, and Zhang Wen asked with concern, "Mia, how is everything alright?"

"I'm fine, it's just that some of the memories in my head have suddenly become a lot more profound" Mia said, shaking her head, slightly confused.

"I guess it was caused by giving you my Speed Force, other speedsters don't seem to have encountered that"

"Well, let's get on with it!" It was as if Mia didn't want to talk about it and simply wanted to continue searching for Lawson.

"Fine, but wait, I'm going to this world's future to see if anything has changed!" Zhang Wen said to Mia, and then disappeared from the spot.

In less than a second, Zhang Wen reappeared and then said to Mia, "It's true that it's changed quite a bit, but not much, it's still the same future that I invaded, I guess it's because Danvers rarely comes to Earth."

Zhang Wen said with emotion, and then took Mia to the sky to find Lawson's celestial base, in the future he met Danvers and asked him about what had happened, and learned where Lawson was now.

The time is very interesting, if Zhang Wen does not ask the future Danvers then the time for him is the location can be changed at will, but when Zhang Wen in Danvers where he knows the process of becoming Captain Marvel, then Zhang Wen in the past must at some point in time to say something or do something.

In fact, this act is somewhat like a loan, where one learns of certain things in advance and then goes in certain directions to find those things, and if one fails to do so, then the time rift is created again, and the so-called corrective power appears to modify these realities.

It's like a loan, if you can repay the loan then naturally everything will be fine, if you can't then you'll be in big trouble. For this kind of borrowing information from time, Zhang Wen was already very skilled in using it, so he wasn't worried about missing anything at all.

Furthermore, this was not the world he was living in, the only people he had some friendship with were a group of heroes that he had saved, so Zhang Wen did not have any psychological burden to modify the timeline of the world.

Ancient One's prediction was correct, an existence like Zhang Wen who mastered extraordinary abilities would indeed cause a lot of chaos, and every world that was infiltrated by this kind of existence would be very dangerous because their every move would cause unexpected consequences, in comparison, Zhang Wen was actually a kinder person.

Bringing Mia with him, Zhang Wen directly appeared in front of Lawson's ship, as the so-called invisibility and defense were useless to the speedster.

Although Lawson was shocked by the sudden appearance of Zhang Wen, right now Lawson didn't care about the mysterious man's threat, because the Kree had already discovered them and sent a warning notice to Lawson.

As a renowned scientist of the Kree, Lawson's various body data was backed up, and through such things they could easily find Dr. Lawson himself, and Lawson's technique of hiding himself in the first place had failed, so soon the Kree's advance team would be coming after them.

"I can't stay here right now, so if you have any requests you'd better speak up quickly" Lawson took a look at the mysterious man who had just appeared in front of him and calmly spoke up as if he was not surprised in the slightest.

After waiting for a moment and not hearing a reply from Zhang Wen, Lawson sent a voice directly to Danvers, "Danvers, we must leave here now."

After saying that, Lawson began to pack up his things on his own, directly treating Zhang Wen as air, looking at Zhang Wen slightly cryptic, although he would not hurt her, but at least do not ignore himself ah.

In fact, Lawson has no choice, for this mysterious man who seems to know the future, Lawson can't resist at all, with the other party's hauntingly strange ability, Lawson doesn't think the gun on his waist can hit.

Since he couldn't resist, he could only accept his fate. It didn't matter as to what the other party was going to do to him, he might as well take care of the present first.

"Dr. Lawson, I am a visitor from the other world, and I have come here to invite you to serve me!" When Zhang Wen saw this, he had to speak up directly about his purpose, otherwise Zhang Wen was really afraid that Lawson would just run away with the pilot ship, and it would be too humiliating to forcefully stop him at that time!

"Recruit me? Yes!" Lawson froze at the words, then replied without thinking.

Chapter 108 - The Birth of Captain Marvel

"But I have one condition, and that's to protect these kids." As Lawson spoke, the large screen behind him responded to some of the Stroh kids.

"Well yes, but are you sure you want me to help them? Because in five years the Strugs will find these kids, and wouldn't it be better to send them home?" Zhang Wen thought deeply, then said.

"You don't know that right now we Kree are fighting the Stru, their homes are all destroyed, and these are just some of the civilians who escaped!" Lawson opened his mouth to explain.

"You will die today! Right here on Earth!" Zhang Wen suddenly uttered this sentence! This made Lawson flinch, then he spoke, "Are you the one who wants to kill me?"


"So if you're trying to recruit me, then there's a way to save me!"

"Well, according to the original timeline, you would have piloted the plane to return Danvers to Earth, and then after the plane was shot down by the pursuing Kree in the atmosphere and you barely managed to maneuver the plane for a forced landing" Chang spoke directly to tell Lawson what he knew, it was something he went to the future to ask in Danvers' mouth, Chang could make sure it was all true.

"You're telling me that Danvers will have superpowers and will still be leading the Strugs to a new home five years from now? No, a new home, is it?" Lawson didn't write a reaction to what Zhang Wen said.

"Well, you guessed right, the Strugs are going to lose the war!" Zhang Wen nodded directly, he was not sure if the Strugs' defeat was true or not, but that didn't really matter.

"Alright, I promise. But you must tell me from what source you got this information!" Lawson was silent for a long moment, then nodded and said.

"I'll show you, just go with what's going on now, I'll protect you." After saying that, the figures of Zhang Wen and Mia disappeared in front of Lawson.

"??? Are you still there?" Lawson was a little baffled by the sight, and for a moment even wondered if he was hallucinating.

"Doctor! Who are you talking to?" Danvers arrived with a backpack behind him, and seemed to hear Lawson's voice, somewhat confused.

"It's okay, we have to leave right now!" Lawson then reacted immediately and took Danvers on the plane She didn't have time to worry about anything else right now, if she didn't leave now then the Kree would find out about these surviving Strugs, and to these fighting soldiers, Strugs were the embodiment of evil and had no mercy at all.

In fact, Zhang Wen didn't leave, he just became invisible. Not having discovered his presence in the mouth of Danvers in the past, Zhang Wen had to remain hidden at all times and not let Danvers in the present discover any traces of him, or else the timeline would change again.

Lawson and Danvers got on the plane, but this time it was Lawson who was flying the plane, although the injury on her shoulder was still not well, but Danvers' plane flying technique was really not as good as Lawson's, after all, Danvers had never flown this kind of high-tech plane, some things Danvers did not know how to control, if you give Danvers some more time then you should be able to control this plane well, but for now it was better to let yourself do it.

The next time he appears, it will be five years from now. The next appearance will be in five years. Captain Danvers will bring some Strangers to greet the survivors, and then there will probably be an appearance of the Brine Egg, the Devourer and the Kree!

Lawson was alerted too soon, and on his way to Earth, Lawson was hit in the fuselage by an incoming Kree ship, and the attack that would have been able to destroy it only disabled the plane's power, Lawson knew exactly what these Kree needed.

With a calm and collected maneuver to force the plane down, Lawson said to Danvers, "Sorry to involve you in this. They didn't just hit us for the light engine on this plane, we'll make a successful landing and after that I'll destroy the light engine, remember that! Hurry up and run!"

Instead of asking Danvers to sabotage the engine, Lawson decided to do it herself. For her it was a mission that belonged to her, ever since she decided to take the survivors on the battlefield, Lawson had the sense to die for it, unwilling to see the sacrifices again, Lawson naturally didn't want Danvers to go down her own path.

In a void that no one could see, Zhang Wen and Mia were hiding here, watching the plane chase battle below, and Zhang Wen had no desire to participate at all.

Of course, there was no way for him to participate, after all, Zhang Wen didn't want to change the timeline anymore. He shouldn't have actually changed the timeline before, but Zhang Wen was really like verifying whether this so-called correction force still existed in this world, and it was very unfortunate that he did.

Lawson forced his way down to the ground, followed by the Kree ship.

"Doc, are you okay?!" After the crash, Lawson received severe impact injuries, but Danvers was unharmed, maybe that's the main character's aura, in the movie Danvers was sitting in the front and as a result she was fine, Lawson was seriously injured, now it was Lawson driving in the front and as a result Danvers was still fine, Lawson was seriously injured.

"I'm fine, help me out!" Lawson said with some weakness, it seemed she had been hurt worse than she thought.

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