The stall was exposed to 60 million

139 Chapter 139 Obedience Charm

PS: Vielen Dank für die 100 Belohnungen von Bruder [1989zyb], vielen Dank!


Xie Yuliang, dieser umarmt seine Frau ganz fest.

"Sehen Sie sich an, was Sie gesagt haben: Ich schwöre bei Gott, dass ich niemals, wenn ich Ihnen in meinem Leben etwas Böses antue, einen guten Tod sterben werde ......"

Bevor er sein Gelübde beenden konnte, sah er, wie seine Frau ihm wieder einmal den Mund bedeckte.

"Liebling, ich glaube dir!"

Die beiden sind auch gerade wegen des Babys besser dran.


Seit er das letzte Mal gesagt hat, dass sich sein Mund geöffnet hat, ist das Fahrenlernen von Zhang Jingchuns Mutter besonders glatt geworden.

Er bestand die Prüfung nach Abschnitt 3 in einem Rutsch, und dann war nur noch Abschnitt 4 übrig. Zhang Jingchun wollte lachen, als er in das Gesicht seiner Mutter blickte, als sie jeden Tag die Fragen mit dem Fahrwörterbuch stellte.

Ich habe seine Mutter noch nie so hart arbeiten sehen, als ich aufwuchs, genau wie er seine Hausaufgaben machte, als er klein war.

Als er im Purpur-Bambus-Pavillon saß und die Bücher ansah, die sein Vater ihm hinterlassen hatte, spürte er mehr und mehr die Wunder des Feng Shui.

Feng Shui war kein Aberglaube, sondern die Weisheit der Vorfahren und Weisen in diesen Tausenden von Jahren.

Wenn man wirklich alles begreifen könnte, wären sie definitiv in der Lage, die Welt und alles zu kennen.

Gerade um diese Zeit klingelte das Telefon.

Es war ein seltsamer Anruf, also nahm ich ihn entgegen.

"Hallo, welcher ist es?"

"Oh Meister Zhang, ich bin es, oh Meister Huang?"

"Es gibt zu viele Menschen, die sich Huang nennen, und sie wissen nicht, dass Sie wie ein Huang sind!

"Es war das letzte Mal, dass ich Sie bat, sich mein großes Einkaufszentrum für mich anzusehen, das Mauwa Shopping Plaza, und Sie sagten, ich hätte keinen guten Namen für das Einkaufszentrum, und dass Mauwa (Aussehen und) Gott weg sei, erinnern Sie sich?

Es kam mir in den Sinn, als ich von der Mauwa Mall hörte.

"Oh, wenn ich es mir recht überlege, was ist es?"

"Sie sind zu Hause, nicht wahr, ich bin jetzt vor Ihrer Tür, ah, im Feng Shui?"


"Okay, okay, dann bin ich gleich oben!"

Kurze Zeit später hörte ich das Geräusch der eiligen Schritte dieses Huang.

"Tuk Tuk!"


Dieser Mann, Herr Huang, kam von außen herein und sagte mit einem Gesicht voller Demut.

"Hahahaha, ah Meister Zhang, wir sehen uns wieder?"

But Zhang Jingchun had no expression on his face at this time.

After all, this old kid was unkind last time, and also said that just those few words, how could it be worth 100,000 or so, so there was no good impression of this Mr. Huang.

After coming in, Zhang Jingchun didn't raise his head, and has been reading the book very calmly.

This is a bit awkward, clearing his throat.

"Ah Master Zhang, may I sit down?"


"Well well, thank you Master Zhang, that I would like to ask ......"

But before he could finish his sentence, he heard Zhang Jingchun extend his hand to stop.

"Don't worry, I have a consultation fee of 50,000 for this Purple Bamboo Pavilion Feng Shui Pavilion, no bargaining, if you want to ask something, pay first!"

"Ah, I I haven't spoken yet, how come I need 50,000 yuan, Master Zhang is house-minded and wealthy, you can understand me as a small boss, right?"

"Compassionate? Your family is in the supermarket business, do you think it's okay for everyone to go to your supermarket to get things and ask you to be considerate when paying for them? Okay, fifty thousand dollars, see the money, come on!"

Zhang Jingchun pointed to the receipt QR code on the table.

"I, geez, Master Zhang, can I ...... have less? My mall is going out of business?"

"Alright, 60,000 then, plus 10,000 for each counter-offer."

This Mr. Huang was so anxious to think about his family's shopping mall that was on the verge of closing down.

As long as he could keep his business going, 50,000 it is!

"No, no, no, I'm not going to counter-offer, will fifty thousand do?"

Zhang Jingchun nodded.

"Tick, WeChat receives 50,000 yuan!"

Zhang Jingchun did not expect this guy to be quite quick this time and directly transferred the money over. Taking someone's money and averting disaster for them.

There was a smile on his face as well.

"Purple Bamboo Pavilion's claimant, Zhang Jingchun, is at your service, what can I do for you?"

This product gave money, and the bottom line was full.

"Master Zhang ah, my current mall are about to collapse, the last time I gave my wife that I want to replace his relatives and friends, he not only disagreed but also kicked me out, and now the business is getting worse every day, you quickly think of a way, how to let me take back the power, I am only qualified to rectify, key my family that old woman does not let go of power?"

Zhang Jingchun nodded.

"Two ways, one to get your wife to voluntarily give up ownership of the mall and voluntarily transfer it to your name, and the second one, the second one seems like you can't do it either?"

"But shit, if he's willing to give it up, I don't have to find you?"

"The first one can't do it, then let's talk about the 2nd one, that's because your yellow surname is not very good, even if this shopping mall is transferred to your name, you still have to yellow this business, the easiest way is to change your surname, if you want, with my surname is also OK!"

"Master Zhang you, why are you taking advantage of me so righteously? The surname is given by my ancestors, how can I still change my surname, and I can't change my name? No, no, no, this will never work, you'd better tell me about the 1st one, is there any way to get him to voluntarily transfer the company into my name."

"Sure, but it would take manual intervention!"

"How do you intervene?"

"I'll draw an obedience spell with my vermilion pen to guarantee your wife's obedience to your wishes, but this obedience charm costs 50,000, do you want it?!"

"Huh? How come it's 50,000 again?"

"I originally charged you 50,000 for the fact that we were working together for the 2nd time, but the usual minimum is 80,000, right? Think about it, the shopping plaza is in your name, you can make all the money, compared to this 50,000, which is a better deal, I don't need to tell you, right?"

"Ah, I ......"

This product is a bit of a fraud, but he's already given 50,000 for the consultation, so if he doesn't give it at this point, it's like throwing 50,000 at Cui Xiaoteng for nothing?

Wouldn't it be more of a loss.

It's all a trap, damn it, it's all a trap!

"You can go back and think about it slowly, I won't lie to you, if you don't intervene forcibly, your shopping plaza won't exceed ten days."

"Master Zhang, I can give you the money, but I can tell you the ugly truth up front, if I have 100,000 yuan and can't transfer it to my name, don't blame me for ruining your reputation."

Zhang Jingchun said with a faint smile.

"Mr. Huang, as long as you strictly follow my requirements, if it doesn't work, I'm willing to pay you back 10 times over, but if you don't follow my requirements, you'll deserve it!"

"Deal, hurry up and draw what spell?"

Zhang Jingchun nodded and pointed to the QR code on the desktop again.

"Okay, I'll give it!"

This Huang always a bite a stomp a ruthless heart and transferred 50,000 yuan over, when after receiving the money Zhang Jingchun will go to the side of the painting case.

Grind cinnabar, take up the mouse brush, brush a few strokes on yellow paper, a talisman a wave.

Pick up this clothing finger presented next to the rootless water among the stand, in the blessing order right in the middle from top to bottom a stroke in the end.

This Mr. Huang looked at his series of operations and still looked questioning.

After muttering a few words, Zhang Jingchun handed over this Fu Order.

"Alright, this obedience talisman has been accomplished, now tell me your wife's birthdate, fill in her birthdate, and he will obey you in everything!"

This Mr. Huang heard that happiness is not to mention.

Hurrying to find his wife's ID photo, Zhang Jingchun then wrote his name and birthdate on it.

"Are you sure the birthday on this is correct?"


"Alright, you hold this talisman, everything I say next is very important, there can't be any mistakes, do you understand?"

This Mr. Huang quickly pulled out his cell phone and clicked on the recorder to record it.

"Okay, you say it!"

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