The stall was exposed to 60 million

Chapter 222: Staying in the strange house

Looking at the gate key handed over by his brother, Zhang Jingchun was picked up.

"Jingchun, want not to forget it?"

Zhang Jingchun smiled and said.

"Come are coming, this matter must help you set things right, you can rest assured, so that tonight you two accompany me to stay there for one night, you will be able to water?"

His wife has hurriedly waved her hands: "What let me go to live in that villa, I I, I am afraid of death, I do not go, fatty ah, you do not go!"

The fat man heard it and rushed, his wife glared fiercely.

"You are really interesting, we invited people Jingcheng over to help us solve things, we do not accompany who accompanied, come on, you ah, stay at home with your brother, I go at night?"

At this point his brother hurriedly called out.

"Brother-in-law ah, and what this master, I advise you all that do not go, really scary, sleep always hear someone in the ear to say: I'm so tired ah, pressure I'm so tired, you say this big night to repeat these two sentences, and you just sleep it, he called up again a left ear, a right ear, really too scary!"

Another understanding of the situation, it went to his large villa with the fat two.

This house of his. The house is located at the west end of the village. But from looking around is definitely a very pleasant place to live.

The front of the house has about nearly an acre of large yard paved with lawn, there are several winding stone paths, but also built two pavilions, a swimming pool, the west side of the yard and a vegetable patch.

In the middle, two small one-piece houses were built facing south, all with large floor-to-ceiling windows, Chinese style plus European rustic layout, the combination of East and West is perfect.

Both the layout, or these furnishings can be seen is a special designer to create.

It looks like this house is with the heart.

"If this house is in the city at least a few hundred million?"

Zhang Jingchun murmured at this time.

Fat Uncle said with a smile at this time: "In the city must be so much, but in our countryside, ah, really not, more than 500,000 almost, I just asked this morning is almost this price."

"Still the countryside is good ah, so big place, this price can still be built so well."

Zhang Jingchun walked around the house, inside and out, to make sure he had a good idea.

But no matter which way you look at it, there should not be such a serious problem, now only wait until the night to see what it is that makes the fat uncle's brother hallucinate.

In a flash it was evening, his sister then guarded his brother's side to talk and chat, while Zhang Jingchun are with the fat uncle went to his brother's villa.

To be honest, don't look at the fat uncle is tall and sturdy to eat, but. Let him live in this unclean villa, the heart is really a little afraid.

And this is not even a legend, and his wife's brother has been tortured like that, can he not be afraid?

"Jingchun, are you afraid?"

Zhang Jingchun is not only not afraid, on the contrary, feel fresh and exciting, it's been a long time since he touched this thing, and even make him a little excited.

Then comforted the fat uncle said.

"Fat Uncle, we have to believe in science, there is no ghost in this world, that is to scare themselves, and I firmly believe that your brother's illness is definitely not what ghosts and gods torture into this, but another reason."

Hearing these words, the fat uncle's heart was much calmer.

"Really ah, then that, you give others to read feng shui how to say ah, it is difficult not to also lie to others."

Zhang Jingchun this is smiling, while making the bed, said.

"Well, uncle, since you want to ask about this, then I will give you a good talk, tell you what is called feng shui."

The fat uncle is obviously still very worried, looking around also from time to time to look out the window, afraid of what unclean things over.

"Uncle, I am here what are you afraid of ah? Besides, we are also two sleep in one bed, even if you encounter any unclean things, I will also help you in the first time to deal with, you can rest assured, come I will give you a lecture on what is called feng shui."

Fat Uncle heard here a long breath, handed a cigarette, Zhang Jingchun waved his hand, but also let him smoke less bad for the lungs.

"Say ah, I said you may not believe, so ah, I'll give you a search, see how the encyclopedia, this feng shui I will give you a detailed talk."

Zhang Jingchun said then searched on the phone to see, basically quite reliable.

Side pointing to the above was fat uncle said.

"Feng Shui is the Chinese nation has a long history of a metaphysical art, also known as the Qingwu art, Qingnu art, the more academic term called geomancy.

Feng Shui is the power of nature, the great magnetic energy of the universe.

Wind is the energy and field energy, water is the flow and change.

Feng Shui is originally the art of geomancy, that is, the method of geography, also called geomancy, the ancient name of geomancy, it is a study of the environment and the philosophy of the laws of the universe, since man is part of nature, nature is also part of man, to achieve the realm of "unity of heaven and man."

Zhang Jingchun was going to read him on, but looked at the fat frown, a half-understood look can not help but laugh.

"Say ah, it is not clear enough to speak on this?"

Hot time zha, zha head a naive laugh said.

"Ugh ah, this above said the clouds and fog, can not understand you can not translate me into the vernacular or say something I can understand?"

"To put it bluntly, this feng shui is a collection of environmental architecture, and psychology and so on collection of learning together, to give an example, we are not in the countryside to punch the road place, will be inscribed on a stone on the top of the Tarzan stone dare. Why?"

"That's right, why?"

"There are many such sayings, one saying is that Taishan stone said, according to the ancient belief that the stone of the Dongyue Taishan has a unique spiritual and divine power, so Taishan stone dare to be a kind of spiritual stone worship.

Legend has it that during the Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu of Han climbed Mount Tai and brought back four pieces of Mount Tai stones, which were placed in the four corners of Weiyang Palace to ward off evil spirits.

Mount Tai was considered to have the divine power to bless the country, so the stones of Mount Tai were considered to have the divine power to bless the family.

Later, the Tarzan stone was personified, surnamed Shi Dang, also known as General Shi, and later developed a carved human statue of Shi Dang!

In fact, ah, in the end his role is to put such a stone in the doorway of the road, even if a car turns around la, the stone will block, to avoid harm to the family, it's that simple!"

"Ah, oh, it really seems so?"

"And what about the reflection brake, it is also very understandable, if your office every day there will be a strong light facing you, is not very harsh? If the light directly on your screen, is not clear to affect the work, so ah, this time we will tell him that this is a reflective veil, let him move a place, a shady place to break, this is feng shui!"

"Ah, so it's so simple?"

"Yes, so your brother this thing is not a matter at all, it is definitely something that interferes with him here, tonight we will observe to see what exactly is affecting his sleep!"

After Zhang Jingchun so commonplace explanation, fat uncle's mood relaxed.

This unknowingly, the time passed to 12:30 pm.

Fat Uncle drank a lot of water today, suddenly felt three urgent will go out to the toilet.

Out of the door, darkness, this time a small wind, leaves clattering, just disappeared the atmosphere of fear, came up, scared fat uncle look around, always feel as if someone followed him ......

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