The stall was exposed to 60 million

Chapter 230: Retribution Comes

When they saw that it was actually the rich second generation, they were so scared that they rushed inside.

But this time there is no way back, see that pigtail a command, and then see the group of axe gang brothers rushed in again.

After catching the five flowers tied up.

This time Liu Jinxuan realized that Zhang Jingchun is a real master or a real liar. He then how it is impossible to get involved with the rich generation, the most critical is that the rich generation also pulled down a bundle of women tied up.

And this woman is not someone else, it is and he had an affair with the Ahua.

This time Ahua has been this beast stripped off the clothes, leaving only a body of underwear, so immediately caused a considerable stir, the surrounding people watching the hustle and bustle have also flocked over.

"Damn a pair of dogs and men, I've heard that you women are not honest, I did not expect you and this bald fool to get together, today I do not teach you a good lesson I'm not Qin! Pull him out for me ......"

Originally this matter is already very humiliating, but I did not expect this Qin Shao actually pulled two people together, but also in public this Liu Jinxuan's clothes to rip off.

"Ah, no, don't? Qin Shao are you mistaken, we have no grudge, what are you doing?"

Qin Shao heard this one grabbed up the hair, rushed to the face left and right, even pumped a few slaps while after opening the phone, tap the video.

"You're not too fucking embarrassed, I'll let you see, but also let everyone see to see if I beat you up right? Come see what this is?"

Only at this time Liu Jinzhuo found, and I do not know when this Qin Shao actually installed a monitor in their room, and the two of them together to do those unspeakable things immediately jumped into the eyes.

The onlookers all gathered around, bustling with activity.

"Qin Shao you son of a bitch, how dare you follow me? I I am your wife?"

"Pfft, my wife what do you think? I'm so fucking rich, I'm surrounded by so many beautiful women, like you so many wives, originally I was going to take you as a girlfriend, but how I did not expect, you even behind my back and this bald to engage in this set you do not mind shame I also mind shame surnamed Zhang although this woman I will not have dealings with him, but you have caused a great impact on my reputation, so you have to make compensation, so you have to pay 10,000,000. Take out 10,000,000 even if this is over, or else your store will not want to open ......"

Liu Jinzhuo how did not expect this Qin young lion's mouth to ask for 10,000,000?

"Qin Shao you said 2 million? How come now it's 10 million?"

"I want to say how much is how much, not convinced ah, not convinced now double, 20 million hurry up to pay?"

Liu Jinyuan was also anxious, thinking that the feng shui pavilion could not be opened anyway.

Do not say 20 million, he can not even get out 1 million, since this is the case, then the jar is broken.

"Qin Shao, you still have the fucking nerve to say this thing, don't you feel ashamed? Are you a fucking man? Every time you can not meet your woman before letting me do a control, now you even have the good sense to give me to ask for money, for example, 20,000,000 20 cents old man will not give you, he is a fucking three-second man ......"

"Yes, he is a three-second man ......" what makes them think is that this Ahua's woman actually to add fuel to the fire, said the three-second man.

As a man, I'm afraid this is the biggest humiliation of all.

"What the fuck are you standing around for? Give me a beating!"

A command, and then look at these people, the two pressed to the ground this messy beatings.

"Qin Shao, not moving."

Originally very angry Qin Shao at this time also jumped in shock.

"Do not worry, can not die, go!"

This Qin Shao also scared, hurriedly waved his hand to leave, in the pro back also rushed to that pigtail asked.

"Pigtail, the goods are not dead, right?"

"I did not dare to touch it? But it looks like there is still breathing?"

"Damn, useless thing to leave two brothers to follow a little to see if dead? You call 120 now, really screwed him to death, the brain a little trouble!"

The pigtail heard here rushed to respond, rushed down to the little brother ordered down.

After half an hour, the little brother called to say that both people are fine, now being hospitalized.

Qin Shao this is long out of breath.


In the ward.

Liu Jinxuan and Ahua live in the same ward.

Liu Jin egg this time is still in a coma, and Ahua this time wearing a hospital gown, the heart is still calculating what?

I thought, "I didn't get married into a rich family because of him, so this time I have to follow you, but he also understands that Liu Jinxuan is a family man with children, but at this time he could not care less.

And at this time from the outside of the panic ran in a rural woman like a woman.

With a bag of fruit in her hand, she ran over.

"Golden egg, golden egg, are you all right?"

As soon as she came in she made the nurse hurry to stop her.

"Are you a patient's family? This is a ward, no loud noises, everyone else is resting?"

His wife nodded fiercely at this time, looking all anxious and crying.

"Doctor, how is my husband? Is he okay?"

The nurse nodded.

"In addition to a superficial injury is a little concussion, should not be a problem, it is best to stay in the hospital for a few days of observation, you came just in time, hurry to pay the bill, oh, and ah next to that girl said also your family, bring his money together to pay?"

Liu Jinxuan's wife, that is a genuine farmer, life is very frugal, although Liu Jinxuan earned some money, but still seems very frugal, when heard next to his family, could not help but froze.

"Family members, what family members? We don't have any family members, where are the family members?"

This time Ah Hua then sat up.

"Sister is me!"

"Sister, who is your sister?"

When she heard his sister called, Liu Jinxuan's wife's brow furrowed.

"Sister is this, you are his wife, right, did he not tell you about me? Jin Dan told me you can't have a baby, so ah, think of letting me give him a son, so ah, we can call each other sister, and you also promised to accept me as a sister, that's why I'm good with him ......"

"What do you say? You shameless, who recognizes you as a sister ah, you tell me you and he in the end what relationship?"

A mountain can not tolerate two tigers, especially the feelings of the matter, how can he husband in addition to herself there are other women, so this is Liu Jinxuan's wife immediately angry, rushed over and she wrestled together.

This Ahua a weak woman how to do better than the women out of the countryside, not a few times will be packed in the corner to hide and do not move, his wife is also really anxious, rushed over to grab the still unconscious Liu Jinxuan, rushed to the face is two slaps.

He was awakened.

"Ah, old ...... wife, why are you here?"

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