Zhang Jingchun looked at the time.

"There is still a little time, let's listen to the old master tell a story ..."

The old man listened, smiled and said: "I am talking about this year, I have a lot of years ago, I don't know if you love to listen ..."

Zhang Jingchi smiled and said: "Uncle, love to listen, you see now full screen is going to listen, you will come again."

"Will it be delayed?"

Zhang Jingchi smiled and said: "This is anxious, if you have a mistake, the water ghost should have stared on the second liter. Once you are eyeing, you will never let you go, I just calculated it. And the breath from him can feel that this evening will come, so don't worry about it ... "

The old man nodded: "For the right, the master, it must be reasonable, let's don't worry, now I am still early, listen to my old man, tell you a old story, I want to go ..."

The old man drank her tea at this time, then talked.

Speaking of this, it happened to my loved ones.

According to the generation, I should call him the second boy, it is my father-in-law.

When his old man was young, there was a go to hunting.

Seeing a fox with a chicken, I look at it, this is the chicken, and I took out the bow and rushing the fox. I took it into the past.

The fox is just shot on the right leg.

However, this wild fox is very embarrassing, although it is shot on the body, but he fled his quilt.

At that time, I also thought about chasing again, but this guy drilled into a bush and ran, although the arrow, but the chicken did not come.

I have found it for a while, I haven't found it, I have to go to hunt again.

After this, I didn't happen anything. But later, my second is old, it is about sixty-seven years old, he later found that the esophageous cancer, I can't do it at home, but no matter How is it not swallowed.

Later, my family finally thought that two gods remembered this strange thing happened when hunting.

Some people say that something is attached, because the countryside will believe this.

One night, I looked at him next to him. I didn't have anything in the middle of the night. When he suddenly got up, I gave me a big embarrass.

At that time, I was almost scared to die, because people didn't work at the time, and the root could not be so strong.

Listening to me, I said that I said that someone suddenly said that this is definitely a clean thing.

If you want to drive away, use the hemp rope whip to him, before, someone attached it, it is so dry.

At that time, the family was also afraid, there was no way, and the hemp rope in the family was found to make a whip.

I tied my crisisy two grandfather to the forest outside, pumped up.

To be honest, think about it is really cruel, although I feel a little dare to imagine, but you said that it is not surprising, my second is the body, and I took a few minutes. Hey, why can't you see it, just say that my old man does not die, I will raise him, don't let him be sinful.

No way, I can't see it, so, I will back my second grandfather.

This matter, after you pass, the people in the village are behind the point.

To be honest, in the village, this is not good, like to say three four, there is no thing.

So, I have passed more and more defraud, harm that my big life is not peaceful, as long as I go out of my second grandfather, everyone is hiding, I am afraid of being infected.

"Then, how old, hurry to say, I am very annoying." This is a lot of live in the live broadcast. "

However, when the old man tells the story, it is always so uncommon. Sometimes, there will be ten seconds, or even a minute, but listening to the story of the old man, it is this feeling, This kind of cavity is adjusted.

Zhang Jingchun said with the people in the live broadcast.

"Don't worry, listen to the old man, listen to the story? Listening is this process, the process of anxious waiting results is the most enjoyable."

People in the live broadcast, there are also many people who have not stopped inside.

"Just, I don't want to hear the door, this is the live broadcast of the master. Since you come to Zizhuge, no matter how horizontal in reality, 2 You are a tiger to be lying, it is a dragon to offer it ... "

At this time, the old man swallowed her mouth, and spit it with a drink in the mouth.

I took it again.

Then I find a big jump in the next morning, and I am not talking to the second boy when I look for someone.

What made everyone didn't expect that the next day, I didn't die, but the opposite, it was still good.

Some people say that they return to the light, and some say that it is evil in their own, no longer handling, maybe the whole family has to get something.

The man's attachment is ok, but if you attach a woman, you may not make anything you see.

Daxie can't stand this, I'm going to find the god, then my second is said directly. You are not looking for someone to pick up me. I tell you that no matter who you are invited, it is not good.

The big god is a half a brother, forty years old, saying what is the koh mother.

After listening to the second grandfather, I couldn't help but laughed. He said that you didn't die, see you is the Sao fox, it is best to hurry, if I let me do it, you have to die.

It is said that I have seen the god of the gods, and I also got a table, and I made the old road to the TV.

Also let the husband of the husband, but I have said, I will give you five minutes, if you still don't go, the consequences think, how to think.

This is what is making money. How can I go, I will take a peach wood sword.

The people in the original village are quite expecting. After all, they don't want to have such a one in the village, and the heart is also afraid.

On that day, I listened to me, and I went on the wall outside the courtyard, and the trees climbed were people.

At this time, I said that I said that I have thousands, if I still don't go, let you walk.

I still don't listen to the great god, but the next scene is frightened.

I saw the chicken who had just killed the gods, and stopped.

You know, the chicken is rushing, the neck has cut the throat, even stand up, and then stunned the wings and flying over, this can be scared to death this, pull the legs and run away ......

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