The Strange Memoir

C147 person who deserves to die

The snowfall did not seem to have the slightest intention of stopping. On the contrary, it seemed to be growing stronger in the wind.

Guan Zhong and I turned west and returned to the Han Shan Hotel. We randomly picked a room with a view of the night and ordered some fruit juice drinks and a few dishes.

A wave of sighs and sighs filled the air. No one could have imagined that the few brothers who had been in the same dorm as Snowy were now out of the question again.

Unlike on the phone, there was always a thin barrier between them when they talked. Now that they were face to face, drinking and eating snacks, they finally found the friendship and feeling they once had.

"I'm going to Qionghai, but I still can't see number two. I got him a big bag of stuff, I hope he'll feel better inside."

The atmosphere became a bit heavy when he talked about number two. Amongst the four of them, the second brother looked the most miserable. Unlike our stability after graduation, he went to the south to fight alone, but never thought that he would end up in such a situation. No one even knew the reason behind it.

"Only you can take a look!" Guan Zhong was a little lost in his words, he and Chen Qingzhi were busy with a lot of things, maybe he would have some time to rest, but that was not enough for him to travel back and forth.

"I'll think of a way to ask around later. I have to find out the reason. Otherwise, it's not like I need to ask so many questions." I shook my head, helpless. After all, it was an A rank control system, so all information would be sealed. Even the files regarding number two would not be accessible to those who did not have a certain level of authority.

It was easy to ask about it, but difficult to do so.

"Right now, I can't do much either. My qualifications are too shallow, and the yamen has gotten bigger. For people like me who don't have any qualifications, it's too light."

Guan Zhong told me this without any hesitation. Brothers, you don't need to beat around the bush like how officials do.

"Hey!" "But you're not bad, brat. Hurry up and climb up, maybe you will become a Party leader or a country leader in the future. At that time, wouldn't it be great if your brothers would follow you and get rich?"

"I'm actually afraid that I'll be pushed down before I can even climb up. The current situation in the country, tsk tsk …" "Even the dukes of one side are in danger of dying, how about I, a little shrimp who can be crushed to death with a flick of a finger?"

Guan Zhong smacked his lips and said, but from his tone, I could not hear any sense of dejection, but instead felt that his words had a hint of schadenfreude.

"Everyone is busy fishing for big fish, who would care about a small fry like you."

I've heard about this. Recently, the newspapers have been bustling with noise and excitement. Some of the country's most important publications have been filled with sharp and sharp swords. Even the streets and alleys of Chang'an have been talking about the matters of this country with great joy.

"Oh right, what happened to your Audi? Yours? "

I suddenly thought of the Audi that Guan Zhong had just driven and couldn't help but ask worriedly. Could this brat have done something out of bounds after entering the yamen?

"How could it be mine?" Guan Zhong shook his head and said: "He is the secretary of a Chinese and foreign joint venture, and is assigned to that company."

"That's good. In any case, you have to control yourself so as to not get caught in it." Your bro is very rich right now. If you need money, then just greet me. Don't take money that you don't understand. "

"I've never been polite with any of you. Don't worry, I won't get lost on this road. I do have that kind of confidence. "

Guan Zhong nodded very seriously. His pager suddenly beeped twice, and after seeing the number, Guan Zhong frowned, and said to me: "Fourth Bro, wait a moment, I'll go to the service room to call back."

About four or five minutes later, Guan Zhong opened the private box's door and walked in.

I asked, "What's wrong?"

Guan Zhong said: "Those hoodlums were actually protected by someone, the city police directly called Li Yan, saying that this matter is caused by a few youngsters vying for the right to make a fuss, don't make too much of a fuss."

The corner of my mouth curled up. As expected, he was from the Imperial City and any person who was casually caught could have an extraordinary background. He even dared to protect a person like Chen Shan who was obviously part of an underworld group.

"Then forget it. Speaking of which, I also hit that kid hard enough today. I didn't lose out after taking a few punches or kicks."

"What else can I do? I can only endure." "Someone who can make the city police directly call Li Yan and invert black and white said that he has a big background and can't afford to offend him."

Guan Zhong said, and sighed with waning interest.

It didn't take long for them to get together for a reunion. Guan Zhong drove me to Hanshan Hospital. I let him go first while I asked about Jiang Xi's condition and headed to the emergency room.

The ward was always filled with the smell of disinfectant, which made people feel uncomfortable.

Jiang Xi laid alone on the white sickbed, covered by a white blanket.

When I pushed open the door, the sound startled her. She turned her head and said weakly, "You're here."

I replied, "I've come."

"Do you need me to treat the injury on your face? "It seems quite scary." Jiang Xi forced a smile.

Hearing her words, I suddenly came to my senses and touched my nose and face. I didn't feel any pain anymore, but the bruises must still be there. I can't bear to see the strange looks on the nurses' faces when they looked at me.

"No, it's not that big of a deal. It'll be fine by tomorrow morning."

I shook my head. As long as I controlled the flow of energy in my body and circulated around my face a few more times, this bruise would be nothing.

It would take a lot of energy to do that, so I didn't bother to deal with it. Just by letting the energy slowly circulate through his body, this small injury's recovery speed was also several times faster than normal.

"Want something to eat?"

"No need, I just ate it."

"Then we'll wait in the capital for two days before we head to Chang'an?"

"No, we'll leave tomorrow."

Jiang Xi's attitude was very firm, it was as if she did not want to stay here for even a moment longer.

"Alright, then let's go tomorrow. You should rest well at the hospital tonight, I'll come pick you up tomorrow."

After saying that, I turned around and prepared to leave. Staying here, I suddenly felt a sense of awkwardness that I couldn't put my finger on.

"Wait!" Jiang Xi shouted.

I turned around and asked, "Huh?" Is there anything else? "

Jiang Xi laughed, not knowing if it was because of the yellow light, but her face looked somewhat sallow.

"Just now … "Thank you."

I waved my hand and said, "Why are you thanking me? Speaking of which, I was the one who provoked you."

She casually found a hotel to rest for the night, and went home with Jiang Xi early in the morning the next day. She picked up some things, but when she came out, her originally bad complexion had turned even worse.

On the other hand, the little fellow called Hu Zi had secretly chased after him. He was shamelessly afraid that someone in the room would call out to him.

The little guy pulled at the corner of Jiang Xi's clothes and said, "Aunt, then are you still coming back to see Hu Zi?"

Jiang Xi squatted down and caressed the little guy's bald head, saying: "Aunt will definitely come back to see Hu Zi, wait till Hu Zi's next vacation, Aunt will bring you over to play."

"Hehe, that's good!" Just as the little guy nodded, a voice called out from the back of the house. She stuck out her tongue, let go of the corner of Jiang Xi's clothes and ran back to the door quickly.

Jingge Lane was a long way from the airport, especially on a snowy day. The wide road was covered with piles of snow. Although some of the sanitation workers had shoveled salt into the snow, the huge snowflakes in the sky didn't seem to have any intention of stopping. They continued to lay a thick layer on the road.

The driver started chatting with us in the accent of Beijing. I was thinking that this is the real famous guy in Beijing, talking about the world's important matters at once. He sounded very professional, and the angle of the problem was always from the perspective of the country's leaders.

I thought it was interesting and started to chat with this middle-aged man. As for Jiang Xi, who was sitting in the back seat, I didn't know if it was because she didn't sleep well last night or because of something, but she fell asleep while leaning against the window.

When I got off the bus at the airport, a cold wind blew and my whole body quivered. The strands of cold energy that had invaded his body were immediately expelled by the energy flow within his body.

"You're smart!" Looking at the black coloured clothes that Jiang Xi was wearing, I glared at her.

Jiang Xi rolled his eyes at me, and said: "I'm already sick, if you don't pay attention, I won't be able to work for you, the landlord. You can't withhold my salary."

"Do I look like that to you?"

"How would I know if you are that kind of person? But I know that you have seen a lot of people. You'll know after watching for a while."

The ticket office had bought two direct flights to Chang'an, which was a good coincidence. They didn't have to wait too long for a flight to Chang'an.

"The wound on your face is really gone?" When they arrived at the departure lounge, Jiang Xi seemed to have noticed my pretty face.

I complacently nodded. "That's true. If not, it would affect my handsome appearance."

"You think you're handsome?" Jiang Xi pursed her lips in mock disdain. She lowered her head and fumbled in her bag for a long time, then took out an envelope and handed it to me.

"Hey, take a look."

"What is it?" I took the envelope and pinched it. It was stiff, obviously containing some kind of hard card.

"There are some things that I don't dare to believe, open it and take a look." When Jiang Xi said this, he had a strange expression, which completely piqued my curiosity, so I poured out the contents of the envelope.

Three photographs.

I skimmed through it. One chapter was taken on the docks, where a group of people were boarding. One was the endless sea on the deck of the cruise ship, with many people taking pictures with cameras. The other was a performance filmed in a cruise ship's luxurious dining room.

I looked at Jiang Xi and raised an eyebrow. "I can tell that the photo shoot is very professional, but you took it?"

"My friend took these three photos when he was out playing. Look here! " Jiang Xi shook his head, and pointed at the three photos respectively, revealing two people wearing black coats.

"What's wrong?" I don't know what she's trying to say.

"Don't you think these two people are familiar? Look here. " Jiang Xi took out the photo that he took from the dining hall, and then pointed at the two people eating in the corner.

The focus of the photo was not on the person, but on the stage performance, but because of the distance, the two people eating with their backs to the stage were still very clear in the photo.

One of them was eating with his head down while the other one seemed to be looking at a luxurious restaurant.

"Here!" Jiang Xi's slender pinky pointed on the face of the young man who raised his head.

It seemed somewhat familiar. Looking at the young man's face, I was stunned. It really did look familiar, but for a moment I couldn't remember where I had seen it before.

The more I looked, the more familiar I felt. However, the more familiar I felt, the more I couldn't recall anything. This strange phenomenon lasted for a good long while before I suddenly reacted. Then … Just as what Jiang Xi said made her feel that it was inconceivable, I also finally remembered that after being shocked by her face, I was speechless.

Although his hair was cut short, his face was extremely clear. Unexpectedly, it was actually Li Zheng!

How could there be two people so similar in this world? The thought lingered in my mind, and for a moment my thoughts were sluggish.

"Maybe it's just a coincidence!" I feel my lips dry. How is this possible! Li Zheng and Ding Liming had mysteriously disappeared at that time, and never appeared again after that. Although we did not speak explicitly afterwards, we all understood in our hearts that they had actually died inside the sulcus basilaris.

Designed to replace them with corpses, they were never heard from again.

"At first I thought it was a coincidence, but when I saw the photos, I admitted I was scared silly." Jiang Xi shook his head and said: "How much I hope that it's just a coincidence? But look here. "

Jiang Xi took out the picture taken on the cruise ship, and said: "If Li Zheng really looks like him, then what about Professor Ding?"

On the deck, Ding Liming was walking towards him while facing the camera. He was half a body behind, and the camera could not catch his whole appearance.

"Two people who look alike appeared at the same time? And it was actually two people together? One is a coincidence. If two people are separated, I can still convince myself that this is a coincidence. But when these two people stand together, then … I really can't believe it's just a coincidence. "

"What do you think?" After a long time, I put the photo back in the envelope and held it in my hand. If they had already come out of sulcus basilaris, why did they not come back? The Professor Ding is still in charge of a topic, but when Li Zheng's family heard the news, they went crazy from anxiety. I was even woken up by nightmares everyday for a very long time! "Why didn't they come back …" Jiang Xi said somewhat puzzled.

I frowned, which gave me a strange, unspeakable feeling. The two people who should have been dead were now in this photo. The more he thought about it, the colder he felt.

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