"Willowisp" and "Rattenfanger"

  "Yeah. Although it's rare, both of these two communities come to the six-digit outer door, which is the upper class. It's not wrong to think that the other party's class is higher. Although I can't say more, I suggest you do a good job first. Prepare yourself mentally."

  After listening to Shiroyasha's serious advice, Yao nodded.

  On the other hand, Izayoi stared at the "contract document" and laughed nervously.

  "Oh..."Rattenfanger"? Is that the community of "mouse-catcher clowns"? So tomorrow's enemy is simply Hamel's piper clown?"

  Huh?Asuka responded in surprise.

  However, her voice was drowned out by the exclamations of Black Rabbit and Shiroyasha who were sitting beside her.

  "You mean... the Piper of Hamel?"

  "Wait, what's going on? Be careful, boy."

  Seeing the two of them so surprised, Izayoi couldn't help but blink.

  Shiroyasha lowered his voice and gave the specific background of the question:

  "Oh, sorry, you who were summoned recently didn't know about this—the so-called "Pied Piper of Hamel" is the name of a certain Demon Lord-affiliated community."


  Everyone was surprised, and it was the Demon Lord who seemed to be involved in everything recently.

  "I know!"

  Luo Yu looked at the surprised people and said.

  "Oh! Then tell me, kid." Shiroyasha opened his fan and covered his chin.

  Luo Yu's eyes twitched a little. It was really uncomfortable for Bai Yasha to add "you boy" every time he called himself.

  Everyone else looked at Luo Yu curiously.

  "The name of the Demon King's community is "Grimmgrimoire", which is led by a summoner with a genius. It is said that a community of demons has been summoned from a total of more than [-] magic books."

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

  Luo Yudao.

  "No, you're wrong, it's not what you heard but the fact, but this Demon King passed away in a showdown with a powerful community," Shiroyasha laughed.

  Next, everyone talked about the story of "The Piper of Hamel" and the metaphor of the story.

  "The person who manipulates the mouse, could it be that the previous mouse—"

  Asuka looked at the sweet elf sleeping on her lap. She said that she was from the Ratcatcher and belonged to the Demon King's subordinates. This is really contradictory, where is the doubt.

...... 0

  After the memory was over, Luo Yu returned to his room.

  the next day!

  "It's amazing how many people are!"

  Luo Yu stood on the VIP seat and looked at the crowd of various races and said.

  "Of course! This is a grand event at the lower level of the North District," said Shiroyasha.

  "Well! Anyway, the devil hasn't come yet, so let's have some fun first!" Luo Yu leaned on the VIP chair and drooped his eyes, watching the game that was about to start.

  "Aren't you a demon king too! Why do you look like you want to meet other demon kings." Bai Yasha said with narrowed eyes.

  "Well! Who knows—"

  Luo Yu didn't want to answer this question. Could it be that I can usurp the authority of the Demon King? If he really said that, he would definitely be attacked by the Demon King.

  The sun is fully up, and to announce the start of the game, Black Rabbit takes center stage.She took a deep breath before showing a full smile to the audience that was separated into a circle.

  "I've made you wait for a long time! The final game of "Duel of the Creators", the main gift of the Fire Dragon Birth Festival, is about to begin! The work of hosting and refereeing will be performed by the exclusive referee of "ThousandEyes". Everyone serves. Service "towel.

Chapter 268

  Please subscribe to "For Flowers", "For Collection" and "For Rewards" Anyway, if you don't need money for flowers, just throw some money to the author's fungus!


  Black Rabbit showed a smile to the audience, and there was a strange roar beyond the cheers from the audience, and even the stage shook because of it.


  "Black Rabbit~~~~~~~~~! I came here just to see you!"

  "Today I must take a peek at the scenery under your skirt ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

  The audience showed unusually strong enthusiasm.

  Although the black rabbit still had a smile on his face, the rabbit ears drooped down, obviously a little scared.

  She must have felt some indescribable danger.

  "Nima, this is too exaggerated!"

  Luo Yu was almost startled by the roar.

  "Black Rabbit is very popular!" Izayoi laughed.

  Amid the frenzied cheers, a billboard with the words L.O.V.E Black Rabbit stood out.

  Hearing the roars of the passers-by and audience, Izayoi suddenly remembered something very important.

  "By the way, Shiroyasha. You actually turned the black rabbit's miniskirt into a skirt that seems to be visible but absolutely invisible. What does that mean? The looming interest is too outdated! Didn't we just do it yesterday? Have you ever discussed the inquiring mind of art, and it turns out that you only have that level?"

  "What kind of topics did you discuss? Are you insane?"

  Although Asuka made such a comment, it did not reach their ears.

  Next is the time for Shiroyasha and Izayoi's opinions on Black Rabbit's clothing. The heated discussion almost broke out between the two.

  "Shiro... Lord Shiroyasha...? Did you eat something bad...?"

  Sandora said with some unease when she saw that the two were losing their integrity.

  "Anla, Anla! Don't worry about the two of them, let's continue to watch the game!"

  Luo Yu patted Sandora on the shoulder and said, I have to say that Sandora's skin is really good, and this outfit is too colorful.

  "Yes, Lord Luo Yu."

  Mandela gritted his teeth and looked at Luo Yu who didn't have much respect for Sandora. If he hadn't considered that he couldn't beat Luo Yu, he might have been bitten.

  Kasukabe Yō was playing with the three-haired cat on the flank of the stage that was not visible from the audience.

  Jin and Leticia, who act as assistants, are checking the information on the next opponent.

  "—about 'Willowisp', that's all I know. Hopefully it will come in handy..."

  "No problem, I will adapt to the situation according to the situation." Yao said seriously.

  Black Rabbit is in charge of the game process at the venue, and the game is about to start.

  Next to Leticia said uneasily:

  "You really don't need anyone's assistance? I think it's better to act after considering the situation."

  "Don't worry, it's fine."

  Kasukabe Yō refused to help.

  At this time, the black rabbit circled around the center of the stage, facing the entrance of the venue with open arms, as if to welcome the contestants to the stage.

  "Then let the contestants enter! The contestants of the first round, Kasukabe Yō of "NoName", and Aisha Ignifatus of "Willowisp"!"

  Yao handed the three-haired cat to Ren, and walked from the passage to the road to the stage.

  At this moment——a fast-moving fireball swept across Yō's eyes.



  Boom!Yoo fell back in shock, his butt on the ground.

  She looked up and saw a figure sitting on the fireball.

  The character who attacked her, Aisha of "Willowisp", flung her twin ponytails and a black and white gothic loli-style gorgeous lace dress on her body, making fun of her in a cute but arrogant tone:

  "Ahahahahaha! Look at you, did you see it! Jack! The "NoName" guy slumped to the ground ugly! Hee hee, okay, let's laugh at her thoroughly and thoroughly! "


  Part of the audience laughed.It seems that in addition to the opponent Aisha, there are others who are dissatisfied with the mere "nameless" community standing on the glorious stage.

  However, Kasukabe Yō was not someone who would mind these things.

  Instead, she stared at the silhouette in the center of the fireball in surprise. …

  "That fireball...could it be..."

  "What? What are you talking about, don't compare Miss Aisha's work to some fireball. This guy is the famous ghost of our "Willowisp"! Jack-o'-lantern!"

  "Whoo, whoa—"

  Aisha winked at the fireball she was sitting on.The fireball threw off the flames surrounding it and appeared in front of everyone.Not only Yao, but everyone in the audience was speechless for a while.

  A lantern with violent flames, and incorporeal light black cloth clothing.

  And a giant pumpkin head about ten times the size of a human head.

  "That is, Jack-o'-lantern—"

  Asuka said in surprise, what he longed for when he was young.

  "Jack, Luo Yu, it's Jack! The real jack-o-lantern!"

  "Okay, okay, I understand, calm down, Miss, it's just a jack-o-lantern, I'll make one for you later."

  Flying Bird made a fanatical cry that was very unlike her, and pulled Luo Yu's shirt.


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