People can't get in.

  When he knew that the buildings here were poured together with the space above, Luo Yu also knew that he couldn't clean this place.

  If you want to clean up, unless you take out the broken stones with your hands one by one.

  But this is obviously not cost-effective.

  However, there are still a few questions that have been lingering in Luo Yu's mind.

  Is this place really collapsed naturally?

  Will it collapse at any time and bury myself and these people in it?

  Although this question is a bit ridiculous, after all, these buildings look relatively solid, not to mention that these buildings are poured together with the entire cave body.

  Based on this alone, it is possible for it to not collapse for thousands of years.

  However, now it has collapsed.

  That is to say, it is thought.

  In other words, there are other people in this underground base.

  Using his own perception, Luo Yu carefully probed around.

  But he found no one.

  Not only was there no one, but he couldn't even feel the existence of these buildings.

  This is strange.

  Strange things happen every year, especially today.

  Although Ji Dongxuelai and Nangong didn't know what Luo Yu was thinking about that month, but looking at Luo Yu's facial expressions, they could basically guess it.

  They are in trouble.

  Moreover, the enemy is in the dark, and they are in the light.

  This is very bad for them.

  Ji Dongxuelai and Nangong Nayue looked at each other and immediately took a defensive posture.

  However, no one defended them.

  It was as quiet as a tomb that had been sleeping for thousands of years, and there was no trace of anger, except for them, of course.

  Human beings are very alert when they are in danger, but when their nerves have been tense, they will relax instead.

  At this time, Ji Dong Shelley and Nangong Nayue were like this.

  Although I don't know what Luo Yu is thinking, the defense of the two of them is obviously slack.

  Even Ji Dongxuelai's raised hand was placed beside him.

  However, this place is destined to be restless.

  Just when they relaxed, the faint light in the entire underground base seemed to be slowly diminishing.

  Soon they found, not seeming, but certain that the light was slowly decreasing.

  Because soon they were standing in the dark.The black that can't see five fingers.

  Luo Yu was also quite shocked at this time, because, according to his vision, he was blocked twice today.

  The first time, of course, was when I read those words outside.The second time is now.

  Luo Yu couldn't see his fingers in front of him, and it was dark.

  You know, when he was in this rank, there was no black in the true sense.Because they themselves actually emit some kind of faint light.

  This light illuminates the surroundings.

  But now, it's gone. .

Chapter 315

  Chapter [-] Glows like the sun [Blood-devouring madness for subscription]

  Luo Yu's eyes were full of darkness. To be honest, he had not encountered this kind of real darkness for many years.

  However, the darkness this time made him have a little crazy idea.

  Because he didn't know what it meant.He didn't even know what this darkness would bring him.

  However, he soon found out.

  Because, twilightly, a coquettish cry suddenly appeared in the darkness.

  Luo Yu could tell that this was Ji Dong Shelley.

  "Little Shelley, what's wrong?" Luo Yu asked.

  Thinking that they were in the southeast corner that had just collapsed, he would inevitably bump into other things if he moved around.

  It is not that he is worried about his own comfort, but he is afraid of giving the enemy an opportunity.

  Therefore, he did not move.

  However, after waiting for a long time, he still couldn't wait for Ji Dongxuelai's reply.

  He sighed inwardly, obviously having a bad premonition.

  However, it was dark in front of him, and suddenly, he didn't know what to do.

  "Little Nayue?" He said again, wanting to ask about the situation on Nangong Nayue's side.

  Xindao, these two women are really stupid, they don't know how to say hello to themselves.In addition, in the situation just now, he didn't even get close to him.

  If you think about yourself as a dignified man, it would be a shame if he couldn't even protect two women.

  However, Nangong was like Ji Dongxuelai that month and didn't give him any reply at all.

  Luo Yu started to feel a little anxious in his heart, thinking that this is really interesting.

  The strangeness of this darkness, is it really that I have met a master?Also unlikely.The entire Isogami Island can be regarded as his opponent, but there are actually not many people.

  However, the bad premonition in my heart became even stronger.

  Luo Yu didn't want to wait any longer. He took a step forward. Based on his own memory, he first took a step towards Ji Dongxuelai and the others.

  No movement.

  Luo Yu figured out the direction again and took another step.

  However, still no response.

  The two women should have been killed, this was Luo Yu's first thought.

  Luo Yu was a little angry, but the darkness blocked his actions.

  Darkness is not scary, what is scary is the unknown that comes from darkness.

  Luo Yu was just worried about the two women.

  But now, in this darkness, there is no way to know what to do.

  Luo Yu intends to clear his head again, and think about it, what the hell is going on.

  However, at this moment, about a kilometer in front of him, suddenly came the voice of Ji Dongxuelai shouting.

  "Help me~'~" However, it was only a sound, and there was no sound at all.

  Luo Yu was startled when he heard Ji Dongxuelai's cry, and flew up, about to fly over there.

  However, before he could fly far, he slammed into a building.

  Suddenly, the entire building collapsed.

  Stones and bricks fell and hit Luo Yu.

  Body hurts.

  But it hurts more.

  Naturally, these things couldn't hurt Luo Yu.However, the actions of the other party made Luo Yu really angry.

  The anger just now was probably because Luo Yu was used to protecting himself, and he never thought of using a destructive way to save Ji Dongxuelai and the others, but only took a symbolic step.

  However, this will be different.

  Luo Yu was angry.This is pushing his limits.

  Luo Yu roared and stood up from the rubble.

  I could vaguely hear the scraps from Luo Yu's body falling to the ground in the ruins.

  And Luo Yu didn't care about this at all, took control of his body, and slowly ascended into the air.

  Of course, this time, he came prepared, and Luo Yu stopped just as he touched the cave above.

  It was still dark, and nothing could be seen.I just understand that I have reached the top of the cave at this time.

  Next, Luo Yu roared.

  The breath in the body began to rush.

  Moreover, there is a faint tendency to collide with each other.

  However, it was obvious that Luo Yu operated it himself, causing the breaths in his body to collide.

  The purpose is very clear, that is, to generate huge energy after the collision of breaths, so that this darkness can no longer exist.

  This method consumes a person's physical strength and energy.

  Luo Yu, this time is really angry.

  After a long while, Luo Yu's body really emitted a faint light.

  These lights are like peas.

  It is also very strange.

  The light on Luo Yu's body was like a knife, slashing through the darkness.

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