The new day has just begun, and Qin's poems will leave work at least at 5:6 p.m.

This period of time is enough for Lin Xuan to do what he wants to do. So, riding a small electric donkey, he wanders to a pharmaceutical factory which looks like it is going to close down. There is a signboard with the words "Renfeng pharmaceutical factory" hanging at the door.

Lin Xuan went to the door and glanced at the bald security guard who was leaning on a chair to doze off. No wonder the Renfeng pharmaceutical factory was on the verge of closing down. The spirit of the employee ran to the dog.

"Well, brother, take me to your boss. I have something to look for." He politely walked over and patted the security guard on the shoulder.

The bareheaded security guard slowly opened his sleepy eyes and took a look at Lin Xuan. He was dressed from head to toe, and his clothes were all sold on the ground. I'm afraid that the total amount would not exceed 300.

He spat out a little impatiently, "who are you? Do you have an appointment with our boss? "

"No, but please tell your boss that I have something very important to discuss with him." Lin Xuan still said modestly.

Since ancient times, it has been said that imps are difficult to deal with. Even if it is just a security guard, Lin Xuan knows that if they can't deal with it properly, they are really inferior to others.

Hearing that Lin Xuan didn't make an appointment, the bald security guard became irritable and waved his hand, "go and go. Get the hell out of here. Don't bother me with sleeping."

Lin Xuan a nameless fire, dog, give you face also pedal nose on the face.

He went straight to Renfeng pharmaceutical factory without saying a word.

"Hey, your sister, are you blind or deaf? Do you dare to come to Laozi's territory to play wild? Are you wrong?"

The bareheaded security guard stood up, darted forward, blocked Lin Xuan's way and whistled.

In less than 30 seconds, four or five security guards came out and surrounded Lin Xuan.

"Boy, you find fault and find Renfeng. Are you in a good mind?" The bald security guard stares at Lin Xuan fiercely and roars.

Lin Xuan looked around, four or five security guards with electric batons. As long as the bald security guards gave an order, they immediately jumped at Lin Xuan.

"Captain, who the hell is this? Do you want to pick something up

"Yes, Hello, boy. You'd better register the best orthopedic hospital in Shenzhen. You can use it immediately."

"Tut Tut, I haven't been exercising for a long time. It's just time to practice."

"Is he not mentally retarded? Here we are


Several security guards twisted their necks, rubbed their hands and stretched out. Their posture seemed to be determined by Lin Xuan, and their words were full of boast.

Lin Xuan's cold face, scornfully glanced at several security guards, "since you want to go to the orthopedic hospital so much, I will satisfy your wish."

"What are you trying to do, boys, come on!"

Baldheaded security guard a big drink, the other five security guards swung the electric baton, then went to Lin Xuan body to greet.




For a while, the five security guards didn't know what was going on. They were lying on the ground and humming.

Either holding the head, or holding the knee, in a mess.

The bareheaded security guard's legs trembled, and the electric wand in his hand was shaking, pointing to Lin Xuan, "you What do you want? You Don't come here


The head of the bald security guard was knocked down by a swinging electric stick. A red bloodstain appeared immediately and a big bag was raised.

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