According to he Linqing's deployment, everyone was busy.

When Wang Yanran was left alone, he Linqing comforted her by looking at her a little bit out of her mind. "Yan Ran, how can you come here today? You don't have to worry too much about these things. Fortunately, no one died. It's also a blessing in misfortune

"It will be clear in the end, so you can rest assured."

Wang Yanran, who eased his mind, looked at he Linqing and said, "Lin Qing, do you think the general tea party will fail? Is this the result of your hard work? "

Others do not know, Wang Yanran but know, their understanding, is also that time in Xishan island. She knew the precipitousness of Xishan island at that time. It's not like what it looks like now.

Xishan island that two days, but belongs to Wang Yanran the most beautiful memories, is about himself and he Linqing. Sometimes, she really wants the time to be fixed in those days. Jiangjun tea is produced in Xishan island. Naturally, she hopes that Jiangjun tea will be able to keep going.

As for the General Wang Yanran, he has not put all his energy into the rescue of the patients.

"Yan Ran, I didn't think about it. However, I think that as long as we have a clear investigation of the aftermath work and the reasons, those tea drinkers will understand."

Rare at this time, he Linqing can maintain such calm and calm.

The investigation is progressing smoothly.

He Linqing, Wang Yanran, Wang Peng and mineral water producers have been anxiously waiting in the teahouse.

In the evening, news finally came from the hospital.

The president of Hanhai hospital came to the teahouse to report the results of the investigation.

"He Shao, Mr. Wang, the investigation has got preliminary results. All the patients were poisoned by blue pills."

"The hospital took samples of tea and mineral water for testing, and no blue tablet was found."

Mineral water producers are relieved to hear that. I finally received an order for Jiangjun tea. The business was just right. Who would have thought that it was only a month ago that such a thing happened.

It's a small matter to lose an order. In case of death, even if you lose your fortune, you can't afford the responsibility.

Well, now it has been proved that all the things have nothing to do with our company. That's reassuring.

Relieved, continued the director of Hanhai hospital.

"The tea drinkers drank the rest of the tea and found that some of them had the ingredients of blue pills, while some did not."

"So, I suspect that this was deliberately put in during the process of boiling water."

With this, the Dean took out a small bottle of blue pills from his pocket and handed it to he Linqing.

"Mr. He, this is a bottle of blue pills that I dragged my friends to find. The poisoned tea drinker said that the poison came from this kind of pills."

"Fortunately, the drug users still have a little conscience. The dosage of the drug is relatively small, or the consequences will not be imagined."

He Linqing took the small pill, wrung his eyebrows and thought for a while, then said to the president and the mineral water producer, "well, I know the general situation of the matter. I'll leave the following matters to the teahouse. It's too late. You all go back to have a rest earlier. It's hard for you. "

This is intended to send them away. Both of them were smart people. They immediately understood what he Linqing meant and nodded in succession and said, "OK, he Shao, if you need anything, just tell me."

After they left, he Linqing, Wang Yanran and Wang Peng were left in the office.

"According to the investigation clues to analyze, this poisoning incident, basically can be concluded that our internal staff, intentional poisoning." He Linqing decisively made a conclusion.

Wang Peng also agreed with this conclusion. He nodded and said, "to a large extent, it is estimated that it happened in the tea room."

After the basic analysis, they decided to start from the tea room. Immediately, the person in charge of the tea room was called to the office.

In charge of the tea room is a middle-aged woman surnamed Zhang. Tea house out of such a big thing, she was called by the boss to personally question, she seems very nervous.

Wang Peng also saw it. He said in a relaxed tone: "Sister Zhang, you don't have to be nervous. You are the old man of Hanhai group. The company trusts you. When I asked you to come over, the main thing is to ask you something. "

After hearing this, elder sister Zhang was a little calmer. "Mr. Wang, you can ask, I know, will say."

For her this attitude, Wang Peng or very recognized. He nodded.

"This time, the cause of the poisoning was suspected to have been deliberately poisoned in the tea room."

After hearing this, Sister Zhang got nervous again and immediately stood up from her chair. "Mr. Wang, I'm a man of duty. I can't do this kind of thing. You must check it out.""Sit down, sit down and talk." Wang Peng motioned for elder sister Zhang to sit down, "elder sister Zhang, you can rest assured that the company will find out the truth."

"How many people are there in your tea room?"

"There are seven people, including me. In addition to my day shift, the other six are divided into three shifts."

"Who's on the afternoon shift today?" This thing happened in the afternoon, so Wang Peng asked who was the flight.

"This afternoon, it's the shift for fat man and Sister Li." Elder sister Zhang said without hesitation.

"Do you know the details of these two men?"

"Sister Li is also an old man of Hanhai group. She is transferred from the head office. She works very hard. This fat man was recently recruited by the company. At first, he was not from the tea room, but was transferred from other departments because he was too lazy. I also complained to the store manager about this. The tea room is not a place to collect rags. " Speaking of this, elder sister Zhang is still a little aggrieved.

"What? Do you suspect these two men

Wang Peng did not directly say what, continue to ask: "these two people, have any abnormal behavior recently?"

"This Sister Li is no different. She still goes to and from work normally every day." Elder sister Zhang recalled the two days.

"But this fat man seems to have made a little fortune recently. He is very mean. Recently he bought an Apple phone, which is ten thousand yuan less? You said that we usually don't have much salary. He is willing to spend two months' salary to buy a mobile phone. Besides, he only came to work for more than a month. We joked at that time that the fat man must have made a fortune

After saying this, even elder sister Zhang didn't believe it. Is this thing done by a fat man?

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