Following Butler Pete into the suite, a strong smell of disinfectant pounced on his face.

Strange, how can room use disinfectant water, bad smell, can't help but let he Linqing draw a hole in the nose wing.

The whole presidential suite is designed to be very household. Not only the residence, but also the reception and office work are taken into account.

Peter housekeeper took he Linqing to the reception room, and then told Ruth's assistant, "Miss Ruth, please take care of Mr. He first. I'm going to invite Mr. kuler."

After saying this, Mr. Peter nodded and motioned to he Linqing and then walked out.

After a while, a middle-aged man with blue eyes and blonde hair came in. He was wearing pajamas. It was obvious that his eyes were bloodshot and his face was tired because of lack of sleep.

In spite of this, he Linqing saw the wisdom and shrewdness of the merchants from his eyes.

Where this kind of person goes, they all carry their own aura, which will make you feel submissive psychologically. This man must be Mr. Culler.

Peter housekeeper quickly introduced: "this is He Lin Qinghe childe."

When he Linqing saw Mr. Kule come in, he stood up early and went to Mr. Kule. He opened his mouth before Butler Pete introduced him.

"Hello, this is he Linqing. You must be Mr. kuler?"

"Hello, young man. This is Kuller." Mr. Culler was smiling. "Nice to meet you."

"I'm glad to meet you, too. I'd like to disturb you." He Linqing is also very polite greetings, "I heard you came to Suzhou City, my father specially told to visit you."

"Oh, Mr. He is very kind. Thank him for me." Mr. Culler expressed his thanks.

"Mr. Culler, come and have a look. Miss Alice is vomiting again." At this time, a maid ran over.

Hearing this, Mr. kuler immediately stood up, and he held out his hand at he Linqing. "Mr. He, I'm really sorry. It's because of Alice's health that I can't accompany you."

Then he turned to his assistant Ruth and said, "Mr. He is a rare one. Take good care of me."

Having said this, Mr. kuler looked at he Linqing with regret, and then went out in a hurry.

He Linqing was puzzled, "Miss Ruth, what happened to Mr. kuler?"

When she heard he Linqing's questions, she would not pay any attention to ordinary people, but he Linqing was different. Mr. Culler is so valued, not to mention himself.

When he Linqing entered the door just now, he didn't know the details of others, so he didn't give him face. If you don't show a little positive this moment, you really don't want to get mixed up any more.

Thinking of this, Miss Ruth quickly explained, "Mr. He, you don't know that Miss Alice, our favorite little daughter of Mr. Culler, is ill. Therefore, Mr. kuler is upset these days."

Listen to this, He Lin clearing is to understand, no wonder come in, smell so big disinfection water smell.

"What disease is it? Why did I hear that I vomited just now He Linqing has some doubts.

"I can't tell you what happened. It used to be good, but as soon as I came to Suzhou City, it became like this." Ruth is also very helpless, the boss is not in a good mood, her life is not easy.

Listening to miss Ruth's description, he Linqing probably estimated that this might be acclimatized. Although he was not a doctor, he learned a lot of medical knowledge through his elite training program.

"Can you be more specific?" He Linqing continued to ask. "I know a little bit about medical knowledge, maybe it can help a little bit."

As soon as he Linqing could help, Miss Ruth's eyes lit up immediately. However, it soon faded.

"Thank you very much, Mr. He. I'm afraid you can't help. Several famous medical experts have come, and they can't cure Alice."

"Mr. Culler has asked for several doctors, but Miss Alice, all the medicine she has taken has come up again. It seems that no matter how good a doctor is, it is useless. "

"Mr. Culler is going to take Alice home if there's nothing else to do today."

Hearing this, he Linqing was shocked, "Mr. kuler's purpose of this trip is to the International Tea Expo, which has not been to attend yet?"

"Are you going back like this?"

"Yes, but what can be done? Alice is more important than anything in Mr. Culler's mind. Don't say to give up business is to give up life. I think Mr. Culler is willing to

I really love my daughter. He Linqing was very moved when he heard this.

"Can you show me around?" He Linqing still wants to see the situation.

"This..." Miss Ruth hesitated a little. She thought for a moment and said, "I'll ask Butler Peter."Hollin counted and nodded. He also understood the situation of assistant Ruth.

After a while, Butler Pete came in, "Mr. He," said Miss Ruth, "you want to go and see Miss Alice. You seem to have a cure for her strange illness? "

"I don't mean I'm sure. Let's have a look first, OK?" Before he Linqing saw Miss Alice, he didn't dare to speak up.

After hearing this, Peter housekeeper is also embarrassed, but after all, he's family's position is there, and he can't help thinking about it.

"Well, then, Mr. He, if you go there, you'd better have a look and don't treat it. After all, Miss Alice's illness is so strange."

"Mr. Culler has decided to take Miss Alice home tomorrow."

"It happened that there was a famous doctor from Beijing. Dr. Ge was treating Miss Alice. I'd like to congratulate you on your coming. Just have a look, will you? "

This Pitt housekeeper is also afraid of the unexpected, specially explained he Linqing a lot.

He Linqing also understands Peter's orders very well. As an old housekeeper in charge of the whole Kule family, he must consider all aspects.

"Steward Peter, don't worry about it. In fact, I don't mean anything else. Since I have met him, it's a bit impolite not to visit."

It's rare for Peter to be such a sensible and wealthy son. Following the Kule family for decades, he has seen too many children of the top families. However, it is rare for him to do things in a low-key way without publicity.

Unconsciously, Pete housekeeper has a great affection for he Linqing.

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