"Linhe, there is another problem. I wonder if you have found it? If the elder brother wants to jump, he can jump down from the window of the ward. But why, in the middle of the night, he ran to the top of the building? " He Linqing raised another question of his own.

"I don't think much about it. We can't guess what my elder brother thinks. It's hard to say He Linhe feels that he Linqing is a little sensitive now. Maybe the sudden departure of his elder brother is also a kind of blow to he Linqing.

"Second brother, let's call it a day. There's no point in asking those things again. Now the most important thing is to do my big brother's affairs well and take care of my parents. Nothing else matters

"Second brother, I heard that you didn't have a good rest yesterday, and catch an early flight back to Beijing. You must be tired, too? Go back early and have a rest. "

Sudden changes in the home, He Lin River seems to suddenly grow up.

"Well, I'll go back first. Don't be too upset. It's already like this. Don't think too much about it." He Linqing also comforted him.

Coming out of the ward, he Linqing took a look at the corridor. There is a little distance between this ward and Hushi terrace. It is not easy for Hushi to see a person coming out of here quietly at night and then walking to the stairs next to it. What's more, it's late midnight, and Hushi's psychology should be the most relaxed. Maybe he's taking a nap. Therefore, if a person quietly climbed to the top of the building, it is really difficult to be found.

He Linqing walked along the stairs to the top of the building. Because he Linhan lives in the best ward, which happens to be on the top floor of the inpatient department of Beijing hospital, it is easier to get to the top of the building.

Soon, he Linqing came to the end of the stairs. There is an iron door leading to the roof. He Linqing pushes the door and finds that the door has been locked after the accident.

After a close observation, nothing was found. Everything is normal. However, on second thought, he Linhan had no motivation to jump! Therefore, all this seems very abnormal.

He Linqing went back to the original road again. When he came down the stairs, he met a female householder.

The housemaid frowned and said, "Hello, what do you do? What do you do on the top floor? "

"Oh, I don't do anything, just look around." He Linqing laughed.

"Why not? Why don't you go to the top floor? You don't know the hospital just died? Why do you want to implicate us The female Hushi was very dissatisfied and pouted again.

"Why do you talk like that, little girl? It's hard enough for the family to be upset about what happened to the family. How sad it would be if you heard that? " He Linqing is very dissatisfied with the little girl's words.

"Who is the little girl? You're not big, are you still in school The small family is still a little unconvinced. After saying this, Koushi chuckled and said, "I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to quarrel with you. It's because the leader scolded us about the patient jumping off the building today, so he was not in a good mood. Don't blame me

"It seems that you are also victims of this matter." When he Linqing heard this, he turned back immediately.

"Handsome boy, you are right. I didn't expect you to understand me so much. It's too hard for me As if he had found a confidant, he immediately opened his conversation.

"It seems that your work is not easy." He Linqing thought that maybe he could get some words out of her mouth, so he tried to find some nice words for her.

"You're right. I went to work last night, and I'm still not allowed to go home after this incident." Small family see he Lin Qingchang handsome, and can help themselves speak, so they are willing to chat with him more. Anyway, I can't go home now. I'm idle. I can't spend my time chatting with a handsome guy?

"You were at Hushi station last night? It's hard work. " He Linqing continued to talk to her.

"Yes! I can't open my sleepy eyes now With these words, the small family member also yawned.

"You're not busy working at night. Why don't you find a place to steal your time?" He Linqing looked at the small family member with a smile.

Xiaohushi looked at he Linqing in doubt and asked, "by the way, I haven't asked you for such a long time? What do you do? Don't try to fool me

After hearing this, he Linqing felt a thump in his heart and wondered which sentence was wrong and let her see her intention.

Before he Linqing explained, xiaohushi said: "you are not sent by any leader to investigate us, are you? I tell you, I work at night can be a rule, always stick to the post, you don't want to wrong me

So this is what xiaohushi said? He Linqing is still puzzled.

"Well, how could I be that kind of person? To tell you the truth, I'm a family member of patients here. I'm not a caretaker. I just heard that something like this happened in the hospital. Can you say I'm not interested He Linqing casually found a reason."Oh, so it is? I thought you were sent by our leaders to investigate us? You scared me. You are very naughty Xiaohushi smile with he Linqing made a joke.

Listening to this, he Linqing is going to get goose bumps. But in order to get some clues, he Linqing is also tolerant.

He Linqing took a look at the chest card of a small family member, with the name "Ye Zixin" written on it.

"Beauty, your name is Ye Zixin? Nice name. You are beautiful, and you have a nice name He Linqing in order to get some valuable things, is really out of his way, what against his will can say. Although the girl's long is also a sign, but compared with those girls around he Linqing, it is still a lot worse.

Who doesn't like to hear praise? Xiaohushi listened to he Linqing's words and giggled. She was a little embarrassed and said, "you're really interesting, just pick nice words. Do you usually make girls happy like this

Although on the surface of the chat is very casual, but he Linqing heart is actually a little anxious. He Linqing wanted to pull the topic back. He said carelessly: "how can it be? I am to see you work so hard, just say such words, let you happy, ha ha

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