The whole speech was very concise and capable, but Zhou Weiqiang said all of his heart's words. People at the scene also saw his intention, and all the people gave him warm applause.

Then there was the screening of the film. The premiere ceremony usually shows some wonderful clips, but also the whole movie.

Because of the coherence and compactness of the story, it is difficult to choose a segment to play. In addition, Zhou Weiqiang also wants to hear the audience's opinions on the film, so he wants to play the whole film.

Under the direction of Zhou Weiqiang, the film began to play.

First of all, on the screen is the logo of Wenyu film and TV. This is the first time that this logo appears on the screen. Everyone feels it is very novel.

Then, the official film began, the film is 3D, all the audience put on glasses.

The whole film lasted nearly two hours. The film was very wonderful, and no one left.

After the whole film is played, we are still immersed in the film. The content reflected in the whole film is completely different from those that we have been used to in recent years.

In recent years, the screen is full of small fresh meat shot those no nutrition films, everyone into the cinema is aimed at the actor's appearance.

When everyone came to their senses, some film critics began to ask, "director Zhou, this film seems to be very meaningful, and the things to express are very clear. But can the audience buy it now? Will they like this type of film? "

"The question you raised is indeed a practical one. I want to ask you, after you watch this film, from your own point of view, do you like this film? " Zhou Weiqiang did not answer his question, or asked a rhetorical question.

"I really feel that the shooting is very good, whether it is the sense of the picture or the special effects, or even the content of the film to express, it is very good. However, according to the past experience, there are not a few films that are well received and not well received. Aren't you afraid that the film will fall into such a strange circle? " Critics have raised this concern again.

"You're right about all this. It's true. It's hard to tell what kind of situation it will be if the film is not shown. " Zhou Weiqiang said with a smile: "the opinions put forward by everyone today are very valuable, and there is no right or wrong. We will all thank you very much and consider them carefully. Let's talk freely. "

It's true. Isn't that what the premiere aims to achieve?

"Mr. Zhou, I have some different opinions. "Action of the dragon" shows our national pride and national sense of honor incisively and vividly, and the national image represented by the protagonist is also in place. I think this film will be a hit. As for those traffic stars, I think we are already aesthetic fatigue. In fact, we are tired of these films with no connotation. "

At this time, there are other film critics who put forward different opinions.

"Why are traffic stars out of date? You don't see how many crazy men and women rush to the cinema to cheer their fans up as soon as traffic stars appear. These are the current social conditions, can't you deny them? Nowadays, most of the audience entering the cinema are not this group? I think "dragon action" is to a certain extent abandoned the needs of these audiences. If even this part of the audience gave up, the film is not reduced to an embarrassing situation? Because this film is very small. "

The film critics who spoke just now put forward their own views.

"How do you know that this part of the audience won't like it?"

"How do you know that the audience will like it?"

"Isn't that a compliment? There's no way to discuss it with you. "

The two people expressed their views on each other, and the more they said, the more excited they were, almost all of them would quarrel.

Zhou Weiqiang this time, quickly jumped out and said: "two, let's not quarrel. It's normal for everyone to have their own opinions and opinions. It's a good thing for us to exchange some ideas here. Don't quarrel because of this! "

"We have friends in the audience who have been raising their hands for a long time. Let's listen to the opinions of other friends. What do you think?"

Zhou Weiqiang laughingly stopped the two people's quarrel, and then asked the staff to pass the microphone to a girl who had been raising her hand in the audience.

"Director Zhou, after watching this film, I still feel quite shocked. I really don't see this kind of war action movie. I always think that this kind of movie is fighting and killing, without any new ideas and content. However, after watching this film, I always watch it again."

The girl breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "I've seen a lot of small fresh meat films before, and the characters in them are all kinds of disease-free moaning silver, which is really unacceptable to me. I don't think there will be any more use for them in the future. "The girl expressed her opinion in a big way.

"Well, the girl said very well. She represents a part of the fans and speaks her mind Zhou Weiqiang affirmed some of the girl's views.

"Several people have spoken just now, and their opinions are very valuable. However, what we are talking about now is the audience's acceptance after the film is released. There are also great differences of opinion. These are very normal. "

"However, the film has been shot and the Spring Festival is coming out. Therefore, what I am eager to know now is what parts of the film need to be modified. In this regard, I still want to ask you for more valuable comments. "

Say what you want.

At this point, almost no one spoke, because for this film, they really did not find anything to modify.

"You're welcome. Just say what you have. I think your opinions are also very representative. They will represent the opinions of a large part of the audience. As long as you revise the points you are not satisfied with, the film will be basically successful. " With a smile, Zhou Weiqiang encouraged everyone to put forward their opinions.

"Director Zhou, we really don't have anything to say. Otherwise, you can send some wonderful clips of the film to the forum, and we can see the opinions of netizens on a large scale first." Some fans have come up with such a solution.

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