Not two days after Qiao Xiuyuan left Suzhou, the general manager of Daqian cinema signed a cooperation agreement with Wenyu. Feng Yufei of Xiaomi cinema, seeing that Daqian cinema has signed the agreement, they have no more worries and then signed the agreement. In addition to the agreement signed with Xu Yanlin two days ago. So far, Wenyu and the three theaters have completed the signing of the agreement.

Even if he left in a hurry that day, he didn't even know what it meant to say hello in a hurry. However, he didn't let Qiao leave in a hurry that day! This makes he Linqing confused.

Anyway, it's no use thinking too much.

This has just been quiet for two days, Wenyu film and television problems.

He Linqing received a call from Zhou Weiqiang. When he returned to the office, he saw Zhou Weiqiang anxiously waiting in his office.

"Director Zhou, what makes you nervous?" He Linqing asked with a smile. Recently, the publicity and other aspects of the film are very good, everything is smooth, just wait for the Spring Festival show, there should be no big things happen!

"President he, the problem lies in the publicity of the film." Zhou Weiqiang said anxiously.

"What is the matter?" He Linqing looked at Zhou Weiqiang's nervous appearance, and immediately attached importance to this matter.

It turns out that this is the case. Due to the recent publicity of the film "action dragon", the attention of the actors has been very high recently. The problem lies in Hu Tian. He talked about a girlfriend a few years ago. At last, the whole family of his girlfriend went abroad for development. At last, his relationship with Hu Tian became weak. This matter finally ended. To the back, Hu Tian is also another family to have children.

There is no problem with this, it is a very common thing.

However, we found that someone made a rumor on the Internet, saying that after Hu Tian became famous, he abandoned his former girlfriend, and now his wife is a third party superior.

He Linqing listened to Zhou Weiqiang finish this matter, but also furious: "now the network, there is no sense of public morality? It's very convenient on the Internet. Can you say what you want to say after you log in anonymously? "

"Who said it was not? This micro blog was sent out yesterday. We also saw it at that time. It felt like some media hyped trivia news, so we didn't care about it. However, who knows, today's news has been widely forwarded, so I feel that this matter is not so simple Zhou Weiqiang has been a director for many years, and he has seen a lot of hype. However, few people use the media like this to launch personal attacks on actors.

"What did Hu Tian say? How is he doing now? " He Linqing is more concerned about the actors.

Zhou Weiqiang gave a bitter smile and said, "can he be in good condition now? In recent two days, I have been hiding in my home and dare not go out. Many people who do not know the truth often go to his door to harass them

"Not only Hu Tian has been greatly affected, but also our film publicity has been greatly affected on the Internet. Many water soldiers have posted on our forum one after another. The impact is very bad. Many fans have said that they will not go to the cinema to see Hu Tian's films."

"Ah! Is it serious enough? " When he Linqing heard about it, he was surprised. "Director Zhou, who spread the rumor in the end? Did you find out a little bit?"

"This is where people are distressed. We asked the technical department of the company to check. The servers that spread rumors are not in China at all. They are overseas servers." Zhou Weiqiang said helplessly.

"Well, it seems that it was intentional. I think the purpose of this incident may not be Hu Tian, but it may be aimed at our film. " He Linqing analyzed it carefully.

"Mr. He, what you said is very likely. But what should we do about it This is the first time Wenyu film and television encountered a crisis, public relations, Zhou Weiqiang also helpless.

"You said, our Wenyu film and television has just been established for half a year, and the relationship between me and my peers is still in the past. This method is very insidious. Who will do it? I have such a big hatred with Wen Yu. "

After listening to Zhou Wenqiang's analysis, he Linqing said with a bitter smile: "the other party's target is not necessarily our Wenyu film and television, nor is it necessarily this film. May be aimed at the whole Wenyu group! This year Wenyu group's profit is very considerable, and it is inevitable that no one will attack us

"Ah? It can't be true? I don't know how to do business. How dangerous is it? What should we do about it? " Zhou Weiqiang was a pure director before. He had never dealt with such a thing. When he met such a thing, he really didn't know what to do.

"I think so. Let's call the police directly." He Linqing said.

"I've also thought about this method. Even if it's to call the police, I'm afraid it's hard to find out, and the things in the middle will be very complicated." Zhou Weiqiang did not think about this problem.

"We call the police just to make an attitude and let the public know our position. After reporting to the police, we will send the relevant information to the Internet and make an announcement in the name of the company. " He Linqing said his plan."Yes, it's a good idea. Rumors stop with wise people. As long as we show our attitude, most of the audience will naturally distinguish right from wrong Zhou Weiqiang is finally enlightened.

"At the right time, you can hold a small press conference to clarify the facts and promote our film by the way." He Linqing slowly said this method. In fact, he Linqing used this method when dealing with the poisoning of the general's teahouse, and finally received a good effect. If we use it again this time, it is certainly feasible. As long as the matter is sincerely disclosed to everyone, all people will understand.

"Well, he has more ways. I'll leave it to me. Maybe bad things can turn into good things Zhou Weiqiang had the method of he Linqing, just like eating a reassurance.

"On the Internet, we still need to let colleagues in the technical department pay attention to the posts with bad influence. We should delete them decisively. The posts of the Navy should be easily identified." Although the speech on the Internet is free, he Linqing still thinks that it is necessary to clean up such vilifying posts in time.

"OK, I'll call the technical department." Zhou Weiqiang finished and went to work.

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