Having said this, Mr. Yihe continued: "ah! After another spring festival, I'm a year old again. As I get older, I become more and more detached from the world. That's what I write

From Mr. Yihe's tone, he Linqing can more or less hear Mr. Yihe's helplessness. After all, he is so old. He is more than 70 years old. Anyone who reaches this age has some changes in his mentality.

"Teacher, you have a very good body. If you have a few more steps of calligraphy, you will have no problem. When the time comes, you will be as famous as those ancient calligraphers and a generation of calligraphers." He Linqing's words, on the one hand, are to comfort Mr. Yihe, on the other hand, they are also true. It is not impossible for him to reach such a high level in the calligraphy field at present.

"Ha ha, little friend, all those things you said are false names. I never care about those things. In fact, after drinking the general tea you sent me in the past two years, I found that my physical condition was even better than that of the previous two years. " Mr. Yihe is very satisfied with his body.

"Yes! I also found that now I see you, more energetic than when I met you two years ago! Teacher, you don't have to worry about your health He Linqing said with a smile.

"Only when we are with you young people can we really forget our age. Some time ago, an old friend of mine died, so I feel it! He's about my age When Mr. Yihe mentioned this, he was still a little sad.

After listening to Mr. Yihe's words, he Linqing understood the reason why Mr. Yihe's state was a little low. He comforted him: "teacher, life, old age, death, this is the law of nature. As long as we are open-minded, we can do things worthy of our hearts!"

"Ha ha, you boy, this makes me sound that you are older than me. Well, don't talk about this topic. It's hard for you to talk to my old man about this topic. "

Hearing what Mr. Yihe said was so free and easy, they also laughed.

"Han Qiang, the first time you come here, I don't have any good things to give you. Take a look at the words on this side. If you like, you can take some back." Mr. Yihe said with a smile that for the people he likes, the old man gives these words casually. For those he doesn't like, even if he is willing to pay a high price, he will not sell a word. The old man is so individual.

"Brother Qiang, don't you hurry to thank Mr. Yihe, the price of any word in the outside is more than six figures. Isn't your wife a teacher? She should like these things. You can choose one for her. You usually work outside. I don't think you can take care of it at home. " He Linqing also said with a smile.

Han Qiang only knew that Mr. Yihe's handwriting was beautiful, but when he heard that any word was hundreds of thousands, he was surprised. The old man asked him to pick a few at random, but he was even more afraid. He said, "Sir's words, each one is very precious. When things come to my hand, it's really a waste. I don't know how to appreciate it, so forget it!"

In the past, many people could get a picture of Mr. Yihe. They would rather spend a lot of money than pay for it. However, this Han Qiang was a bit interesting. He even refused to give him a few pieces in vain. Mr. Yihe appreciated such people who did not seek benefits. He said with a smile, "what's precious or not? It's the face given by people outside. It's not worth a few words. Lin Qing also said that your wife is a teacher, so these words are not buried. "

With that, Mr. Yihe took the initiative to choose two characters and gave them to Han Qiang.

Han Qiang is also refuse to drop, can only thank to accept. "Look, sir, I didn't bring you any gifts. Instead, I received such a big gift from you. I'm really sorry!"

"Ha ha, you and I are not polite, you can come to see me, I have been very happy." Mr. Yihe is really very happy today.

"After a while, we've forgotten to have tea. Come and have a look." Mr. Yihe said embarrassed.

After several people sat down at the tea table, he Linqing was busy first to pour tea to Mr. Yihe, and then to himself and Han Qiang.

"Lin Qing, how's your work recently? Should have done well in Suzhou? I didn't go back to Beijing during the Spring Festival. Am I busy with movies? Your film "action dragon" is a good shot, but I went to the cinema to see it. " Mr. Yihe asked him many questions.

He Linqing said with a smile: "teacher, you flatter me. I didn't expect that this film could achieve such a result. When we made the film, we only had one requirement, that is, we should do things with our heart and take out our own level and specialty. At that time, we really didn't think about other things, but we received a good result in the end. "

"Well, you're right. Only when things are done seriously can they be rewarded. However, if you don't do it seriously, there must be no return. Isn't this the case with you? "

"I haven't been to the cinema for a long time. What are the films made in recent years? Ah, it's really meaningless. It's too noisy! After your film came out, many people suggested that I go and have a look. At that time, I also said, at such an age, what would you do to join in the fun? ""Later I heard that this film was made by your company. I went to see it. It's really good. It's both educational and ornamental! "

I didn't expect that Mr. Yihe had such a high evaluation of the film, which surprised he Linqing.

"Teacher, we all know that you are good at calligraphy. I didn't expect that your comments on movies are so professional! You can be a professional film critic

"Ha ha, Lin Qing, you are joking. Where can I have that skill! It's just that as you get older, you have more things to experience and more things to think about. " Mr. Yihe also tells the truth.

He Linqing thinks it's also true that when people get to a certain age, they are more open to all things.

Later, he Linqing and Han Qiang heard a lot of life philosophy from Mr. Yihe. Originally, people who write calligraphy and do knowledge think much more than ordinary people in this respect. With Mr. Yihe's experience and words, he Linqing and Han Qiang benefit more.

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