Chapter 75 Ye Jueren Are Not Afraid of Death

The woman’s face changed, she tilted her head to look at her companion, her lips trembled.

She is not afraid of her own death, she is afraid of her own compatriots dying because of her!

What a scheming scheming.

Chu Huiye’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“Ye Jueren is not afraid of death!”

“If you say it, it’s Ye Jue traitor!”

“We would rather die!”

When the other Ye Jueren saw her turning back, they showed a look of indecision, and they shouted in indignation.

Their eyes burned with raging anger and bitter hatred. Among the remaining five people was a gray-clothed boy, twelve or thirteen-year-old, unkempt, with a slight injury to his arm, his body trembling, his face looked dead.

Gu Qiu smiled coldly, and slowly glanced at them with the yin bird’s eyes.

His eyes are like poisonous snakes, creepy.

Although everyone is afraid, they have the will to hold on.

Gu Qiu let go of the woman and looked at the teenager: “The child will never lie, you, tell this general.”

Although the latter’s face paled from fear, his eyes were very firm. He stared at Gu Qiu bitterly: “You jackal, I won’t tell you!”

“If you don’t answer, this general will kill her. An innocent life is lost because of you. It’s really wonderful.”

Gu Qiu smiled lightly, but what he said was no less than the devil.

The woman held her palms tightly, and she said: “My child, don’t be afraid, let him kill! Evil is rewarded, and justice will come sooner or later!”

A man next to him said angrily: “You Devil! If you have the ability to kill us all, what’s a kid!”

Gu Qiu furiously flung his sleeves in an instant, a violent energy came out, and the man broke his arm directly!

He screamed sternly and rolled frantically, desperate for life.

Ye Jue’s crowd was angry and frightened.

Gu Qiu only stared at the young man: “This general is asking you and answering.”


The boy’s face became even more ugly when he witnessed the man’s arm being broken.

If he doesn’t answer, more people will lose their lives!

But if you say it, it will bring devastating disasters to hundreds of people in the entire Ye Jue tribe!

The boy chose silence.

Gu Qiu was enraged, “Is this your attitude towards this general?”

He turned angrily, slapped him, and the woman fell in a pool of blood.

Kill the chicken and the monkey!

The boy is the monkey!

Tears poured out of his eyes instantly.

The rest of Ye Jueren looked at Gu Qiu’s eyes and wanted to eat his flesh and sleep in his skin.

Gu Qiu pointed at one person again and said to the boy: “If you don’t say anything, this general will kill another person. Remember, you still have three chances.”

In the cage, in addition to the teenager, there are also three Ye Jue prisoners.

The young man was under such terrible interrogation and pressure, he clenched his fist tightly and remained silent.

The atmosphere in the air is suppressed to the extreme, like a tight string, just pull it again, it will break!

At this moment, a soldier entered the dungeon and reported: “General, Master Su Hao Yuan has come to the barracks, and he said he wants to see you!”

“This general will give you time to think again. Tomorrow morning, I hope there will be a reply that satisfies this general.”

Gu Qiu sneered and left.

After a while, Chu Huiye’s figure gradually emerged.

Ye Jue Village.


A sound of beating came from a house at the end of the village.

A young man picked up a black iron sword from the stove fire with iron tongs. The front part of the iron sword was silvery white, with obvious splicing marks.

He smashed an iron hammer and hit it on the steaming sword, and the tip of the iron sword snapped at the sound, as brittle as glass.

“This is the best iron block you can find, and it still doesn’t work.”

Qin Kong shook his head and sighed.

The black iron sword is inlaid with a fourth rank magic core, which is considered to be a half-handle magic weapon. The back was cut off during the battle with the Dachen Army before. He wanted to repair it, but the ordinary materials were too brittle to withstand beatings.

“Xiao Kong, why, the sword is broken?” Patriarch Zanlong came over.

The former was a little helpless: “The battle was interrupted. These ordinary iron blocks were too soft and broke with one hammer.”

“Wang Tiesmith found a piece of desert meteorite a few days ago, and the strength of the weapon is as strong as the strength of the fourth-order magic core. I will ask him to send it at that time.”

Zanlong smiled, “I’m here now, there is something for you to do.”

Qin Kong hurriedly put down the broken sword in his hand, “Said the patriarch.”

The former looked a little serious: “In the morning war, five of our tribesmen were captured by Gu Qiu. Gu Qiu was called the blood commander. In the war ten years ago, the blood on his hands was no better than that of Sushen’s old dog. few!

“I am worried about their safety and must be rescued immediately. General Li Gu has also inquired clearly, Chen Gou is currently stationed in the outskirts of the desert, so…”

Most of the backbone members of Zanhu and the others were seriously injured and in poor condition. Taking into account Qin Kong’s strength and physical condition, he was the most suitable rescuer.

Qin Kong immediately said without hesitation: “As entrusted by the patriarch, Qin Kong will live up to the expectations and bring them back!”

A hint of killing intent flashed in his eyes.

Zanhu pressed the shoulders of the former: “Child, don’t conflict with them, your purpose is to bring back our people! I know, you have hatred in your heart, but now is not the best time to counterattack.”

Ten years ago, Qin Kong’s parents were just an ordinary couple in the Ye Jue tribe. If it were not for the invasion of the Dachen Empire, they would be like countless ordinary people, living a life of love and peace, which would bring Qin away. Raise and grow up healthy and healthy.

Until thousands of iron riders smashed Ye Jue’s land.

The nightmare began, Sushen slaughtered the city, and Ye Jue became Shura Purgatory.

Dachen soldiers attacked and massacred the civilians. When Qin Kong’s mother was forcibly dragged away by a smiling soldier, his father furiously resisted. He was stabbed thirty times alive and tortured for half an hour. The death was miserable!

Soon, his mother also died.

Only when Qin Kong fleeed with Zanhu at that time, could he escape the disaster.

Seeing Qin Kong’s efforts to suppress his excitement, he praised the tiger and said: “At night you sneak into the Chengou barracks. I will send someone to pick you up nearby. Remember, you must be careful and come back safely.”


Qin Kong looked firm.

Zanhu exhorted a few more words, and then left.

Soon after he left, Wang Tiejiang sent a giant meteorite iron knife.

The blade was sharp, and the blade shone with a cold light, which looked extremely sharp.

Wang Tiejiang smiled slyly: “The patriarch said just now that you went to the Chengou barracks to save our clan talents. How can you do without a good weapon! This is the best weapon in our tribe!”

Qin Kong smiled and said, “Thank you Wang Dage.”

“I have to hit a few more weapons while it’s hot, and go back first. You have to come back safely!”

Wang Tiejiang waved his hand and left Qin Kong’s residence.

“Sure enough, the quality is not inferior to my black iron sword.”

Qin Kong looked at the Meteorite Sword, with a satisfied expression on his face.


“What’s so rare about a piece of scrap copper and rotten iron.”

A Nuonuo voice with a little disgust sounded.

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