Song Shidao said, he was not afraid of any conspiracy at all.

"Yes, in the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies are futile!"

Qin Qiong also spoke directly.

"It is so!"

Li Jing also nodded and said.

"If that's the case, tomorrow we..."

Then the crowd began to plan again...  

In the early morning of the second day, with the sound of terrifying drum beats, the millions of troops outside the city also rushed towards the city wall like a tidal wave.

At this moment, Song Shidao's figure appeared in the direction of the west city wall, and his eyes also fell in the direction of the distant city gate.

"call out……!!"

At this moment, suddenly, the sound of a loud arrow in the city came, and then, suddenly, there was chaos in the direction of the city head, and many people directly waved their weapons at the people around them. turned into a corpse.

Soon, the city wall also changed its flag directly, and then I saw that the originally closed city gate below was suddenly opened slowly, and then the suspension bridge over the moat was directly lowered.

"It's still time-honored!"

After seeing this scene, Song Shidao nodded slowly. At this moment, he also completely confirmed that Li Shimin did not play any tricks. The next moment, the army outside the city was like a torrent, madly rushing towards the city.

The reason why the army of the Li clan dared to confront Song Shidao and the others was because of......the moat and the city wall, but at this moment, once the gap was opened, the army of the Song clan directly rushed into the city. At this moment, the advantage of the Li clan suddenly became Disappeared.

Countless armies rushed in one after another. After seeing this scene, the morale of the remaining Li clan army also dropped greatly. The final result can be imagined. Many people even gave up their resistance directly and chose one after another. surrendered.

"Bastard, bastard, bastard!"


After hearing the news of the fall of Xicheng Gate, Li Yuan's expression changed greatly. He is not a fool. Now the battle has only just begun. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to fall. In this case, there is only one possibility, that is, someone has joined the enemy.

After thinking of this, the whole person's face was also furious. The next moment, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and the whole person also fainted to death. Obviously, he was in a hurry and passed out.

Li Yuan's coma immediately caused confusion among the entire Li clan, especially when the direction of Ximen was lost, and their advantages disappeared.

One day, in just one day, the entire city of Taiyuan fell completely. Except... the [-] people who died in the battle, the rest of the Li clan's army directly swarmed, and the entire Song clan army also entered directly. Taiyuan City controls the entire Taiyuan City.

The fall of Taiyuan City also meant the complete destruction of the entire Li clan group, and almost all of the Central Plains fell into the hands of the Song clan.

"It worked, it worked, it was great, it was great, we made it!"

"Young Master actually succeeded, we really conquered the whole world!"

At this moment, the entire army of the Song Clan was also shrouded in joy. They all knew very well that after winning the Li Clan, no one in the entire Central Plains could threaten the Song Clan anymore. In other words, the current Song Clan He has become the master of the whole world.

After taking over the entire Taiyuan City, Song Shidao also began to get busy. Although he said he had conquered the whole world, there were more things to deal with, but fortunately, Song Shidao had already started the layout several years in advance. Now, although it is very busy, but there is no chaos, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner...

"Sir, someone from Lingnan is here!"

Daxing City, no, it should be called Chang'an now. After winning the Li Clan, Song Shidao shifted his focus here and directly changed the original Daxing City to Chang'an.

Song Shidao has decided to make Chang'an the center of the world.

On this day, after Song Shidao had just dealt with some things, a figure in black also found Song Shidao.

"Who is the righteous father?"

Song Shidao said.

"No, it's Song Zhi and Lord Song Lu!"

The man in black said.

"Is that so, I know!"

Song Shidao nodded and said, and without the slightest hesitation, he rushed towards the hall.

"Second Uncle, Uncle Lu, you are here!"

After seeing the person coming, Song Shidao also said.

"Master Dao!"

The visitor looked at Song Shidao in front of him, with a look of amazement on his face. Today, the Song clan has become the number one clan in the world, and will soon ascend to the top of the world. The reason why the Song clan can have today can be said that almost all Everything was brought by Song Shidao.

"Where's the foster father?"

Song Shidao asked.

"The lord still has some things to do, and it will take a while to come!"

Song Zhi said.

"Is that so, I know!"

Song Shidao said.

"One more thing!"

Song Zhi suddenly said.

"what's the matter"

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