The Strongest Through Live Broadcast System

Chapter 291: Don't force me to kill

Emperor's Tomb, the key! !!

Sivil's eyes were blank! !!

"Haha! Hahaha!" On the other side, Nethes dripped the blood of Heville on the crocodile stone carving and gave out a crazy laugh, "Brother! Brother! You are finally resurrected! Hahaha! And death! Reincarnation !!! "

Boom! !!

The moment the blood dripped on the crocodile stone carving, the entire stone carving erupted into the golden light of the sun! !!

flutter! flutter! !!

The stone carving actually cracked little by little! !! !!


who am I?

The golden disc once shone in gold at the top of the Mansion Palace. He remembered that with his hands he held a withered ancient man, and the two of them were brought to heaven by the light of the sun. All his injuries were washed and smoothed, and his body was reshaped by light. If this memory belongs to him, is he ever mortal? He thought yes, but couldn't remember. His mind was like a group of dune flies, with messy memory fragments dancing fiercely inside his narrow skull.

Darkness, endless darkness, wrapped him like a shroud for hundreds of years.

He seemed to see two giants in armor, one of which was a majestic crocodile giant with a crescent-shaped axe in hand; the other was a samurai scholar with a wolf dog's head.

The whisperer told him that the stage of destiny also had his role. He has blood that has not yet shed, and hatred that has not yet extinguished. The figure that struck him into the face of the dark wolf dog came to his mind, and every time he saw the face, his hatred and anger made him burn with anger and boil.

Time has eroded his memory, but it is still enough for him to identify the names of the enemies who have betrayed himself.

"Nethers ..." he said. "brothers…"

The source of his pain and torture was found, and his own identity appeared like the sun after the storm.

"I'm Rexton," hissing his teeth. "I'm a desert butcher."

flutter! flutter! !!

Hundreds of years of stone dust fell from Rekton's armor. He raised the crescent axe, stood upright and straightened his spine. The ancient wound was closed and flat, and the cracked skin was rebonded. The hard crocodile skin renewed the emerald luster, and the sun's rays reshaped him, but now, darkness is his ally.

Seeing his brother's perfect rebirth, Nathans was so excited that he wanted to pounce and hug his brother! !!

However, Rexton's monster-like body is full of energy, muscles are swelled, and his eyes are burning with the crimson hatred of Neathers. He grips the crescent axe with his claws and spins and swings! !!

[Tyrant Strikes]

Sting! !! Nathans was so close, and he never expected his brother to attack himself! !! The crescent axe blade was inserted directly into Nessus's body, and the blood flowed along the axe blade to Rexton's palm, dyeing Rexton's body a red color! !!

From this moment, Rexton is no longer the Rexton who loves and worships Neathers. Instead, he treats Neathers as his scarlet tyrant, Lecton!

"You abandoned me in the dark, brother," Rexton gritted. "You will give your life for this betrayal!"

Nathans' eyes were full of shock: "Lekton! I am your brother! I have been searching for hundreds of years of imperial blood to save you, how can I betray you!"

Rekton laughed coldly: "Betrayer, don't pretend !! The whisperer has told me everything !!!"

Whisperer? The **** of the sun god? !! Damn, they actually provoked our relationship! !!

"Dead!" Rekton was burning with the blood of revenge, and his body crashed directly into Nessus.

Nathans opened the skin of the starry sky, controlling the power of space! !! The body's white light flickered, and actually transformed his body directly, shifted the space, and easily avoided [Rank] 's [Rush]! !!

Rexton was furious: "Nethers, you never want to escape from my palm! Butchery! Butchery!"

[Ultimate Reign]

With Reckton's roar, the endless black energy and the blood energy merge together to form black blood! !! And Lekton's body became elemental and turned into a black blood tyrant twenty meters high! !!

Rumble! Rekdo rolled over, black blood waves rolled away! !!

Neathers was rushed, hysterically: "Lekton, you're crazy! I'm your brother !!!"

boom! !!

Blood waves crashed into Nethers, breaking them into pieces! !!

Nethers held up the axe of the starry sky and summoned the starry sky energy!

[Starry Sky Formation-Flame of Soul]

Boom! A huge magical array of starry sky appeared at the foot of Rekton. !!

Rexton was trapped in the magic circle of the starry sky, unable to rush out, bearing the flames, and screaming in pain!

"Big show of the year! Brothers fight each other!"

"Recton is still not as good as Nethes !!!"

"That is, after all, Nathans has lived for hundreds of years, studied not knowing how much black witchcraft, but also awakened the skin of the door of the starry sky and mastered the power of space!"

Lin Fei and others were not in the mood to watch the battle. Lin Fei was carrying Jax on his back, and he rushed out of the tomb of the emperor with Xiweier!

"Sieville! I won't let you leave this mausoleum alive!" Neathers' voice echoed all over the sky!


A loud noise! !! The gate of the tomb of the emperor closed automatically! !! !!


The space was torn, and Nethers directly shuttled through the starry sky gate, teleported to Sivir, the volley was an axe! !!

Lin Fei deliberately pushed away Heville, holding the endless blade, and stepped forward to block it!

when! !!

Metal collision! !! Lin Fei was shocked ten meters away! Numb arms! !!

Nethers' eyes glowed faintly blue, and said coldly, "Since you want to protect Seaville, I will kill you first!"

[Starry Sky Formation-Flame of Soul]

Boom, again, another starry magic circle rises at the feet of Lin Fei! !!

Lin Fei [Alpha Assault] shattered the void and appeared behind Nethes! !!

The Promise Sword! Sixteen swords! !! The cyan infinite energy surrounds the endless blade! !! With the sword of blast, it is tangible!


Almost in an instant ~ ~ Nethers body was directly pierced through sixteen blood holes! !!

Nethers hurriedly opened the door to the starry sky and got into the escape! The next second already appeared in the air a hundred meters away, holding the wound, can't believe looking at Lin Fei! !!

"You, you can actually shuttle space !! And it is higher than my space level !!!"

Alpha means the original!

Alpha space is the most primitive space! !! It may not be the strongest, but it is definitely the oldest in terms of space level! !! Nethers' starry sky array cannot lock Lin Fei's space at all!

Lin Fei held the sword with one hand, and pointed his finger at Neathers: "Don't force me to kill!"

"6666, this looks good!"

"Pretend to be like the wind!"

"The invisible force is the deadliest !!!"

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