A few days later, I explained the situation to your husband and his wife and asked them to prepare about three extra lunches for delivery to the Institute of Magic.

I really don't want to do anything like this, but I'd love to get the cooks, including Rick, to do their best. Besides, I think it would be ideal if we could establish a good relationship between the royal palace dining room and our lunches, held, rather than all of our lunches being widened in the royal palace without any further increase in the number and location of sales.


At the time of the delivery to the magic lab, I guarded three lunches from Luna, who glanced into the cage while dazzling my eyes, and I headed to the kitchen.

I wouldn't even know where the kitchen is if I were you, but I have a general idea from previous memories. Mindful of my eyes around me, I headed straight for the kitchen. It should have been a little far from the heart of the royal palace, so it probably wouldn't be overlooked. If I'm overlooked, I'm going to get through with Senna's direct "I'm Lost" method of warfare.

Well, I see it, the dining room entrance.

I glanced inside and I sighed.

That's just the royal palace facility, and the making is very splendid. The stained glass windows are very large and open, and the space, coloured with ceramic tiles, is likely to remain a party venue.

... but.

It's supposed to be the busiest hour of noon, but the seats aren't half filled.

This is certainly a circumstance of origin, maybe.

"Hey, there's a scout coming from the diner."

"Oh, it's true, you're a very grand scout."

As I stood at the entrance to the dining room, I hurried back to make half a tease of myself.

Not good, wandering around the dining room with such a big cage was a good place to disrupt sales.

"Um, excuse me. Do you know Rick, the cook here?"

Ask an official who has flown a joke-mixed field trip. Looks like you'd rather have Mr. Rick come in than me going inside the dining room.

"Oh, Rick? I know, I'll call you."

"Excuse me, thank you!

I thought he was a good man, and the staff walked into the kitchen with a voice that didn't make sense, "Oh, Rick, the enemy is here to declare war on you." I wonder what's happening and the guests around me are looking at us. Damn, I don't want to stand out.

Rick, who came right out, looked surprised to see me.

"What's wrong? Return for delivery?

"Yes. Um, a little, but lunch, I brought it. If you like."

That's what I say, lift the cross I was caged in.

It was only three lunches, but Rick, who saw it, showed me a face that seemed sincerely delightful.

"Wow, on purpose!? Thank you. I'm sorry I couldn't do that."

"No, I'm sorry I didn't have much."

"It's outrageous! Wait, I'll get the money right away. How much is it?"

"I won't pay for it. If this helps at all, my husband and my father."

Exactly, that was too sorry, Rick was adamant, but I can't pull it off because he tells me not to pay for it, too. Your husbands seem somewhat disturbed by the annoyance they are experiencing because of their delivery business. Increasingly, Rick and the others need to get excited and work hard.

After a while at the entrance to the dining room, Rick finally pulled me off because the old man had said, "We have a forbidden love fight with each other."

"Thank you so much. I'll have it in the kitchen. Let me thank you again soon."

"No, if you like, let me know what you think of the flavor. Bye."

I'm glad you seemed happy.

I wandered back to the diner with exasperation.

And that night, unexpected events awaited.

In the late night sky, there is one round moon.

Outside the window, the sound of bugs rings like waves.

I was lying in bed, sleepless.

This is how I think sometimes.

About the witch age I spent a year in, about the world I was in, and about this world I'm living in.

Where and how will I live beyond this?

The night air disturbs me with anxiety.

But at the same time, I have the tenderness to envelop me as if I were trying to abandon myself like that.

That's why I'm hanging up.

Oh, I'm not hanging up. Very uncut.

Hitting me sleepless and turning around, I had my back to the window and my eyes closed.

Afraid of total darkness, I always keep my curtains open.

A full moon night like today would be better than dark, though the moonlight is too dazzling.

In such a moonlight, a shadow was inadvertently cast.

An unfamiliar shadow is shed in the room, in the window and in my bed adjacent to me.

I opened my eyes.

- I wonder what it is.

Lurk your breath and slowly look back at the window.

The window was about to open quietly.

How can I describe my surprise then?

I was speechless. Instead of words, I can't even breathe.

I could only make my body strong and watch the sudden intruder come through the window frame.

I don't really see the face of the intruder with the moonlight on his back.

But soon I knew who it was.

"- Noel?"

I was no longer sure I asked that, but at the same time, I couldn't throw away my suspicions that I was stupid. Two conflicting thoughts antagonize in me, and I lose my head.

I didn't hear back from them.

He closed the window quickly instead of responding. The bug's voice, which echoed for a moment, gets farther away again.


A low voice tickled my ear.

- I don't believe it.

You're lying, what, this. What is happening now?

I humbled myself and carried the duvet with me. I notice that hand is sweating tightly. Noel, on the other hand, doesn't try to move a bit since he stepped down on the bed.

We remained oddly silent, facing each other for a while.

It was Noel who eventually broke the silence.

"Long time no see."

It is the second word that does not deserve this occasion at all.

"No, isn't it? The other day, in the hallway of the royal palace, I missed it."

"What are you doing here?"

When I finally remembered the words, I asked to block Noel, who was moving in the direction of the day after tomorrow. 'Cause this is crazy. It would be too crazy. It's a fine trespass. A man, who would also be a witch's escort knight, breaks into the bedroom of his town daughter at midnight. What are you gonna do with this?

"What are you doing here?"

"I've come to talk to you."

"No, no, that's crazy. This is a complete crime, isn't it?

"Because you avoid people, you must have become such an impotent feather."

It's like a plethora of claims that I just said I caused this, but I have trouble being blamed on people on my own. It's true that I was avoiding Noel, but if that's what you're saying you don't care about, there's got to have been a lot of other things to do. You chose the worst of them all.

"What would you do if someone saw you!?

I screamed with the utmost whisper.

"Right, that's troublesome"

That said, Noel closed the curtains in the room. I'm not joking about being alone with Noel in a room with more darkness. I lit the lamp at hand in a hurry.

"I really don't believe it. This is what a witch's escort knight does."

I made sure the light on the lamp stabilized before putting it on the side table on the pillow.

In the meantime, Noel seems to have packed a distance from this one. When I noticed, his hand stretched out all the way and touched my cheek.


"- Really, it's you. You're back."

I flew away and took a distance from Noel. It's bad for the heart!

"I'm back, you knew it!... I mean, how far do you know?

"I know pretty much everything. Since I saw you walking down the corridor with Lord Ordis, I've had a lot to look into."

"... you know how I am."

One of the reasons I had trouble face-to-face with Noel was that he didn't want to be seen right now. I know very well that this one is who I am, but it seems a lot more miserable than before.

"The color of my hair would have changed so much"

"No, I think something's changed."

Do you seriously think there's no big difference, or are you being cared for?

Well, anyway, not now.

"You know."

I managed to regain my mind.

"I'm doing fine, as you can see. I'm not willing to stand in the way of the current witch, and I'm going to spend a lot of time with you, and then I'm going back to the original world. So don't be this lame again. Really, it's not about being strong, you don't have to worry about it."

"You'll be worried"

In the dark, Noel's eyes seemed slightly radiant.

It's dark and invisible now, but his eyes are so beautiful emerald green.

My neat face is the same, and I'm going to fall in love with it even though this is the time. But at the same time, it feels different to be a different person in the world. If you change the way you look at it, you can worry about such a person. What an exhaustion of women's profits, but, hey, this one has been completely shaken. It doesn't make me feel very floating.

"The reason I was called here also seems to be that the country is looking into it properly. Until we figure out how it turns out, which one of us is gonna have to make a big deal out of it. The owners here are so kind and kind, and I enjoy every day."

"You know nothing."

Noel truncated my words relentlessly when he said I tried so hard to theorize.

Exactly. Me, too, it's annoying.

"What do you mean, you don't understand?"

"Everything. You have no idea how dangerous you are right now."


Wouldn't you exaggerate a little too much?

Sure, the situation is somewhat unsettling now that you don't know who the person who called me in is. But they already have the killer's eye-catcher, and all they have to do is grab the evidence. Besides, as things stand, I've never felt any particular danger to myself.

In contrast to such a faint me, Noel only didn't break his serious look.



I get nervous about this one without refusing.

"You, come to me"

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