Bad. Very bad.

'Cause it can't be if you think normally.

How could I not meet Master Ardina when I was just delivering her lunch box? It would be weird to do anything.

After all, should I consider that my presence has already been found out on Master Ardina's side? So he calls me in the name of lunch delivery and tries to catch me through the period. Why you catch me, that's as Mr Ordis once said. I'm only in the way of Master Ardina - to get rid of the ex-witch.

That explains the situation.

This is not the case if you are honestly following Mr. Sotini. Will we manage to escape if we still return our heels and do all we can?

But there are plenty of clerics who know magic. In retrospect, the female clerics who were my entourage could not have used magic. Then this Mr. Sotini is also probably a user of magic. Though I don't think I can use as harsh a technique as a real mage, he seems to have mastered as much as the technique of stopping me.

If this happens, do we have to see how it goes first?

I put my right hand on the bracelet Mr. Ordis gave me. Reliance is no longer one of these bracelets. As soon as something happens to me, Mr. Ordis will be contacted and you will be able to help me...... I should. Maybe.

"Excuse me, sir."

While that was happening, they even arrived at Master Ardina's room.

Same position as the room I lived in, no doubt.

But if you're just trying to capture me, you shouldn't have to bother calling me to Master Ardina's private room. Oh, what the hell is waiting for you.

"Dear Ardina, I have brought Mr. Hulka"

As soon as Mr. Sotini opened the door - the fluffy and soft scent tickled his nose tip.

What caught my eye in the large room was a bright carpet with a calm, deep green pattern. And the white wall also contains a green based pattern. When I was there, it was a lovely, overall pink atmosphere room, but my impressions had changed as much as they did at the time.

"Well, I've been waiting for you. Come on in. Come in."

It's the real Ardina.

Sitting on her chair, she stood loosely up and invited me into the room.

When I saw you at the parade before, I'm pretty sure that Ardina-sama. He loosely wraps his fluffy, seemingly soft golden hair together in one and wears a simple white piece today. He looks a lot more relaxed than he did at that parade, and he can afford the smile he floated.

Wow, it's really, really him.

Faced so close, her beauty looked more and more prominent.

Probably my age, but everything is so different from mine that I don't even feel envious anymore. My face is very small, my skin is white, and my relaxed arms are very long. He's still a lot taller than me, a hundred and sixty centimeters taller. Still, there is no big image at all because of the luxury.

"I'm sorry I called you up all of a sudden. You must have been surprised."

The person in question spoke kindly to me, who was in love with Lady Ardina with a frightened look on her face.

So he turned me down and looked over at the room, but it didn't seem like the soldiers were waiting in bundles. Unless you are hiding among the tans, there should be one Master Ardina in this room.

"Why don't you just stay standing, please sit down. I'll have your tea ready in a minute."


Lady Ardina recommended the chair just across the street where she was sitting.

But there is no need to be sure, and it is a great disrespect for witches and mere townspeople to sit in the same seats. I sent my gaze for help to Mr. Sotini, who had guided me so far, wondering if I could peddle Master Ardina's words. But she just stood still in the corner of the room, as if she had become a stone statue. In this country, is it certain that it will become an unspeakable statue before you?

I had no choice, so I got to my seat as I was told.

Yeah, I don't care anymore.

Soon, a lady like a samurai brought me tea. But she also leaves the room immediately, and there are only three people in this room: Master Ardina, me, and Mr. Sotini. Moreover, apparently Mr. Sotini is in the position of my watchdog, and he's not going to come into the conversation hairless.

"You must be Mr. Hulka. Glad to see you."

"Wow, to me...?

"Yeah, I guess you're the one who's bringing me that delicious lunch. Thanks for everything."

Lunchbox! An unexpected word popped out of Master Ardina's poor lips, and I peeled my eyes a little. What if the lunch box I was carrying was in Master Ardina's mouth? Yeah, that would just be bad. What if it's poisoned? Though I think it was poisonous.

I now once sent my gaze to Mr Sotini with the meaning of condemnation. But as always, Mr. Sotini remains a stone statue.

"I'm surprised that Ardina was eating it."

What else should I say?

"Right, sorry"

Hehe, and Mr. Ardina laughed with pleasure. Oh, that smile is too nice again. If you can make me smile like this, any man must fall in colon. For example, even if it is a staunch knight.

"It's been a very long time since I've had a city meal. Sotini, who is there, listens to the reputation of the lunch boxers who are in and out of the royal palace. So, you arranged it for me. I apologize for the inconvenience that Mr. Hulka has caused."

"No, no, no, no, no."

I am surprised that Master Ardina was interested in the taste of the common people. Master Ardina chuckled at how such thoughts had come to her expression.

"I was originally just a daughter, serving God in a small country town church."

That's how Ardina talked to me.

Noble or nothing, a very ordinary girl living in the country.

My parents have a father, a mother, and a little sister. It seems that Ardina, who lived carefully, spent his days praying to God by attending churches in towns where the sun was shining.

From that time on, however, Master Ardina's "power" was enough to attract attention. "Power" means magic. It is common for a man of good magic to stand up as a magician or cleric. Even then, Lady Ardina was advised by the Church clergy that it would be better to choose one way or the other in the future.

Familiar with spending time in church from an early age, Master Ardina chose the path to becoming a cleric without getting lost. Starting with the assistant clergyman of the country town, with his rare magic, he will ascend the stairs upwards.

"I'm really surprised I got promoted to the role of witch."

Still, I want to do everything I've been entrusted with.

It's hard work days now so that we can all be worthy witches of hope...

"It's a lot less powerful and really fussy thing. Filled with sorry for everyone who is putting me up. Still, I have to work hard to get myself excited every day."

Master Ardina had a weak grin.

"That's how I try to even go forward - asexually, sometimes I miss the old days. Meals were one of them. The meal here is so wonderful and appreciated, but sometimes it reminds me of the rustic flavor I was having at my parents' house. Sotini understood my thoughts and brought me a meal from Mr. Hulka's fixer."

The gentle voice was directed at Mr. Sotini.

Mr. Sotini remained motionless and refrained from doing so at all, but I feel subtly cheeky. It is also my unsolicited thoughts that I find a slightly illuminating and obstinate look.

"I was very thrilled with the flavor of my lunch box. Delicious and nostalgic. It makes me feel strange and warm from the depths of my heart. So I really wanted to thank you for lunch, and I asked you to come here."

I see, is that why you did it?

I secretly lowered my chest.

Maybe there are no lies in Master Ardina's words. You're not supposed to get any benefit from lying like this. It's not that you're spotting me as a former witch and trying to catch me, it's simply that you invited a fixer clerk out of gratitude.

Nevertheless, it is surprising that Master Ardina was a normal town daughter.

I didn't know Ardina existed at the time of the witch. If you are a powerful cleric in your capacity, it's not strange to see it once with a greeting or something. I don't know, out of the sun, Master Ardina was firmly running up the stairs. And finally - arguably the culmination of the clergy - became the witch of the country. If you say it in the language of the original world, is it the one called American Dream? Kind of different.

I was listening to Master Ardina and I definitely wanted to put my shoulder in her.

I know a situation that has brought me to a different world than before, in solitude every day and still unable to go back. People around them just lift themselves up as witches and don't look at the real "me". Anxiety and impatience that no one understands, it keeps tickling in my mind all the time.

Master Ardina must be spending his days with the same thoughts.

Still, I want to do everything in my power, that said Master Ardina is amazing.

Because I couldn't.

I remember every day when I always searched for a way out, and I couldn't even get away with it, and I just did what I had to do in front of me, as I was told.

(I wish I could do something for Master Ardina, too)

I felt strongly that way, but it was obvious that I couldn't possibly support her either.

Instead, my presence can only be harmful to Master Ardina. If they find out around me that I'm an ex-witch, they say it's Master Ardina who's going to be pushed into a bad position. I have no more "power" like I used to, but I'm sure I don't think so around. Drag Master Ardina off the seat of the witch and take me instead -.

(Master Ardina is trying her best)

I don't just want to pull my leg.

If there's only one thing I can do, it's just to just disappear from this world.

(Oh, yeah, and)

Witch Loneliness - Someone to heal it, Ardina has it right.

For her, Mr. Sotini prepared a common meal for her while she was a lady. I don't care who you are, you can't do that. Besides, Master Ardina may have a good relationship with the other entourages.

And the other one.

- Master Ardina, I'm coming in.

All of a sudden, a sharp man's voice broke between us, breaking through the rampant air in the room.

Without waiting for Master Ardina's reply, the door opens abusively.

It was Noel, Master Ardina's escort knight, who came in.

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