The Struggle of Returning to The Other World

38. I've been affixed a trespasser rettel

A dull shock struck my body.

It circles in front of me.

Sweet that the landing tip was a soft "something" that was pleasant to the touch, I endured the glare often with a nod.

Ugh, terrible. That's too much, Mr. Luno.

How did you get such a violent metastasis? Perfection of the procedure and its good face are the only things that seem like Mr. Luno in the handle.

Hilarious, I finally begin to regain my composure.

When I slowly opened my eyes with a groan, it was the bright white - the sheets - that extended into my sight.

I was rolling on the bed.

That and I twisted my neck.

Looking around, it was a small, beautiful, unmanned room.

Much smaller than that room that was given to Mr. O'Turand, he also has no personality in furniture provided, etc. but the cleaning and other things were well maintained and seemed very cozy.

I wonder where we are.

I don't remember myself at all.

I have no idea where Mr. Luno is going to fly.

In the meantime, I guess it's someone's private room, so it's not the first place you go into on your own.

I tried to get out of bed with a fluttering foothold.

- But by then, everything in the judgment seemed already too late.

Suddenly the door to the room opened.

And when I looked up, behold, it was a man of sight who appeared beyond the door.

I was amazed at how hard I was on the spot.

But how much more surprised they would have been than me.

He was a priest with Aldina.

The name, for sure, should have been Rayburn. A man who met me when Noel and I were walking in the cleric's quarters - someone I once knew when I was a witch.

Uh, does that mean this is a cleric's residence?

For a while, I think we were stiffened up with each other's frightened faces.

It was Mr. Rayburn who made the next move.

When he tightened his expression, he entered the room silently, closing the door behind his back. And then his right hand was lifted.

"Ouch! There he is, there he is - hey!!

I screamed unexpectedly.

With invisible force, his whole body was squeezed.

"Hey, Ma, no, please stop!!

"You're the daughter of a luncher."

Mr. Rayburn whispered in a cold voice.

"I've been in the corridor of a settlement before.... but I didn't feel like I'd seen him anywhere since then. You weren't just a lunchbox clerk, you were a spy who'd always come into our side and keep an eye on us. Come on, tell me which spy you are."

"Ouch, it hurts, it dies!

"If you say so, you'll feel even more pain."

Mr. Rayburn's magical attacks had no mercy whatsoever.

What is this, what is this? It unfolds too fast. What's going on?

I couldn't speak properly to the bitterness of being tightened tight. Only a few question marks jump over my head. By analogy, he said he was about to confess anything that wasn't up to his word, and then he wouldn't even be able to talk about it.

"Hey, stop, untie me!

"... hmm"

When I complained in tears, I finally weakened my strength to tighten my body. Still, I can't move my hands and feet freely, so it doesn't seem to have completely solved my surgery.

Mr. Luno! It's been a few years since you've resumed, and how dare you fly me anywhere.

As he lay in bed with a rough breath on his shoulder, Mr. Rayburn walked over once. Look down at me with cold eyes and sigh lightly.

"I didn't mean for each of you to try to set up a color, did I?

Color? What's color, oh, that side of it?

No, no, no, I don't want you to interpret me in a weird direction.

Sure, if a young woman was rolling in her private room bed late at night, everyone would just imagine that aspect. But even I know about my level. That's not true.

"Me, not at all, I don't mean that!

"Then what? Briefly."

"Well, I, too, don't know what the situation is..."

"I don't mind if I try to deceive you."

Bye, witchcraft restraints are intensifying again! Give me a break!

"Wow, me, I was flown here in the art of relocation! Anything else, I'm not sure!

I don't even know how to say it well.

I tried so hard to keep it, but it didn't seem to reach Mr. Rayburn's mind.

"The inn where the witch is staying stretches so many boundaries that not even one ant can pass. There's no way you can get in with the transfer technique or anything. Why don't you just lie for the better of you anyway?

Mr. Rayburn grabbed my shoulder abusively and rolled me back with all his strength. As he peeks into my face with a gaze that shoots straight through, he reaches out his right hand to my neck.

Shit! This guy, he's a shitty guy!

Are you really a cleric?

His fingertips, as cold as his eyes were, were stretched.

I couldn't breathe and - above all, with so much fear, I couldn't speak at all.

The roots of the teeth don't fit, only the heel and ear problems sound instead.

I was silent and just stared at Mr. Rayburn as he approached me.

"... no, you, still somewhere..."

Mr. Rayburn frowned suspiciously.

Is it possible that you are about to find out that you are the previous witch? Yeah, but in this case, maybe you can make yourself safer if you find out anymore.

I don't know what it is anymore, and the thought circuit didn't work properly.

"Well, look it up and you'll see. - Stand up."

Mr. Rayburn finally stepped away from me, but now he grabbed my arm abusively and forced me to drag him off the bed. It's an unimaginable rough behavior from his delicate appearance. It may be impossible to treat a suspicious intruder delicately, but it is terrible to have done so.

What are you going to do with me, trying to ask me that, I realized I was losing my voice. Probably Mr. Rayburn's sorcery.

I don't know what to do, I'm going to be captured without excuse as it is. I was increasingly constricted and about to collapse on the spot. Of course Mr. Rayburn won't forgive me.

Being dragged out of the room, I was turned over to men like soldiers who were holding back in the hallway. I have no idea what the situation is, but this doesn't seem to be a cleric's neighborhood, with long corridors stretching from left to right that I've never seen. Why is there a Mr. Rayburn or an armed soldier in such a place?

"Dear Rayburn, this girl..."

"We've captured the intruder. Please make sure Master Ardina is safe immediately. It's hard to believe this girl could have broken in by herself, so it's possible that other people are lurking nearby. I need an immediate response."

"Ha, there it is."

Intruder, to the word, the guards corrected their spine perfectly. When it comes to me, I am captured behind my back by the soldiers, and I just drool. There was no longer any such thing as the energy to escape. Whatever you think, you can't run away.

"Please don't let this matter matter matter (oh and oh). You can't scratch Master Ardina's pilgrimage journey. Let's keep an eye on this girl in another building for now."

From what Mr. Rayburn said, the situation has somehow captured.

I see, are we on the way to Master Ardina's witch pilgrimage now?

As I once went around each church to set the 'tempo', Master Ardina must now be traveling along the same path. Speaking of which, I thought you said something about going on a second pilgrimage soon when you were previously mistaken with Mr. Rayburn. That's why it was decided as planned. Does that mean you found out where the disturbed church of 'Chi' is? Or are you on a pilgrimage, apart from correcting the 'temper'?

(Anyway, that's a hell of a thing...)

Suppose I jumped in on a line of witch pilgrimages, an outsider.

Well, it's not weird if you're not Mr. Rayburn, or if you're being overly nervous.

(Mr. Luno, how did you really throw me into this place?

As much as I thought that the only way to escape from Lady Frahamti was with Lady Ardina, he probably acted by deciding that this was the safest place for him. but if so, it was too bad between. If I cum out at this time that I'm a former witch, etc., that's not what I figured out about Mr. Rayburn.

"Look, just walk."

The guards smashed me, and I fluttered at my feet.

Mr. Rayburn's hands and feet are as heavy as lead because he is still in a state where his surgery has been applied. I don't intend to resist badly, so I'd like you to solve the procedure, but Mr. Rayburn had already left the scene to make sure Master Ardina was safe. I want you to give me a break that surgery is effective even when the surgeon leaves. That's right, the cleric Hope has the strength of magic on origami as well.

"Totally this woman, where did she get in from?"

"Thanks to you, we're gonna have a tough time too, damn it."

There are two soldiers who have been followed by me.

Even if you were hacked into a spy in the middle of a lookout, it would also involve a credibility issue as a guard. That's not why I'm sympathetic to them. This one and this one is in the middle of a dead and alive problem.

The one they took me to was a horse cabin outside the building.

Apparently, what I jumped into was an inn all over the city.

Calm down and observe, this inn looked familiar to me too. It was one of the lodgings I stopped in on my witch pilgrimage before.

Perhaps the accommodation to be used during the pilgrimage is always decided. I remember that this isn't such a big inn, but it was a beautiful little place, well served, and the perfect atmosphere for you to come with patience. Naturally, we rent out every inn while the witch stays. On top of that, they tend to disappoint the whole inn with their magical junction, so there can't usually be a gap or anything that unrelated humans sneak into.

"It's no use trying to resist."

I was poked by one of the guards and brought to the thick pillars of the stable.

There were two lightly divided spaces in the large horse cabin, and it was the one with little horses that I was allowed in now. In a dim hut where only the moonlight depended on me, I was put on a pillar with rope. It is hard for the rope to eat into the body because it was thinly worn. but you'll have to think it's just better if it wasn't under the cold skies in the middle of winter. There are no four seasons in this world as clear as Japan, and basically a refreshing climate as the end of spring.

"What do we do now?

"This woman seems to have Lady Rayburn's technique working, and she won't need two watchdogs. We'll have to look around to see if there are any other intruders from now on, so we'll have to rendezvous with the other soldiers for now."

The guards began discussing this later move.

"Okay, then I'll stay here"

"Oh, please. If I make another move, I'll be back."

One of the guards left the stable.

All that was left was me and the other guard.... I don't like it.

"So, what the hell were you up to? What kind of assassination is that?


"Look, why don't you say something"


I can't say anything if I want to. Because Mr. Rayburn can't speak because of his technique. But the guards who hadn't noticed it simply seemed to think I was ignoring them, plummeting the mood at once.

"Come on, you think the assassin lady doesn't even want to hear her mouth with a younger man like me? But, hey, you better change your mind. I don't care if you're in my mood right now."

With that said, the guards put their hands on the hem of my skirt.

Are you kidding me! Don't touch me! Die!

- I slammed my legs with the thought of a grandeur. However, the legs turned into lead do not move well and become too disguised a protest. The guard who saw it laughed out in a humble voice.

"If I were any more beautiful, I would. Well, is it the same thing when it's so dark? I'm a little short on meat."

Do whatever you want!

Or, yes, Mr. Ordis' hazard detection bracelet still doesn't activate!

I can't help but react because there was a strong bond in the inn, but now is exactly the time, isn't it, extraordinary?

I tried to move my left hand slightly while remaining tied to the pillar. - And I realized it. I don't feel the bracelet I should have worn on my left wrist. I dropped it somewhere!

(Maybe in Mr. Rayburn's bedroom?

Did it come off your wrist when you were being squeezed up by his magic? I can only assume so.

"What's the matter, no more dancing"

Niyanya and a man who laughs with a really angry face.

The royal palace has also fallen to let such a man guard Master Ardina.

The guard had been playing with my skirt hem trying to pee my footsteps for a while, but when he saw that the resistance had stopped without, he turned up his hem. When I say this disgusting thing about getting your fingers crawled into your dewy thighs! How rare they think high school girls' thighs are!

I knew I couldn't stand it and I rammed out again. In a blunt move, and still kicking the man's shin, the man screamed low and stared at this one.

"This woman takes her place. - Whoa!

The guard's fist was firmly gripped, and I assumed I would be beaten.

I closed my eyelids gently to prepare for impact, but what followed ahead of my opponent's words was a dumb scream.

Shortly after, I felt the body of a man who was blocking the moonlight disappear from my sight, and I lifted my fearful eyelids. I was just about to blow a man to the rear.

Hey, I stared at the flying giant.

Shortly after he understands what happened, the man's body is struck hard against the wall of the cabin. And it sank into a pile of straw piled high as it was. All of a sudden I can hear myself staring at a mountain of straw for something so unexpected.

"Are you okay?"

What a figure of Noel in the place where that disgraceful bastard was supposed to have stood when he shook his body and slipped his gaze. I can't see his expression as if because of the backlight, but the intense frustration comes from his voice.

(It's Noel...)

I felt too much relief, all my body's strength fall out at once.

Still, shake your head vertically without a scratch. Biting my lips off, I managed to swallow a whimper that was about to leak out of the back of my throat.

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