The Struggle of Returning to The Other World

40. Seems we can't go back

The next morning I was in a hurry.

Though I was able to relax a little in the middle of the night, I woke up completely early in the morning, I couldn't get out of the room on my own, and after I had gotten to the point of feeling, I sat back on the couch and magically waited for Noel to return.

In the end, the next door to the room opened after it was quite late in the morning as well.

It was not Noel who came, but one young woman whom I had never met. He was wearing a cleric-style piece like Mr. Sotini was wearing, so maybe he's one of Lord Ardina's offerings. In her hands like that, there was a tray with clothes, shoes, etc.

Hurry up and set yourself up, so briefly told, and then thrown into the bathroom. Shortly after resisting, the female cleric washes her head and body. I'll do it myself, what's wrong with Noel, what's going to happen now, whatever I wanted to say or hear was mountainous, but I can't afford to pinch my mouth as one.

After the bath she was about to be dressed up to her clothes, so she rushed to change from herself. I still haven't solved the restraint technique, so I broke my bones to get dressed, but not so much that I can't move at all.

The clothes provided were exactly the same piece as the female cleric who helped me with my support - apparently Mr. Quinn. I can't rest my hands, even though I lean my neck. When I managed to get dressed, I was now encouraged to move the room.

In the room they took me to, what a horrible shape Mr. Rayburn was waiting for me in.

It is like somehow I was able to stay on the spot because there were also Noel and Mr. Sotini next to me. Otherwise, he would have just turned his heel back and escaped.

"I apologize for all the horrible thoughts I had last night."

Mr. Rayburn cut his mouth as he remained on the top of the Buddha. Words and expressions don't match at all. Scary.

"From Lord Noel's story, you calmed down because you didn't seem to be the intruder who plotted the assassination. So we can't treat you like a guest, but let's change our response to you."

Noel next door makes a sinister surface to the thorny story at any rate. But you just can't seem to tell me to let go and welcome me (even though I don't want you to), and I kept my mouth shut.

Mr. Rayburn's hands then let him untie the technique of restraint, and he was finally in a position to calm down and talk.

I've summed up that story about Mr. Rayburn, which means I'm grey, and it looks like Dear Aldina is going to be "protected" and "monitored" in your line.

It is naturally Noel who has lifted my position from black to grey.

Noel didn't seem to disclose me as an ex-witch, but he seemed to have previously advised me that he had a background in thorough examination of my identity since he met with Master Ardina at lunch delivery. Turns out I can't be just a single civilian, an assassin, etc... Well, I'm sure I'm just a single civilian in the other world.

In addition, Mr. Sotini said that he also provided backup fire.

The first person to make contact with me was Mr. Sotini, who testified from me that he had nothing to do with making contact with Master Ardina. Of Mr. Sotini, I'm sure he's naturally dull to doubt me, but for one thing, I was grateful for sheltering him.

So why did I suddenly get mixed up in a line of witch pilgrimages?

He answered that Noel honestly did not know about this. From a series of circumstances, it is seen that I was flown in a relocation technique, but it is unclear who sent it for what purpose. That's why, even in the sense of monitoring me, we should act together and see how things go - it was Noel's claim.

I see, from what I've heard, it's obviously a strange claim yes.

Instead of trying to prove your innocence, you dare to keep me in a grey position, so maybe there's credibility in the story. More importantly, it would also be a high point that Master Ardina and close Noel and Mr. Sotini are all there to shelter me.

But that shouldn't have allowed me to completely wipe away my discomfort and distrust of me from Mr. Rayburn and the others. I pushed there and told Mr. Rayburn to "revamp" my treatment, so I'm sure Noel would have done something other than explain it to me that I couldn't get through.

"Well, that's why I got you that garment."

Mr. Rayburn pointed to the cleric costume I was wearing.

"You will be asked to help me work as part of the pilgrimage. I picked her up in the morning. Quinn will be your assistant, so ask her if you need anything. Confirm the details of the future."

"Yes, sir"

Noel won't say anything, so I guess there's no problem in this direction. I nodded bewildered.

"I'll just say this. Naturally, I hope you don't think Ardina will get what she wants. You may see it in the distance, but never speak to or approach Master Ardina from you."


"And one more thing, I'll add,"

Do you still have it?

"Quinn on your aide, but she is inherently a knight apprentice, and on this pilgrimage, in addition to helping Master Ardina around herself, she is also in charge of escorts. If there's a funny move, I can tell you not to forgive whoever it is, okay?

"... Yes"

Well, Mr. Quinn seems to be more of a watchman than an assistant to me.

Miraculously, Mr. Rayburn finally seemed only a little satisfied.

Yeah, it's definitely not enough to just make a fuss in vain.

Whatever it was, somehow the skin on my neck was connected.

I was quickly taken by Mr. Quinn to a room reserved for my subordinate companion.

The two of us are in one room, so they're going to be in the same room with Mr. Quinn during the pilgrimage journey. If Mr. Quinn had enjoyed the room alone so far, I was a little sorry.

"Please say anything you have trouble with. Pleasure."

Quinn, who had a slight tendency to look at her, had the impression that she was a little frightened by the flow of her body without saying whether or not she had the first, but unexpectedly showed a friendly attitude.

"Actually, I work under Master Noel at the Royal Palace. Noel told me to protect you."

Oh, my God!

More of a watchman than an assistant, and a helper from there, I think!

I feel exaggerated to have him protected, but I'm glad Noel cares.

"Well, you should explain a little bit about what's going on right now"

Mr. Quinn prompted me to sit on the edge of the bed.

Since there are no tables or sofas in this room, Mr. Quinn sits on his bed in the same way. We continued our conversation across the street.

"Mr. Hulka knows something about a witch pilgrimage."

"Ah, yes. Overview."

The truth is, overview. I'm an experienced pilgrim, on the contrary, but of course I can't answer stupid honestly.

Uh, that is.

In all, there are eight churches with 'sanctuaries' that serve as passages for 'chi'.

A journey around visiting that church one by one and setting a disturbed 'tempo' is what I know as a 'witch pilgrimage'.

After my return to the original world, all the "temperatures" in the pre-building were neat, so I think perhaps the "chi" fixing no longer matters, simply calling it a “witch pilgrimage” for witches to pray around a church with a "sanctuary".

But the truth is, any one of the eight 'sanctuaries' is really messed up. I guess that's what this witch pilgrimage is about, wanting to go to that church and secretly correct the 'temper'.

"Now, it was just the beginning of my journey. Your first destination is a city church called Kalomt, isn't it? After that, we will also be stopping at Sminase and Tenanya, so this time we will be going around all three churches"


Um, I was wondering if you would only visit one disturbed part of 'Chi' at pinpoint, or not?

The story of Master Ardina not wanting to see the disturbed church of the 'temperament' still seems true.

Then, with a total win, we head to churches everywhere for now, and try to see if we can somehow find disturbance with divine power, is that what this is all about?

"By the way, didn't you have an opinion to stop the pilgrimage?

Truth be told, that's where I was most concerned.

At a time when a disturbing molecule named me suddenly popped in, I think we would normally be talking about stopping the pilgrimage. Whatever it is, it's a matter of endangering the safety of the witch. Shouldn't one or so of you speak up once you should go back to the royal palace and re-compartmentalize?... Though not at all the in-laws I could have said.

But Mr. Quinn shook his head as he sifted.

"So far, you seem to continue like this"


Mr. Quinn smiled as troubled when he realized that I tied my lips with a subtle expression.

"I understand what Mr. Hulka is trying to say. Sure, we should pull it off once and for all. But I don't think so."


Mr. Quinn nodded and went on to say that it was just here.

I mean, this seems to be the case.

Master Ardina, as a witch, has not been able to successfully demonstrate his divine power and has been in a difficult position for a long time.

Especially these days, they've started to affect nature because they can't correct the distortion of the 'temperatures', and they've come to a point where just trying is unacceptable.

It was decided in that, the Witch Pilgrimage.

Speaking to the entity, anyway, the result is that Lady Ardina has been expelled from the royal palace. If so, we must find a distorted church of 'temperatures' for whatever it is and set the flow in order.

I just can't believe I stopped pilgrimaging after some kind of raid in such a situation that I can't go back - yeah, I can't tell you. I can tell too. The suspension of the pilgrimage becomes a decision beating that cuts off the witch life of Master Ardina.

We must succeed in this pilgrimage, even if there are enemy attacks...

Ugh, yeah, really, I've come to a bad place.

As far as I can tell, isn't it in the shape of pulling Master Ardina's leg?

As far as I'm concerned, I'd love for this pilgrimage to be a success and reassure Master Ardina.

But why can't Master Ardina use his divine powers well?

At my time, I could feel the 'pulse' without having to do anything, and I could have made it right.

Is that because I was someone from another world? In the case of witches in this world, is it difficult to freely manipulate divine power?

As I was preoccupied with my thoughts, Mr. Quinn pounded his hand as he remembered.

Speaking of which, he was a guard who tried to brutalize Mr. Hulka last night, but he was removed from the line and forcibly returned to the King's Capital.

Oh, that shameless man yesterday. Was it left to Mr Sotini to dispose of, but did it eventually fit in that way?

"The truth is, I just wanted to avoid the scandal that would have caused the pilgrimage guards to be removed. Exactly, even Master Rayburn couldn't seem to get a woman to take part in the journey as she tried to abuse her. Well, naturally. If we keep adding him and continue our journey, it's synonymous with blasphemy against God."

Ms. Quinn said that out of a slight peek of anger in her unchanging expression.

Right, it's a big problem that thugs are on the line of witches.

... but that's also what happened because I showed up on this scene. If I hadn't even shown up, even that man could have carried out his assignment in a big way without being a weird prank.

Oh, really, I'm nothing but a plague god.

I knew I shouldn't have come. Mr. Luno...... no, no, let's stop repeating our grudges already. I can't help thinking about it.

"Well, that's the way this journey is going to be reordered. Let's work together."

I'm going to reorder.

That's something I can tell you too.

I don't know what's waiting for me, but yeah, let's do our best.

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