The Struggle of Returning to The Other World

64. I met my nostalgic facial rash again

After Mr. Frahamti's office.

Close the door and stand in a long corridor with no popularity.

"Or... he's back...!

This is what senselessness means.

I accidentally squeezed both fists.

Though the past, once ridden into the land and unable to return as it were, was on the verge of being lightly traumatized.

I was able to survive Master Frahamti's office!

"Hulka, are you really glad"

While I am alone, Noel has asked me that with a still nervous voice, without breaking his serious expression.

"A year from now, if ever, he'll never miss you."

"... yeah"

I squeeze my expression, too, and nod once now.

I don't know if this was the best. But even going back to the original world like this, I must have dragged about this one. So even though it came with a one-year deadline, it can be said that it was on my own that I decided to stay here.

And that it took a lot of preparation and consideration to stay.

"But it's okay. I believe in Aldina."

"Mr. Hulka."

Master Ardina turned to me.

"I, Mr. Hulka, will do everything in my power to meet your expectations. A year from now, so that everyone can acknowledge and acknowledge me as a witch."

"Yes, please"

"… now I'm just bothering Mr. Hulka and I haven't been able to support him at all. But someday I want to be such a witch so that I can help Mr. Hulka, too. So now... keep an eye on me."

"I'm sure Master Ardina will be fine"

That was not a restful word.

Oddly enough, I can tell because I've stared at Master Ardina in a closed environment called the Pilgrimage of Witches, even as I wind up. Master Ardina had taken a step to get closer to everyone, even during the pilgrimage. I'm sure she can change from now on.

"Uh, that's why. Anyway, because I'm going to continue to live in this world for the next year. Especially to Noel, who may continue to be a nuisance... thank you."

Even as I lit up, I bowed my head toward Noel.

- But Noel's unresponsive.

Oh, what shall I do?

Could it have been against taking on a hostage-taking role after all? Or are you stunned that the bugs are too good to be "annoying, but nice to meet you" now, while you keep saying you don't rely on scattered Noel?

Raising his fearful face, unexpectedly, he bumped into Noel's expression so that he could give something away.

"... really, you stay here"


I wandered unexpectedly at that squeezing voice.

"But it's a year for now. Nothing more yet..."

"I know. But I spent every day thinking you might be gone tomorrow. - So, really, good."

What should I do?

What an answer.

I don't know. I haven't found an answer to Noel yet.

Still, I was just honestly happy now.

"I have to be serious, too."

So I couldn't react to Noel's words abruptly.

Only when Noel's gaze is directed at Master Ardina.

"Ardina, I'm sorry."

Noel faced Master Ardina directly from the front and continued his words.

"I can't keep protecting you on my side anymore. I'm going to quit as an escort."

"... Noel..."

Master Ardina called Noel's name in a fine voice.

Its beautiful face distorts, as I say it was very hurtful.

Still, bite your lips so you can hang on.

- Master Ardina nodded.

Master Ardina nodded, but I cannot accept Noel's words properly.

Isn't it a completely different story for me to stay in this world for the next year and for Noel to resign from guarding Master Ardina?

Noel must be the person needed to support Ardina, the witch.... Honestly, I have to admit it's a complicated feeling personally, but as a matter of fact it is. Not only does it protect her from thugs, but I know that for witches, an escort who will always be on your side will be a spiritual support.

"Noel, it's"

I tried to pinch my mouth, but Noel stopped me from doing so with his gaze.

"You can't keep escorting witches with the desire to protect Hulka. I'm not clever enough to do either. That's been well reminded so far."

"So, but no."

I try to argue with an upward voice, but I couldn't think of any words to follow.

"Mr. Halka, that's okay."

You didn't see me like that, and from the spicy look on your face earlier, Master Ardina raised her voice, looking blown out somewhere.

"Because everything, you deserve it. I can't thank Noel enough for supporting me so far. Sure, I wish you could continue to support me in the future... and I'm willing to hope. But it's more about Noel wanting him to move the way he thinks than it feels. So I'm fine. No, unless it's okay. Straight, on your own feet, walking away."

"Dear Ardina..."

"Besides, even if it's no longer an escort, Noel will be a good friend. One day, with Mr. Hulka, I hope so. For that matter, now is the time to work hard on your own. - So, Noel, thank you so much for everything."

That said, Master Ardina offered Noel his right hand.

Noel has a strange face and holds that hand back.

And the relationship between them was no longer witches and escort knights.

Then I decided to show my face to the magic lab.

Noel sent Master Ardina to the cleric's quarters to offer him an escort resignation on his feet, so he wanted to use the time in between to say hello to Mr. Ordis and the others.

I don't know, Mr. Ordis (bracelet of) took care of me. I have to go out early to thank you for this, and it is visible that I will be eating a storm of disgust later from Mr. Ordis.

Since the magic institute was closer to Lady Frahamti's office, Noel and Lady Ardina also dated me to the entrance to the institute. Looking at the two backs walking away from it, I'm a little curious about what they're going to talk about in the short time after this.

(to me now, even though I don't deserve to say what)

On the two smaller backs, drop a sigh.

Blurring, suddenly, the lab door opened.

It was totally up in the sky and I was amazed at all the jumping up. When I turned around with my eyes open, I opened the door to...

"Mr. Corey!

Wow, it's been a long time!

A disciple of Mr. Ordis' sorcery, he is such a gentle young man that he does not think he is engaged in that hateful belly-black sorcerer. His presence was my covert healing when Mr. Ordis was gunning for his mental strength at this institute.

"Uh, Mr. Hulka!? Surprised, long time no see, huh?

Mr. Corey is equally surprised, and smiles happily soon.

"Yes, it's been a really long time!

"Sena, the fixer, told me you were home for a while. When did you get back?

"Uh, in the meantime,"

I answer to the extent that I'm not lying, albeit in a slight panic.

Well, Mr. Corey still doesn't know that I'm a former witch. Although I've been with all the people I already know here lately, somehow I felt that was normal.

(Corey is dealing with me purely from "Hulka")

That made me sexually happy and my face burned.

"Oh, maybe you're here to see Master Ordis, aren't you? Come on in. Come in. Master Ordis would be here just now. Let's go together."

"What, but Mr. Corey, you were trying to get somewhere, weren't you?

"Mr. Ordis almost made me run for it, so I don't mind. If I had brought you back, I wouldn't have been fooled."

Mr. Corey, I don't think it's like laughing and saying.

As always, Mr. Ordis uses his men as good...

"Nevertheless, it's been a long time since Master Ordis put his face on this institute in itself. I knew you were coming, so did you go along with that? I wish you'd told me and Luna that you were back in King's Landing."

Are you meeting with Master Ordis? and tilted my neck, I laughed vaguely and misled.

Though not a rendezvous, Mr. Ordis would have stepped on it when I returned from a pilgrimage to the witch when it was time for me to show my face to him.... I knew I was glad to be here early.

Through some dusty hallway to the nostalgia lab.

Oh, I miss even this twitchy, damp air. Until a while ago, I was just going to lose my temper, because the air is going to make me feel so fragrant. I'm also seriously ill.

"Master Ordis, Luna. I brought Mr. Hulka."

Mr. Corey declared in a bright voice and opened the lab door.

Speaking of me, I peek inside over Mr. Corey's back and I'm struck by the sight again.

This room is a mess! Yes, this is it. Not at all different from before. But so is that. Because it's been a very long time since I've felt it, but it hasn't actually been that many days.

"What, Mr. Hulka?

From the piles of magic props and magic houses, it was Luna who glimpsed her face.

Big eyes a little connected to the same fluffy cat hair. Its eyes capture me and are increasingly wide open.

"Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, you Oh no. Excuse me, of course you knew Master Ordis! Otherwise, you can't be sitting in the dusty chairs of this oblique Yang lab that have been so far away lately! Yeah, but then why didn't you tell me sooner? You're the one who can't take it at all!

... You're supposed to be saying the same thing to Mr. Corey, but that's just Luna verse.

For the first time in her machine gun talk as always, nostalgia solicits again.

"Shut up, Luna"

And the boss of this room, Mr. Ordis...

His face turned to this one as he sat comfortably in his chair. A deep wrinkle is engraved between its brows. That doesn't seem to dissolve at all, even after you would have put me in your sight. What a rude person to say it's been a long time since I've seen him face to face.

Yeah, but I, it seems like I'm even a little happy to see this guy again who didn't like it so much and couldn't help it.

"Um, Mr. Ordis, it's been a while..."

Over Mr. Corey's back, greet him small.

No matter how happy you feel, you just can't have the courage to behave friendly to this Mr. Ordis opponent.

"You were late."

One word, Mr. Ordis told in a low voice, without even trying to hide his displeasure.

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