The Struggle of Returning to The Other World

67. I will do my best in New Heaven and Earth

"Sorry to keep you waiting, it's chicken meal fixing!

"Oh, it seems so."

I was able to give a plate of Hoya Hoya to the counter.

A soldier who already has a tray with a few small bowls raises his voice in the unexpected wind. Delighted to move one of the main plates from the counter to the tray, he left to cross his nose.

The dining room in the royal palace.

Now at lunch, the counter has a long line of snakes.

When I started working in this cafeteria, two months earlier.

Nowhere is the shadow of a dining room that used to be completely inhabited by idle birds.

If Senna sees it, she'll pass out too much joy, so many men with muscular bones are overflowing the wide floor.

Luxurious stained glasses and chandelier-inspired lighting have completely lurked the ringing in front of a crowd of muddy, painful men. I was wondering if this was really an institution in the royal palace, so I could lean my neck.

Rick's training at the diner doesn't seem to show up very well this way.

Previously, the menu itself was refreshed, and even though it competed with the "flavor of the muffin" received by soldiers, it was decided to keep the daily menu in three types, with an emphasis on working efficiency, and furthermore, to take the form of a fixed meal for all of them.

It seems that the reform has done its job and is as thriving as you can see.

There was one problem, though thriving.

That's -, at once, the guests' feet swelled and the dining room side was not able to deal with it.

That was the first thing I noticed the first day I started coming here.

There are too many people overflowing the counter serving food. There should have been a line at first, but as more people grow, it breaks down, and eventually a pile of musty men with no order or snare can rise up in front of the counter.

I think it would be a good idea to narrow down the menu and make it a fixed meal with a set of side menus. Instead, however, the number of plates has increased and it seems to be taking some time to set them all up in the tray.

(This might even help me)

That's what I thought, because the view of the school cafeteria came to my mind.

Whatever the difference between heaven and earth is between this royal palace and our high school, the place is the same dining room. Like a bunch of hungry boys in high school, it may not actually be the same as the sights in this dining room.

So what I suggested to Rick and the others was self-service side menus.

"Instead of preparing everything on the dining room side and then giving it to the customers, I think to some extent it would be better for the customers to prepare themselves."

"Uh... sorry, I can't specifically imagine"

To my suggestion, initially, Rick and the other cooks showed subtle reactions.

If so, it's actually quicker for you to see it.

I took the liberty of moving the long table to the wall in a dining room that was already closed and no longer popular. Rick and the others can help out quickly even though they don't know why.

"This is how you make a place apart from the counter."

At the edge of the long table, a pile of empty trays. And a box with cutlery. Next to that, a few different side menus for the day. Next to it, soup on a daily basis. Finally, water.

"We put it in line with… and the customers who come take them themselves in turn. That way, Rick and the others can focus only on serving the main plate and bread or rice."

"I see."

"Besides, customers will always walk along this long table, so nature and row will be one. One of these days the rows will swell up and screw up, which I think will prevent to some extent."

"... I see!

All right, Mr. Rick's eating is getting better in Russia.

"As for fixing meals, instead of changing the contents by fixing meals, why don't you prepare a few types from the beginning and let them choose one that they like regardless of the fixing meal they want to order? If you change the contents for each set meal, depending on how many set meals you eat, you'll have to think about the number of things to prepare."

"Ha ha, I see!"

Mr. Rick and his other cook buddies are looking at each other and nodding yeah yeah.

"You're amazing. I can think of that a lot."

"No, somewhere else, I just knew where it operated like this. It's not my idea..."

"Still awesome. Hey, I've always had a low number of customers, so I've never thought about how to operate efficiently."

Besides, I guess I never dreamed of making it a "pick it up yourself" format in a brilliant royal palace eating and drinking establishment bent over. I think it was a very thought-provoking way to just let the customer pick it up himself at the counter.

"Speaking of which, lunch delivery to the Royal Palace was originally your suggestion, wasn't it?

"Yes, well.... I've just seen that before."

"That's great too, isn't it? If you come up with anything again, don't hesitate to say it. I think there's still a lot to improve on, and I want to make this dining room a better place from now on."

Wow, I'm glad.

I do have something I can do.

"Yes! I'll do my best!

I nodded in a temper.

… to this day.

As initially expected, it is crowded but there is no disturbance in the row. While I was serving the main dish that Rick and the others had prepared at the counter, I was flattered by the sight.

I think it goes well with the lunch box at the diner.

Originally, the number of lunches was limited, so many people could not buy it even if they wanted to. So, rather, the presence of this dining room, which is a good follower of "Buy Sora Guests," may have been good for the lunch delivery side as well.

"- Yeah, that's great."

At the time the wave of guests began to pull, Senna, who had finished her lunch delivery to the training ground, was supposed to show her face in the dining room and grab lunch.

Rick, who came out of the kitchen, is also present at the table. I guess you're wondering what Senna thinks about eating her master's bribes (whatever) like every day.

"This is delicious."


"Yeah. You're actually serving it in this dining room, aren't you? I think it tastes good enough to take over the goodness of our fixer. You make a lot out of this quality."

"Oh, good."

Listening to the words, Mr. Rick lowered his chest wide.

"But you don't have to push my heartbeat, if that's all the customers in there, it's proven enough for the dining room here."

"No, but I knew it would be the best thing to do to get people to acknowledge it."

That's the kind of look Rick has on his face.

"Hehe. I've been sneaking around since the crowded hours... It feels like heaven, here."


To Senna, who grinned, Rick tilted his neck.

Unfortunately, it soon became clear to me what Mr. Senna was trying to say. Must be "heaven" in a muscular sense.

"I know it's okay to stay like this, but it's a little hard for women to get in, isn't it?"

Mr. Senna looked around as he stretched out a lot.

Though there are few people anymore, the sparse visible audience will soon be full of men, mainly knights and civilian soldiers.

"Our lunches are for sale, aren't they basically soldiers at the training ground? But the truth is, the women who work in the Royal Palace also gave me a voice that I wanted to try. I couldn't respond to that voice because I couldn't make the numbers originally...... I wonder if that's possible here in the dining room."

I see.

And me and Mr. Rick looked at each other.

"Um, but it sounds difficult, doesn't it? Like trying to decorate flowers?

"Flowers...... I wonder if a woman will come just because there are flowers."

"Like hiring good men for service?

"It's basically a dining room we have ourselves trailed here..."

Yeah, but not like this, and Senna and Rick are talking.

Easy dining room for women, huh?

"Oh, then, what about this"

I hit my hand with Pong.

"Make seats for women only."

"For women only?

Senna and Rick spoke up.

"Yes. For example, you think you're going to make the corner of that window just for women? You think if only a woman can solidify it, it will reduce her frustration a lot, don't you? The back entrance is also close there, so if the back entrance is opened as an entrance and exit, women will feel somewhat comfortable coming to the store."

"Ha ha, I see."

"The most visiting hours will be filled with just male guests, so it's probably a little early, or about now, to make a seat reserved for women only at the end of lunch," he said.

"Well, that way, you can expect to attract customers in the dull hours of your feet."

"And then, yeah. If you're going to step in a little bit more, put something sweet on after meals exclusively for women."

"Uh, like that! Me, too, but girls are weak on words like 'exclusive'."

If one idea comes to mind, the subject keeps swelling.

I don't know how far the idea will work in this dining room, but it might be worth a try.

That thought seems to have been the same for Mr. Rick.

"If I were you, I wouldn't be able to say anything to something like that about management policy. I'll tell the royal palace soon. I'm sure it's good to eat."

"Absolutely! It's boring to have a comfortable workplace full of men!

Mr. Senna slapped his hand with pleasure.

- But.

At that next moment, I felt a lonely colour floated in Senna's expression.

"... Senna?


If you peek into my face, it's already the usual Senna.

But I don't feel like flushing it off as if nothing happened.

"What's wrong with you?

Pointing directly from the front, Ms. Senna opened her eyes to her surprise and then gave her a slightly bad-ass look.

"Uh, sorry. Was I looking weird right now?

"Do you mean change? He didn't seem like Mr. Senna."


Senna shows off the look of getting lost.

Really, it doesn't seem like it.

Still, as I eventually decided on my mind, I was right to stay again, and I saw me.

"If it's Hulka, he might come up with something nice."


"About our fixer. Hey, I'm worried."


Yeah, and Senna nodded.

"Hulka, I wonder if you remember. We talked about how a fixer was harassed by his peers before."

"Huh! Really?!?

Mr. Rick raised his bare voice.

Speaking of me, of course you can't remember. That incident that has harassed our store until we hired a bad gala soldier. I was so shocked to find out it was my colleague who set me up.

"I don't have any more direct harassment. Actually, you're still a little grooved up with the other stores, aren't you? Well, we each have to make money, so I know we can't just get along on the business side. But as a buddy in the same region, you want to work together where you can, and have fun?

I was silent, I just nodded.

I didn't realize at all that your husbands, filled with things about themselves and welcoming me back brightly, remained troubled like that.

"Your husbands, too, seem to be thinking about how they might not be able to walk over. I was wondering if there was something local restaurants could do to help each other, without disturbing their interests."

To the extent that we do not disturb our interests, do we cooperate…?

(Mm, hard)

I don't have a plan that I can come up with as soon as I'm told.

The lunch delivery and the flow of the cafeteria were all taken in by the look of what was close to us. At the end of the day, it's known how high I can be just a high school girl.

(But I want to help your husbands)

Is there anything? What I can do.

"I'm sorry, Halka, for being impotent."

Senna stroked Pong and my head as she stood up after the meal.

"First and foremost, the fact that Hulka will show her face to that fixer will lead to your husbands' energy and motivation. So show him your face for real."

I couldn't honestly smile back at Senna smiling as she said so.

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