The Struggle of Returning to The Other World

6. I'm hungry for contact with women

Then for a while, peaceful days ensued.

Because of the unfounded stuff about me resembling a former witch, etc. (unfounded but true...), I got framed for being chilled around for a few days, but soon it healed too. Originally, the regulars of this fixer don't know the face of the ex-witch properly, so I guess it lacked the fun as a story.

Speaking of a little change, I could use a little help with the kitchen now.

The time is set for the restaurants to crowd each other, so they teach us all about cooking in between.

Even in the original world, I helped cook at home, so the instruction of your husbands went to my head. Instead, your husbands admired my cooking skills. Even so, it's not really a big deal that it's cooking technology. Thanks, in my world, common sense cooking tricks seem to handle a lot of cook knowledge here.

For example, when boiling the radishes down, do you want to cook the dough or add the rice together? That kind of, trivial bean knowledge. They don't do much of these things in general home cooking. Of course, cooks who set up shops like your husbands deserve those basics, but they have more professional moves that I don't know.

Well, me, I might be a pretty good daughter-in-law in this world.

Well, I'm not guessing.

That's how I enjoy my day.

But the more you get used to your life, the more you get tired of it.

- Me, how do we get back to the original world?

We need to take that place more seriously.

I'm going to get flushed every day I stick around, but I, I'm going home.

Because I'm a neat student in my third year of high school.

Although I spent the year here at the last interracial summons, it was on the exact same date and time as the day I was summoned that I returned. So maybe this time, at least to the extent of spending a year here, I'm not expecting days to pass if I go back.


It's hard to stay too far away from exam studies.

Absolutely everything, I forget. Maybe it's the math formula, but it's more heavy air than any of those exam period idiosyncrasies, obstruction, and heavy pressure. That's more important. For those of you who have lived on a critical line of crushing or not, the slightest pastoral air in this world is bad for you to reject. If I forget the air that stabs me, I'm not going to be able to take an exam, even if I go back to the original world.

But you can never fail an exam.

Now that my relatives are feeding me, I am supposed to be courteous enough to let me go to college, but if I am going to go on in me, I have decided that I will only go to national college. It's out of the question to have a private with money!

That is why it is about the way back to the original world.

I don't know what made me come this way, so I'll have to go home the way I know.

In other words, as in the previous case, the summoner will return it.

If I have to rely on them anymore, they're the only ones left.

I wanted to go home without anyone knowing I was a former witch, but I would have no choice but to do all this. Shame on you to explain the situation and have them send you back with their skill. If possible, sneak in.

Speaking of summoners I can guess, is it about Luno, the summoner who was my guardian in the last summons?

That guy's quite a freak, but, well, he shouldn't be a bad guy. I'm sure of my strength. Plus, he's a freak, so there's a chance he'll give me a light return without prying into me as an ex-witch.

Anyway, I had to get into the royal palace somehow to see him.

It's not like you're eating a gatekeeper up front. To meet Luno, instead of the entrance, he said he had to reach the deepest part of the royal palace. He's bent over, he's only a few summoners in the country, which means he's a great human national treasure level.

It will be difficult, but we have to do something about it.

So far, I'm not going to knock through the gate.

In the afternoon, as usual, I went out to the city to buy out materials.

I blur thinking about how to get into the royal palace while climbing the gentle slopes of the cobblestone.

I guess I'll have to find a collaborator. But catching an identical collaborator who will make you associate with the summoner is in itself a difficult undertaking. If such a person is to be caught, he can go see Luno in person. Oh, what shall I do?

I arrived at the store I was looking for, thinking it was hard.

It is a lovely looking, herbal specialty. All the old men are coming to our restaurant that doesn't seem to have any connection with our fixer, but chicken dishes simmering with the sheaves leaves here are one of our sign menus.

A sneak peek at the store caught my eye as a clerk sitting in a chair in the back reading a book.

"Hello -"

"Oh, there you are, Halka"

It was a girl by the name of Midi who raised her face. A girl my age, intimate on my own. Anyway, I'm the one who's always surrounded by muscular jerks. She is like a healer to me. However, since her mother is usually out in the store, I don't get to see her like this.

"Mr. Midi, you have a different vibe today than usual."

She usually gives you long hair, but she seems to be half-upping today.

"You look great, sweetie"

"Thanks. But I really wanted to make it feel more different. It was hard and impossible for me, though."

"Feeling different?

"Look, the hairstyle that Master Ardina was having at this celebratory festival the other day. It's so popular in the city right now. Don't you know Hulka?

Ho ho. Seems persistent, but mostly spending time with the old men, I wasn't keeping up with the fashion of my city daughters at all. Master Ardina's hair......, what was it like?

"Here, take the hair up there and braid it. Flush it aside and pull it together."

In Midi's explanation, I got some kind of image. Hmm, if you ask me, I feel like I had that hair.

"If it's good, me, shall we? Maybe I can."

"Oh, really?

Mr. Midi's face brightened all the time. Usually a cool Midi makes a girl's face all at once.

In this world, I guess I didn't think I could mess with my hair because I'm just unmade ponytail myself. But I also do high school girls in the original world, so it's as much your hand as knitting.

When you make braids with familiar hands, flush your hair tips sideways as you were told. Use the hairpin to stop it well, yes, stand up. Yeah, yeah, pretty good while I'm at it.

"Wow, nice! Thanks, Halka!

Midi, who was checking in the mirror to see what she could do, thanked me with a bounced voice.

"I'd like to say thank you for giving our herbs... but my parents are going to be mad at me..."

"Oh, I don't want to thank you."

"Yes, I'll give you this"

Mr. Midi removed the adorable decorations mimicking the cherry blossoms from the hair decorations he had at hand.

"These colors don't suit my red tea-like hair, but a beautiful dark hair from Hulka would be perfect. Give in a little. I'll put it on you."


On a clueless ponytail, flowers bloom.

Coming to this world, my first friend of my generation - may I say.

Glad to hear it. Let's take care of this hair decoration. Wear it every day.

I thought Master Ardina would talk about it and shake my feelings more, but it looks fine.

I breathe relief as I carefully observe my emotional movements.

I'm sure I'll never see Master Ardina again. I don't even see Noel.

The emotions that are still dull in the back of my mind will be almost gone, beautifully.

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