Oh, you're so cold today.

I carried a muffler wrapped around my neck to my mouth and exhaled softly.

If you look up, the cloudless night sky is lit with stars.

In the sky of Tokyo, I feel the number of stars is higher than usual. It will be due to the clear air in the middle of winter.


When I was called and looked back, I saw ■ ■ rushing toward me as I waved.

"You decided to meet me in front of the station. What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. Too many people are tired. I was gonna be right back."

"Damn. You don't even notice if you call your cell, so at least stay still."


"Well no. Shall we just go? I'm sure the store was this way."

I walked out quietly, holding hands very naturally.

■ ■ The hands are warm when it comes to winter. Thanks to this, it will be a good hockey replacement this season.

"Your hands are as cold as ever. You're alive, now."

"Shut up."

In front of the station on the weekends, I was a salesman and a bunch of students.

The blue light on the crosswalk flashed out, so ■ ■ said "hurry up" and ran out. I don't want to run this way, but I resent the fact that I have nothing else to run with because I'm being held back. While successfully slipping through the crowd, I managed to cross the signal and take a breath of relief.

I'll be at the store shortly.

rented out, checked the letters before opening the door.

"Uh, here I come, ■ ■ and Hulka!

"Wow, it's been a while!

"You're the last of us."

The faces that had already arrived cheered when they saw us.

Just a nostalgic face. It's been almost four years since I graduated from high school, so is that true?

"Look, come here, both of you!

Take your seats as prompted.

Apparently we were really the last, and the toast was just ready.

"Everybody ready for drinks?


"Executive, I asked for a toast greeting!

An executive who planned this reunion in the midst of a fun blur raises the beer a little lightly.

"Uh, guys, it's been a while."

"What's going on?!

"You're not a character, you!

The chill enters every word he says. Everyone smiles at how they even enjoy it.

"Well, leave the details alone. I'm seriously glad to hear that the day has come when I can drink with everyone in my high school class. I know we have a lot of stories to build up, but let's have a drink and talk about it today. So, cheers!


The small and pleasant sound of the glass sticks together.

A moment of silence while stirring the beer. Then, my applause spread.

At that time the food was brought in one after the other, so everyone tends to get more and more tense.

"No, nevertheless, it was true that Hulka was dating ■ ■. I'm a little surprised you're here with me."

Really! The girls at the same table are thriving fast.

Everyone still likes this kind of topic. But well, if a high school classmate starts dating after that, you're gonna want to hear what's up with the root dust leaf dust.

"Well, we're dating, aren't we?

"Uh, yeah, sort of."

■ ■ appeared to be slightly illuminated and replied with a delay.

"Since we started dating in college?


"You confessed from ■ ■, right? Because I've always liked Hulka since high school."

"What, really?

When I blinked and looked ■ ■, his ears slightly reddened and he raised his voice of protest.

"You guys, you can say whatever you want! What's going on with us?"

"Wow, do you want to hear it? Don't you think everyone's happy because you're happy?

Haha, and everyone laughed.

One of my classmates, who was taking the salad apart, still tries to get back to us.

"■ ■ seems to have decided to work for a trading company since spring. You did it, Harka. You can't miss him."

"What, isn't a trading company great? Looks elite."

"But you don't transfer overseas or anything?

"Um, well, it could be slow"

"Wow, then you follow me, Hulka?

"Come on, I don't know"

When I tilted my neck, he looked half serious and resentful. ■ ■ 'Cause I'm not being proposed, and I'm following you, and if you say it like it's obvious, it's kind of embarrassing.

"Where did Hulka get the job?

"I'm a school teacher"

"Heh, it looks like a Hulka! I've always been good with kids."

"Really? But it's middle school. I'm worried I'll be able to teach you properly."

"Secondary school, huh? It could be hard in adolescence or something. But ■ ■ I'm also worried that Hulka will be told by handsome boys."

"It's a crime against a junior high."

That's true, it's a crime! and receive a mysterious stand-up from everyone. Are they all drunk already?

I proceeded to drink beer with a bitter smile.

Even if we look around objectively like this, we haven't all changed at all.

■ ■ was also the type of person who had a good perception since high school and had many friends, both male and female. I don't know how that got me interested in a plain woman like me, but so far, our relationship has gone well.

My uncle and aunt had said with all our mouths that he would feel safe.

I want the two of you to feel safe soon, so I sincerely hope the time passes without anything like this.

While I'm at it, you're living a solid life.

To put it badly, life without fun.

But I also think that's fine.

Although it was the start of my life that was in the hard mode of absenteeism of my parents, I was then blessed to meet someone who graduated to college and was also able to find a proper job. I've been dating a sweet, well-deserved lover for three years now.

(If you say you're unhappy with this, you'll be punished)

Sometimes like this, I miss the old days and drink with my buddies.

I am so happy.

■ ■ has held hands under the table.

I shook that hand back and smiled.

Morning is here.

I didn't wake up very well.

Something amazing, I think I dreamed of getting tired.

A few weeks early after the festival to celebrate Master Ardina's second anniversary of the witch's inauguration was successfully concluded.

I've had the same day ever since.

The festival was really popular and I came across the subject everywhere for some time afterwards.

I also hear that many of the city's residents have come to our restaurant, which was used by soldiers of the Royal Palace. Other participating stores also seem to have stretched legs. Some of them said they added the menu to the menu as it was at the festival.

After all, it was huge that Master Ardina herself showed her face.

The effect was on me and on my daughter, who held hands with Master Ardina, and every guest asked me to shake hands while I was working in the dining room. Even though I kept shaking hands with men who seemed strong enough to shake power, I was likely to have tenosynovitis. Dear Ardina, effect, do not be afraid.

With that in mind, I wash my face and make myself comfortable.

Again today, the day begins.

At noon when I finished my work in the dining room, I took a trip to the Magic Institute.

To teach Mr. Corey and Mr. Luna magic.

My witchcraft sense, clearly, is not very good.

Still can't even bring fire to the candle.

Perhaps there is no such thing as magic to me as being a person of another world in the first place. The magic that could have been used during the witchcraft era, if you let Mr. Ordis tell you, was forced to convert "divine power," not magic.

But I enjoyed hearing lectures on magic from Corey and Luna.

Unsurprisingly, it's particularly interesting to understand Mr. Luna's story. It shows off a lot of fairly maniacal knowledge, but it's an anecdote of a sorcery dodgy set up by a servant with a tyrannical nobleman, or a talented child sorcerer who used higher-level sorcery at just five years of age, a skillful conversation on a topic that normally seems to attract the more guests the more he does in a lecture. So much so that I'd like to suggest that you think about it as a side business.

"Ah, Harka, there you are"

"There you are, Hulka"

It was Corey and - for some reason - Senna, the billboard daughter of our fixer, who welcomed me into the lab I visited on time that day.

"Oh, Mr. Senna? It's rare that you're here alone."

I also forgot to say hello, and went in with the first voice.

Because she hated magicians from before, and there was a fusi who thought of this magic institute as a nest of abandoned people. When that's also how it's not delivery or anything.

Senna, who was sitting back on a freely scattered lab couch the same as she did, looked at Corey, who looked like she was doing an investigation right on the side, and laughed at each other like she was hanging out.

Hey, what's this?


Even I have zero romantic power, I have understood.

"Actually, there was something I wanted to report to Harka, and she kept me waiting with Mr. Corey."

"What I want to report"

"You know... we're going out"


I was largely guessing, but still got a loud voice.

Because with Mr. Corey! Mr. Senna!

Oh, really!?

Moving her gaze to Mr. Corey with her eyes open, Mr. Corey nodded with a truly sunny smile.

"You promised Hulka you'd report it properly if you had a good person. That's why I wanted to tell Harka the best."


Do you remember the promise you made before?

"But since when?

"On the night that Master Ardina's festival ended. Um... well, if we talked about thanking each other and everything, that's what happened."

"Festival Day!? Hey, Mr. Corey, after that, we've been face-to-face over and over in our magic lectures! I didn't show you that bareback at all!?

"No, because Senna said she wanted to tell you from herself"

Mr. Corey excuses himself as frightened as he shields a thick book of magic.

Well, I didn't get to see Senna, so that's what happened today.

Wow, but I'm really surprised.

Sure, Senna, although I've also said something to compliment Mr Corey lately.

But, but.

"... Senna. I don't think Mr. Corey has the kind of bad body that Senna likes, but is that okay?"

Unexpectedly, Mr. Corey showed a gesture holding his chest down.

I'm sorry, Mr. Corey. I have absolutely no desire to deny you. It's just pure, I'm really curious.

"Hey there. I told you, I like a man with a strong core. Muscles are second to none.... Well, I've never been over it..."

With that said, Senna glanced at Mr. Corey for a moment.

Good luck with your muscles today, Mr. Corey.

A few days later, reporting to Rick in the dining room about Senna, he received an out-of-the-box thin reaction, "Heh, yeah," he said. Since Mr. Rick doesn't know about Mr. Corey, can't he help it?

"Weren't you very surprised?

"I mean, well, Senna, she's hot, so I guess I'd rather have been surprised if she hadn't had someone before"

The dining room hours are over, and now it's time to clean up.

Rick, who was sperm on the mop hanging on the floor, sighed with his hands unstoppable.

"More than that, I'm full of heads about my next social meeting."


Speaking of which, I'm cleaning up a lot of dishes that have been washed in place. The washing itself is very helpful as the magic props will do it until it is dry. That's just a royal palace facility, and the system is not at the same level as restaurants all over the city.

I also knew about Mr. Rick's kind of social meeting.

A month later, the king hosts a grand culinary gathering of nobles.

Rick, who showed his arm in rebuilding the dining room, seems to have been brilliantly promoted by some of the cooking members who behave at that party. For that reason, he's been looking somewhat distracted these days.

During the festival in the city, Rick thought of the menu provided by our diner as various with his husband. Some of these dishes were too elegant for a private diner to serve because of the Ardina-inspired menu. After presenting those deceased menus to the royal palace, they will be adopted as a dish at a standing dinner party… Mr. Rick, it's a big leap forward.

"Good luck, Mr. Rick. It's amazing how you wave your arms at dinner parties."

"You feel like someone else, Harka."

Somewhat resentful Rick's voice.

"No, that's not true. I said I'm here for you!

"Because of this, and Harka won't come with me?

"What are you talking about, amateurs like me are not going to do anything."

"If you're a supplier, you don't seem to have enough people, so you're welcome."

I can't go to the bathroom alone anymore, Mr. Rick. I'm a junior high school girl!

"Rick's arm was bought and I heard from you. Don't bother trying to hang luggage like me on your hips and do yourself a favor! If you're anxious to be alone, don't worry, Rick has our diner sign on his back, and he's not alone at all."

Speaking so deliberately as to thrust him away, Mr. Rick showed himself stuck in words for a long time, then nodded mysteriously.

"... well. Right. I'm sorry. I was so sorry to have the restaurant and Hulka still support me through this period."

All right, and again, now snort forcefully.

"I'm going to try my best to die. I'm going to work shamelessly for the owners and ladies of the diner and get the royal palace to recognize me."

"Yes, it is, Mr. Rick."

I got happy and slapped my hands to support Mr. Rick.

Everyone is starting to take their own path, in all sorts of places.

I can't help but realise that the time has indeed passed.

It doesn't matter if that's not a big step or a small chop. Because if we don't even stop walking, we can make sure we move forward.

What about me?

Really, even if it's just a small step, are you sure you can take your feet forward?

Aren't you just sitting there looking at your back as everyone around you goes farther and farther?

Little more time has been given to me.

You can't just walk around here forever.

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