The sun is high

Chapter 17 Rat, Rat

In addition to the three large bottles of changeling insect slime collected by Shuge, the next thing waiting for Shuge to verify were the other three materials he bought from Boss Gerald.

According to his own expectations, Xiuge first brought the three tough long tails of plains belly rats to a floor-to-ceiling cabinet close to the wall.

As Xiuge's eyes moved, the strange words sealed on one of the drawers also appeared.

"A complete belly rat with three tough long tails."

After confirming that there was no problem, Xiuge randomly found a god of Van En and prayed a few words. Then he slowly leaned forward while holding the three long tails of the belly rat coiled into a ring with his hands.

Soon, changes began to happen.

Xiuge first felt that the three long belly rat tails he was holding were trembling very irregularly. It felt as if these three tough tails had been injected with life again.

Within two seconds, Xiuge's premonition came true. He saw these three long tails slowly twisting in his palm. This feeling was a bit bad. Xiuge only felt that he was holding three special tails at this moment. snake.

He suppressed the discomfort in his heart and continued to observe the changes in front of him.

The strange line of text sealed on the drawer finally reacted. It began to sink towards the surface of the drawer and merged with the drawer itself in an instant. Then the handle of the drawer disappeared and was replaced by a large enough A black hole the size of a fist.

Xiuge was a little curious, so he bent down and tried to cast his gaze into it, but the hole was completely dark and he could not see anything.

In desperation, he had no choice but to retract his head, knowing that this was probably some weird ritual that he couldn't understand.

The three rat tails reacted more strongly to the hole than Shuge himself. They twisted their "bodies" like real snakes and clung to the surface of the cabinet, and began to cautiously approach the black hole that appeared.

In order to avoid unnecessary shock, Xiuge moved back slightly with his office chair and began to wait quietly for the next change.

Time began to pass little by little.

The ritual process this time was extremely long. Although the three living rat tails were constantly moving, they were always very "cautious" and did not immediately get into the black hole that connected the inside of the drawer. This made Xiuge was somewhat impatient.

And just when Xiuge wanted to deal with the other two things first, he suddenly heard a very slight sound.

It was like something was calling softly somewhere far away.


Xiuge raised his head in surprise, and then he saw the three belly rat long tails he had brought with him, as if they had felt some kind of call, rushing towards the black hole to "swim".


This time Shuge heard clearly.

That was the cry of some kind of rat, but before Xiuge could make any further judgment, the three long tails of the belly rat had already disappeared into the darkness one after another.

This time, Xiuge didn't dare to think about leaving. He bent down and looked seriously into the depths of the hole, quietly waiting for the next development of the situation. Then he heard a series of sounds coming from the darkness. It was as if something was biting and fighting crazily inside, and Xiuge even heard a few indistinguishable sharp screams.

This sound continued for quite some time, and finally it gradually subsided. At this moment, two small green eyes suddenly appeared in the darkness.

"Is this...a mouse?"

Xiuge looked at the two mung bean-sized eyes with some surprise. Then, he saw the two green eyes gradually approaching him. Soon, the owner of these two eyes came to the exit of the hole. at.

This is really a mouse.

A mouse that was larger than an ordinary mouse. Its body was covered with fluffy gray-black hair, and three slender tails were trailing behind it. Xiuge recognized that the three tails were clearly the long tails of the belly rat he brought with him. But now, they are "grafted" on the mouse in front of them in some way that they cannot understand!

The strange three-tailed mouse jumped to the ground. It raised its body, looked at Xiuge twice with its green eyes, and then made a strange posture.

It lay down, its three tails naturally stretched out behind it, and its head was awkwardly pressed against the ground.

"Is it bowing?"

This outrageous idea popped out of Xiuge's mind. At the same moment, he felt distinct fluctuations of magic power. His metal disc used to inscribe magic spontaneously began to rotate, with countless gears hidden in the disc. There was also an orderly sound. Under the operation of those structures that Shuge could not understand, the two metal slots closest to the center of the disk emitted a faint white light. They seemed to be eager to welcome their new arrival. Guest now.

Intuition and instinct dominated Xiuge's body at this moment. He unconsciously knelt down on one knee in front of this strange mouse, and then stretched his right hand forward.


As if it had finally received a favor, the mouse that was lying on the ground suddenly jumped up. At this moment, it exposed its huge teeth, and the sharp claws hidden in the soles of its feet poked out. It was extremely hungry. The ground fell onto Xiuge's palm and bit down hard on his index finger.

The moment the bite came, the mouse exploded into an invisible mist in front of Shuge's eyes. At the same time, an indescribable pain crawled all over Shuge's fingers, as if there were countless mice. The pain gnawing at his flesh was not as severe as the first time he received the magic inscription, but it was equally unbearable.

Fortunately, it did not last long. As the magic disk in the spiritual world continued to rotate, another groove in the innermost circle changed. Just next to the tentacle groove, a groove with black lines appeared. The drawn mouse pattern slowly emerged.

As Shuge saw with his own eyes, this rat pattern that symbolized the new magic had three extremely long tails, which coiled its body, as if it were three long snakes trying to strangle it...

The pain faded away.

Xiuge climbed up from the ground tiredly. The experience just now almost made him hallucinate.

He really felt like there were mice crawling on his body now.

"The magic power on the metal disc seems to have become more intense... From this point of view, it seems that completing other magic inscription processes can bring certain benefits to my total magic power."

After observing his own spiritual world, Xiuge became excited again: "Although the total amount of growth is still limited, judging from the current situation, this is the only way for me to learn magic in a systematic way. The only effective way to quickly gain magic power..."

With this thought in mind, Xiuge dragged his tired body, gritted his teeth and walked towards the two unprocessed items.

For him, this night was bound to be extremely long.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Shuge opened his eyes to the chime of the magic clock.

He felt that his sleepiness had merged with the ceiling of the bedroom. Once he closed his eyes, the ceiling would press towards him with a strong sense of sleepiness.

Anyone who spends a whole night in a lucid dream state that can maintain self-awareness will not be able to maintain a good spirit.

If possible, Shuge really wanted to sleep in so that he could replenish the energy he lost during the night. However, the passing of the night showed that he was one day closer to the armistice celebration.

After picking up the cup and taking two gulps of cold water, Xiuge leaned on the bed and let out a sigh of relief.

On the night that just passed, Shuge's spirit suffered an extremely severe test. He didn't know if anyone in this world besides himself would experience multiple magic-engraved rituals in one night. He only knew that this kind of The horrific process had already caused a lot of mental pressure on him. All night long, his dreams were filled with all kinds of weird and bizarre scenes.

Huge rats crawling around, long black snakes protruding from the wall, broken sewer pipes with strange smells, and a graceful woman walking towards him, covering her face with a fan...

These chaotic and broken shadows seemed to form a faint whole. While making Xiuge feel uneasy, they also revealed an unspeakable charm that made him unable to extricate himself.

Beside him, all the magical biological materials prepared before have disappeared. Only the containers containing them are still in place, and they have now brought enough benefits to Xiuge.

He fumbled around twice, and then carefully picked up two metal spheres about half a palm in size. The surface was covered with complex green lines, and on one side, there was a button-like existence.

This is what Shuge obtained in exchange for a whole basket of swamp witch hair. From the appearance, they look like some kind of one-time anti-personnel alchemical bombs, and their structure is somewhat similar to the "grenade" in Shuge's impression. Similarly, considering the poisonous properties of the swamp witches, Shuge quickly put the two alchemical creations aside carefully to prevent himself from triggering them unintentionally.

In addition to these two "alchemy bombs", the magic disk in Xiuge's spiritual world has also undergone amazing changes.

Now, in the center of the metal disk, there is a dark green crystal embedded in the disk itself. It is generally hexagonal in shape and is constantly flashing an obscure and dark light, radiating its own mystery to the surroundings. And gloomy magic.

This is what Shuge got in exchange for "offering" the set of female accessories from the Walter Kingdom.

When this piece of magic crystal was formed, Xiuge felt that his consciousness seemed to be dragged into a strange and fragrant illusion, but the figures in it, which were not naked and difficult to distinguish between men and women, all covered their faces without exception. , it seems that they are not willing to let others see their true appearance.

"Its existence has increased my magic power by more than one level, and it seems that it can directly affect my two magics embedded in the innermost grooves... I still need to conduct further tests. In any case, The increase in the total amount of magic power is a good thing, at least now I don’t have to worry about falling asleep when I use magic."

While Xiuge was thinking, he moved his gaze to another pattern that was close to the tentacle magic pattern.

Just like the black tentacles, the moment it sensed Shuge's "eyes", the mouse pattern engraved in the groove suddenly came to life. It raised its head and shook its head in the direction of Shuge. It looked like It's so naive.

"Try it?"

Shuge took a look at his relatively abundant magic power reserves, and then jumped out of bed. This time he very carefully set the place for experimenting with magic in the empty foyer.

Just like when he released magic several times before, Xiuge raised his palm, and his spirit began to converge towards the groove with the rat pattern on the disc.

With the gathering of spirits, a completely different spell-casting process emerged in Xiuge's mind, followed by a strange and strange text. With the flow of magic power, the interpretation of this strange text began to become gradually clearer. , so Xiuge followed the power of magic and slowly read it out.

"The fur will become my armor, and the sharp teeth will become my swords and guns... Your claws have become the continuation of my limbs, and your breath has become the extension of my sight... Praise the Mother Goddess, praise the Mother Goddess... Praise the Earth Mother.”

As Xiuge chanted, a dark magic power visible to the naked eye slowly condensed in his palm. Then, the dark hole that had appeared in the dream before suddenly opened in the middle of Xiuge's palm. The next moment, a strange mouse dragging three tails jumped out and jumped to the ground.

It circled in place, then stopped, raised its head and began to wait quietly for the order of its summoner.

Shuge felt a connection between himself and this magical creature.

"This seems to be something close to the legendary familiar... Well, every minute and every second it exists, it is constantly consuming my magic power. Although the consumption is very limited, at my current level , sooner or later it will be drained."

Xiuge briefly assessed the rate of loss of magic power, and then tentatively began to issue orders to the three-tailed mice.

Soon, Xiuge had tried some commands such as running, jumping, biting and even more detailed commands. Xiuge was pleasantly surprised to find that the flexibility it displayed was better than he had imagined, and he seemed to be able to do it as well. There is no need to give verbal orders, just convey some vague thoughts, and it will be able to understand and execute them quickly.

After discovering that this special mouse could even use its claws and teeth to make beautiful bows, Shuge couldn't help but become curious.

He asked: "Do you have any other work? Show it to me?"

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